Sapphire Picture Convert and Create Thumbnail

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Thumbnails are scaled-down versions of larger photographs, useful for conserving screen space on a Web page or visually scanning a photo archive for a specific shot. They don't have a standard size thumbnails for a portfolio might be much larger than thumbnails for your LinkedIn profile. Facebook, for instance, uses three thumbnail dimensions, depending on where your image appears. 

With this program, resize the pictures and create thumbnails also convert it to jpg-bmp images.

Main Features

  • Resize Multi Images.
  • Create Thumbnail Multi Images.
  • Convert multiple image files from JPG to BMP.
  • Convert multiple image files from BMP to JPG.

Download File Includes:

  • The Application.
  • User Guide.
  • Denizci Kaptan
    Güzel bir program, toplu ürün girişi için resimleri toplu boyutlandırdım çok işime yaradı.
    3 Jahre zuvor
  • Sevda Karaca
    Çok pratik ve kullanışlı bir uygulama
    4 Jahre zuvor

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