Free address book, which you can keep detailed information such as phone, address, mail, site address, mobile phone, short note of the persons you want in computer environment, is a kind of organizer program. In addition, this program has a reminder feature. Birthday etc. You can also add a reminder on special days. The file contains both the exe file that you can use and the delphi source code, which you can edit. You can also print out the contact information that you saved in the program from the printer. You can also use the source files for further development or adaptation.
- Possibility to enter unlimited records.
- Important days to add alarm reminders.
- Ability to print information from the printer.
- Source codes are included.
You can edit the program as you want by making the changes you want in the program source code or you can use it to improve your knowledge by getting information about the source code. Or you can use the program's running .exe application as a calendar.
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