Delphi Objects

Delphi Objects

Object-oriented programming means working with objects. Each visual element in a windows program is an object. In the beginning, windows windows (delphideki forms) are objects. Forms contain other windows objects inside them.

Delphi has a very large control library. The elements of this library are grouped in the component palette. These groups are: Standard, Additional, Win32 ekran in the top right corner of the delphi screen. It is possible to see the object repertoire in the picture below.

Threat Object

Information can be entered are objects.

If AutoSelect TRUE focus is made with the tab key, the information inside the edit is selected.

AutoSize TRUE changes the size of the edit when the font in the edit changes.

If CanUndo is TRUE, the previous post can be undone.

The articles in CharCase Edit can be capitalized.

If HideSelection is TRUE, the selected text disappears when the edit is lost.

SelStart Indicates the chances of starting from the character.

SelLength Indicates how many characters are selected.

SelText Shows the selected characters.

SelectAll selects the entire text in the edit.

Clear Edit clears the text.

ClearSelection Deletes the selected part.

MaxLength Edite shows how many characters can be entered.

Modified Edit takes TRUE when a change occurs

Characters in edit cannot be changed if RaadOnly is TRUE

Shows the text in Text Edit.

Returns the number of characters in GetLenText Edit.

CopyToClipboard Copies the text in the clipboard.

CutToClipboard Edit copies the text in a clipboard and clears the edit.

PasteFromClipboard Copies text on clipboard

 TLabel Object

The TLabel object is used for tag posts.

Transparent TRUE makes the background of the label visible (transparent).

FocusControl Indicates who to switch focus to if a hotkey is defined.

WordRap Makes the label on the label to move to a bottom line if it exceeds the size of the label.

If ShowAccelChar is TRUE, the character marked & & quot; is shown as underlined,

used as a shortcut key.

The TMemo Object

Multi-line information entries are made of objects.

Alignment Enables the numbers in the Memo to be displayed left to right.

Lines Used to learn and modify lines in the breast.

Memo1.Lines [5]: = [I love you M; Expression on line 6 writes I love you.

memo1.lines.strings [6]: = 'I'; The expression I write on the 7th line.

Lines.Count Returns the number of rows in the memo.

Lines.Add inserts rows into the memo. Memo1.Lines.Add (‘Love is beautiful L);

Lines.Insert Inserts rows in between. Memo1.Lines.Insert (3, ert Do you love ines);

Lines.Exchanges Replaces two lines. memo1.lines.exchanges (4,6);

Lines.Move Replaces the line. A (2,3);

Lines.IndexOf Returns the value of the given value in the memo. Returns -1 if no value is found.

memo1.lines.ındexof ( 'I');

Lines.SaveToFile Saves the text in the file to the file. memo1.lines.savetofil A ( 'Deneme.txt');

Lines.LoadFromFile uploads information from Memoya file. memo1.loadfromfil A ( 'Autexec.bat');

If WantReturn is TRUE, the enter key moves the cursor to a bottom line

The WantTab Tab key is normally used to move objects on the form. If it gets TRUE, it loses this property and starts to be used in the memo.

ScrollBars Memo inserts scroll posts when the text does not fit in the memo.

TButton Object

Command buttons.

If Cancel is TRUE the cancel key is used for this button.

If Default is TRUE, enter key is used for this button.

The ModalResult Button may return various results when pressed. Different commands can work depending on the selected.

TCheckBox Object

Option boxes.

AllowGrayed TRUE allows CheckBox to be grayed out.

Checked is TRUE if approved.

State to learn, change the status of CheckBox.


They are option boxes in the form of radio button. Only one of the same carriers can be marked.


It serves to list certain elements.

Column Indicates how many columns the elements are to be sorted.

ExtendedSelect TRUE allows you to select more than one element.

Items are used to learn and modify the elements in the list. tlistbox1.ıtems [3]: = 'Delphi';

Item.Add Allows addition of new elements. ListBox1.Items.Add ( 'mamy');

Adds items.Insert Interleave element. ListBox1.Items.Insert (7, tem Istanbul ox);

Items.Count Returns the number of elements.

Items.ItemIndex Returns the index of the selected object.

TopIndex is used to learn and change the index of the top element on the screen.

listbox1.topındex: = 3;

Items.IndexOf Returns what the given element is. listbox1.ıtem.ındexof ( 'Mami');

Items.Move Replaces the element. Items.Move (4, 7); 4th line moves to 7th line.

Deletes the Items.Delete Element. listbox1.ıtems.delet to (9);

Items.Exchange Replaces two items. listbox1.ıtems.exchang to (5,2);

Items.LoadFromFile Loads the elements from the file. listbox1.ıtems.loadfromfil A ( 'Deneme.txt');

Items.SaveToFile Saves the elements to the file. listbox1.ıtems.savetofil A ( 'Dersler.dat');

If the IntegralHeight is TRUE, the element is all displayed. A split, half screen is closed.

ItemHeight Specifies the height of the elements. Style property must be lbOwnerDrawFixed

MultiSelect allows for multiple selection if TRUE.

Style gives you how to show elements.

Standard: All elements are the same height.

lbOwnerDrawFixed: All elements can be edited with ItemHeight with the same height.

lbOwnerDrawVariable: Elements can be adjusted at different heights.

SelCount Returns how many elements are selected in multiple selections.

Selected Queries whether a specific element is selected. Like Selected [7].

Sorted Lists the elements in sequence.


The drop-down list box is.

DropDownCount Defines the list of how many lines the ComboBox opens.

MaximumLength Returns the maximum length of elements.

Style Specifies the type of ComboBox.

Items are the same as in TListBox.

Returns the selected element of the Text ComboBox.


Group objects. The carrier is an object. For example, if this object is deleted, it is deleted in the objects.



A flat carrier is an object.


It is used to group RadioButtons.

Items. Buttons can be added with this feature.

ItemIndex Returns the index of the checked element

Colums Specifies how many columns of elements will be aligned.


The form is like a carrier object. However, Frameler can be used in other forms as a new object. They can't be used alone. New Frame is selected from the File menu to create a new frame. Once the frame is created and saved, it can be used with the TFrame object from the component palette. So first you create Frame. must. All properties are like forms.


It is an object that hosts certain commands. The same commands make things easier if it is used in various places. Double-click on the window that opens when you can choose your own commands or defined commands. To use these commands, simply specify them in the Action section of the objects.


The main menu is the object to create. When you double click or click on the Items feature, menus are defined from the pop-up window. Enables the use of icons selected with the ImageList property with the TImageList object.


This object allows you to collect various icons, images, and use them on objects that can be used as icons. When you double-click, icons can be selected from the pop-up window. The width and height of the icons can be adjusted. If you specify in the ImageList property of objects that can be used in Image (for example, menus, speedbuttons), the first image is automatically assigned to the first element and the next image is automatically assigned to the next element.

You can change it later if you want.