Safir Medya RSS Feeds - Program & Source Code Safir Medya RSS Feeds - Program & Source Code en Copyright 2021 Safir Medya - All Rights Reserved. WooCommerce Sipariş Ayrıntıları

✔ Price: 0

WooCommerce Sipariş Ayrıntıları, Müşterilerinizin tüm sipariş ayrıntılarını tek bir sayfada görselleştirmesine olanak tanıyan güzel ve temiz bir stil vererek Hesabım -> Siparişler sayfasını geliştirir!

(Mağaza yöneticisi hesabı)
kullanıcı: demo
geçişi: demo


Otomatik güncellemeleri almak için Envato güncelleyici eklentisini kurun ve yapılandırın: .Nasıl yapılandırılacağını açıklayan resmi kılavuz aşağıdaki bağlantıda bulunabilir: .


Sadece eklentiyi kurun ve … hazırsınız! :) Kurulduktan sonra, Hesaplarım -> Siparişler sayfasını otomatik olarak geliştirecektir. Her sipariş için, kullanıcı, herhangi bir yere gitmeden tüm sipariş verilerini bir tabloda görüntülemeye izin veren bir ok simgesi bulacaktır.


Sipariş ayrıntıları tablosunda aşağıdaki veriler görüntülenecektir

  1. Ürün verileri: Resim, fiyat, vergiler
  2. Kargo ücretleri
  3. ücretler
  4. geri ödemeler
  5. ara toplamlar
  6. toplamlar
  7. Fatura ve Teslimat adresleri


Özel [wcod_order_details] kısa kodu , kullanıcının yalnızca kimliği yazarak herhangi bir siparişi izleyebileceği bir form oluşturacaktır!


WooCommerce Gönderi Takibinin kurulu olması durumunda , sipariş ayrıntıları tablosunda takip bilgileri görüntülenecektir.


WooCommerce AfterShip'in kurulu olması durumunda , sipariş ayrıntıları tablosunda takip bilgileri görüntülenecektir.


Sipariş Listesi

Sipariş ayrıntıları tablosu



WooCommerce Gönderi Takibi desteği


WooCommerce AfterShip desteği


[wcod_order_details] Kısa kod iş başında


Wed, 30 Mar 2022 22:18:09 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Admin Ürün Kategori Filtreleme

✔ Price: 70

Admin Panel yani yönetim panelinde ürünleri listelediğimizde bazen sadece istediğimiz kategorideki ürünlerin listelenmesini isteriz. Ancak Opencart için böyle bir seçenek yoktur. İşte bu modül sadece istediğimiz kategorideki ürünleri filtrelememize yarayan bir modül. 

Uyumlu Opencart Sürümleri: Opencart 2.X, Opencart 3.X

KURULUM: Opencart Admin Panelden, Eklentiler - Eklenti Yükle sayfasına gelin ve Dosya Yükle butonu ile indirmiş olduğunuz dosyayı seçin. Eklenti otomatik olarak yüklenecektir.  Daha sonra Eklentiler - Modifikasyonlar alanına gelerek Sağ Üstteki YENİLE butonuna basın. Yükleme işlemi bitmiştir. Artık modülü rahatlıkla kullanabilirsiniz. 

Kaynak :

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 02:13:50 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Unique Item Code Module

✔ Price: 100

One of the main points to be considered while adding a product in the Opencart system is the field defined as the product model code, in fact the identity of the product. Whether for batch product import, export, updates, or batch operations, this code is based on. While this code is issued, giving the same code to several products can cause problems, so it is important that it is unique.

This module automatically does this for you, that is, when you start the Add New Product process in the Administration Panel, it automatically creates a unique product code and fills it in the product code field.

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 01:44:01 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Quick Product Editing Module

✔ Price: 100

Thanks to Opencart Quick Product Editing Module; When you install the module, a Quick Edit button is added to the end of each product line in the products list. By using this Quick Edit button on the Products page, you can quickly edit and save the Product Name - Product Code - Price - Stock Quantity - Sales Status and Category without opening the product edit content.

Compatible Versions: 2.X, 3.X,,,,,,,,,, 3.0. 3.6,,

INSTALLATION: From the Opencart Admin Panel, go to the Plugins - Install Plugin page and select the file you downloaded with the File Upload button. The plugin will be installed automatically.

Then come to the Add-ons - Modifications area and press the RENEW button on the Top Right. The upload is finished. Now, when you list the products in the Products menu, you will see the Quick Edit button, you can use it easily.

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 01:22:07 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart 2X ve Opencart 3X Iyzico Sanal Pos Modülü

✔ Price: 0

iyzico Opencart modülü, yalın opencart (eklentisiz) kurulumu üzerinde geliştirilip test edilmiştir. Kurulum yaparken mutlaka bu uyarıyı dikkate alınız.

Opencart altyapınıza göre aşağıdaki bölümden versiyonunuzu seçerek, modül kurulum yönergelerini takip edebilirsiniz.

Opencart 3.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Aşamaları

iyzico Ödeme Formu ve iyzico ile Öde olmak üzere 2 adet iyzico Opencart 3.x modülü vardır. Her iki modülü de sitenize kurmanız gerekmektedir.

Opencart 3.x iyzico Modül İndirme Linkleri
Opencart 3.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Dokümanları

Opencart 3.x - iyzico Ödeme Formu modülünün kurulum dokümantasyonunu buraya tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

Opencart 3.x - iyzico ile Öde modülünün entegrasyonunu videomuzu izleyerek gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.

Opencart 2.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Aşamaları

iyzico Ödeme Formu ve iyzico ile Öde olmak üzere 2 adet iyzico Opencart 2.x modülü vardır. Her iki modülü de sitenize kurmanız gerekmektedir.

Opencart 2.x iyzico Modül İndirme Linkleri
Opencart 2.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Dokümanları

Opencart 2.x - iyzico Ödeme Formu modülünün kurulum dokümantasyonunu buraya tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

Opencart 2.x - iyzico ile Öde modülünün kurulum dokümantasyonunu buraya tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

Opencart Temalarını İncelemek İçin Tıklayın

Sun, 20 Feb 2022 21:35:21 +0300 Safirmedya
Web Push Bildirimi - Web Push Notification

✔ Price: 0

Sat, 05 Feb 2022 01:40:31 +0300 Safirmedya
SEO Url and Slug Auto Complete OCMod

✔ Price: 50

While this extension fills in fields such as Products, Categories, Manufacturers and Information Pages, filling the Seo URL is very challenging as it requires no Turkish characters and spaces.
If you don't want to spend time filling in Seo URL also called Slug when you fill in Product name, Category name, Manufacturer Brand name and Page information. This module will help you do that.

This module automatically gets the name of the product, category, manufacturer and page information and automatically generates the Seo URL and populates the SEO Keyword fields by replacing spaces, characters with slashes or dashes ( - ).

EXAMPLE: Product Name: Sony Led TV Perfect ===> Seo Url (Slug) = sony-led-tv-perfect (auto-filled as)


=> Automatically generate SEO URL for products.
=> Automatically generate SEO URL for categories.
=> Automatically generate SEO URL for manufacturers.
=> Automatically generate SEO URL for information.
=> Supports multiple languages.
=> Enable/Disable 'Seo URL Autofill [OCMOD]' Module on admin side
=> Easy to Install => It will run automatically.

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 20:19:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Mediabay - WordPress Media Library Folders

✔ Price: 20

Manage thousands of media files and folders in your WordPress media library swiftly and smoothly! A breakthrough in WordPress media library management and organization.


There are several ways professionals are using the Mediabay file manager plugin to organize their WordPress content:

  • Keep all of your media files organized in folders and subfolders, including photos, videos, and music.
  • Bloggers: manage your own content with ease with this file manager plugin. Never get confused again – organize photos and content by topics, categories, and/or dates.

Note: adding a image into a folder will not change its URL.


It’s rather simple really – once you install the plugin, you can begin using it. If you’re a content creator, you can upload text, images, videos, and audio at the click of a button. Then you can organize everything you upload into neat subfolders. For instance, you can create a media folder, content folder, and image folder, then have them all organized by date. It has a drag and drop interface, making it user-friendly for everyone. It’s like having your own media library at your own disposal. You can create this media library for yourself or others – it’s perfect for website owners and content professionals!


  • Create new folders
  • Create and organize subfolders
  • Drag and drop media
  • Drag and drop folders, change order, and hierarchy
  • Bulk select images and media files and drag them to any folder
  • Rename folders
  • Delete folders
  • Clear folders
  • Easily see subfolders within each file
  • Resize folders menu
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:23:54 +0300 Safirmedya
WooCommerce LookBook - Shop by Instagram - Shoppable with Product Tags

✔ Price: 200

WooCommerce Lookbook allows you to create realistic lookbooks of your products. Your customers can buy products from Instagram images or any images. Help your customers visualize what they purchase from you.


Main features: 

  • Instagram: Images is synced and taggable with product.
  • Lookbooks: Create unlimited lookbooks with pictures and your WooCommerce products.
  • Nodes: Use nodes to marks products on pictures.
  • Slides: Link different lookbooks into slides
  • Shortcodes: use shortcode to put your lookbooks or sliders anywhere you want on your site.
  • Quickview: display product names, price, short descriptions on a pop-up right in lookbook/slide.
  • Lookbook in single product page: Automatical display lookbooks which included the product in its own product page.
  • Redirect to single product pages: Select to display quick view pop-up or redirect to single product pages when clicking on nodes.
  • Redirect to external link: Select to redirect to external links with External/Affiliate products instead of opening single product pages.
  • Support RTL fully

Design: WooCommerce Lookbook can be fully designed, and can fit with any theme/website.

Node Customization:

  • 3 node icon style.
  • Change node color, background color, border color.
  • Show/Hide product title on nodes.
  • Change title color, background color.

Slide Customization:

  • Change slide Width/Height.
  • 2 slide changing effects.
  • Manually changing slide with Slide Pagination/Slide Navigation.
  • Automatically changing slide with a selected duration.

Quickview Customization:

  • 11 available loading icons.
  • Customize quickview popup text color, background color.
  • Change border radius
  • Show/Hide Close button.
  • Show/Hide see more button (redirect to the single product page)

Lookbook on single product pages:

  • Show/Hide lookbooks or slides on each product page.
  • Select lookbook position.
  • Select lookbook to display.
  • Configure Align with 3 options.

Custom CSS: add your own custom CSS to change the front-end of the plugin like you want.

Plugin update automatically: You can use only update automatically in support time that is working



Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:35:33 +0300 Safirmedya
Delphi İle Step Motor Demosu

✔ Price: 0

Bu program, tek kutuplu ve çift kutuplu kademeli motorların temel çalışmasını gösterir. Ek olarak bir çevirmen, osilatör ve indeksleyici demoları vardır.

Bu ekran, tek kutuplu step motorun ilk ekranıdır. Programda açmak veya kapatmak için anahtarlara tıklayabilirsiniz. Bu şekilde, motorun sargılarından geçen akım kontrol edilir. Doğru sırada geçiş yaparsanız, rotor döner.

Unipolar Stepping Motor'daki akım, bobinlerin yalnızca bir veya ikisinden geçer. Motor sargılarının yarısı kullanılmıyor.

Avantajı ise, çok basit bir sürücüdür; bir PLC'nin dört çıkışı ile kontrol edilebilir. Dezavantajları düşük performanstır.

Bu demodaki motor, dünyadaki en temel step motordur. Bir pusulanın etrafına dört küçük elektromıknatıs yerleştirerek bunu başarabilirsiniz.

Lamba sadece 12 Volt olup olmadığını kontrol etmek içindir.

Bir step motorun bir konuma gitmesi gerektiğinde, bir indeksleyiciye ihtiyacımız var. Bir indeksleyici ile kesin sayıda puls üretebiliriz. Ayrıca rampa otomatik olarak yapılır. Demodaki bunun gibi sadece tek bir hareket yapabilen bir indeksleyici, artık nadiren bulunur.

Şimdi "Hareket Kontrolörüne" sahibiz. Hareket kontrolörü, sofistike bir indeksleyicidir. Sadece birçok konuma gidemez, aynı zamanda girişlere tepki verebilir ve çıkışları açıp kapatabilir. Hareket mesafesini ayarlamak için BCD anahtarlarını kullanın.

Bipolar step motor, Translator ve Osilatör olmak üzere 3 ekran daha vardır. Hepsini burada göstererek İnternet bağlantınızı aşırı yüklemeyeceğim. Onları görmek isterseniz programı indirebilirsiniz. Programın delphi kaynak kodları vardır.

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 01:50:41 +0300 Safirmedya
HTML Link Grabber - Link Yakalama Uygulaması

✔ Price: 0

Bu program, bir HTML sayfasından tüm bağlantıları çekebilirsiniz. İki veya üç tane varsa elle yapabilirsiniz, ancak çok daha fazla olduğunda elle tek tek eklemek çok zordur. 

Program iki "geçişte" çalışır. İlk geçişte HTML dosyası okunur ve "<a" ile başlayan ve "a>" ile biten satırlara sahip bir dosyaya dönüştürülür. İkinci geçişte bağlantının tam URL'si ve adı aranır.

Program internette doğrudan çalışmıyor ve local html dosyadan linkleri çekiyor. Ama bunu isterseniz internetten çalışacak şekilde geliştirebilirsiniz. Dosyanın tüm satırları okunur ve "<a" bulunur bulunmaz; karakterler bir arabelleğe kaydedilir. Bu "<a" dan önceki tüm karakterler satırdan silinir. Arabelleğin doldurulması sırasında program "a>" kapanış etiketini arar. Kapanış etiketi bulunduğunda, ara bellek nota eklenir ve sonraki satır için boş bırakılır.

HTML dosyasının sonraki satırı, önceki satırın geri kalanına eklenir. Bu, bir bağlantı birden çok satıra yerleştirildiğinde veya birden çok bağlantı tek bir satıra yerleştirildiğinde sorunları önlemek için yapılır.

1 İlk Çalışma:

Tüm dosya tamamlandığında, notta tüm satırlar görünür. Durum çubuğu bir satır numarası sayacı gösterir. Ek olarak, not otomatik olarak bir "urlsave.txt" dosyasına kaydedilir. Her satırın sonuna bir <br /> etiketi eklenir.

2. İkinci Aşama:

Programda içeriği değiştirilebilen seçenekler vardır; nottaki satırları sıralayabilir. Önceden kaydedilen "urlsave.txt" satırları işlenir. İlk adım, "HREF" i aramaktır. Bulunduğunda, URL çıkarılır. Daha sonra program bir "IMG" etiketi arar. Bulunursa, "ALT" etiketinin metni URL adı için kullanılır. "ALT" etiketi yoksa bunun için resmin adı kullanılır. "IMG" olmayan bir satırda "<" ve ">" arasındaki metin alınır. URL ve ad alanı arasına ayırıcı olarak bir virgül yerleştirilir.

Programın çıktısını kullanılabilir hale getirmek için, Dosya menüsünden bir CSV dosyası olarak kaydedilebilir. Bu, virgülle ayrılmış alanlara sahip basit bir ASCII dosyasıdır. Bu programda yalnızca iki alan vardır, URL ve URL'nin adı.

CSV dosyası, çift URL'lerin kontrol edilmesi gibi daha ileri işlemler için bir veritabanı programı tarafından içe aktarılabilir. Her şey yolunda olduğunda, bir HTML sayfası yapmak için bir programa aktarılabilir.

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 01:11:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Recipes Program

✔ Price: 5

You can add your own recipes to the program that has many recipes. You can delete recipes you don't like, or make changes. The program consists of categories, recipe titles, materials used and description details.

The recipes category is divided into categories, you can filter according to the category you want and you can easily access the tariff you want by searching on the food name. You can also navigate between recipes with Forward and Back keys.

In the settings section of the program, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner time setting is available. You can set these hours at your own time, so that you can alert at that time. In this way, you recall that it is time to prepare recipes and prepare meals, and you will eat in time. Reading recipe Editing recipes Adding new recipes Filtering recipes by category or name Alarming at the time you set before breakfast, lunch and dinner time.


Sat, 20 Feb 2021 17:38:10 +0300 Safirmedya
Sapphire Picture Convert and Create Thumbnail

✔ Price: 50

Thumbnails are scaled-down versions of larger photographs, useful for conserving screen space on a Web page or visually scanning a photo archive for a specific shot. They don't have a standard size thumbnails for a portfolio might be much larger than thumbnails for your LinkedIn profile. Facebook, for instance, uses three thumbnail dimensions, depending on where your image appears. 

With this program, resize the pictures and create thumbnails also convert it to jpg-bmp images.

Main Features

  • Resize Multi Images.
  • Create Thumbnail Multi Images.
  • Convert multiple image files from JPG to BMP.
  • Convert multiple image files from BMP to JPG.

Download File Includes:

  • The Application.
  • User Guide.
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:31:10 +0300 Safirmedya
Safir Font Tracing Font Monitoring Program

✔ Price: 5

Photoshop etc. applications or word, excell, powerpoint etc. font programs, font selection, color selection and so on. especially if the font archive of our computer is crowded, it is sometimes very annoying to find the font we are looking for.

Of course there is a difficulty in choosing a font. In practice - most of the time - when we change the font, we cannot see the change instantly. So, in order to be able to see the font we choose, we need to write a new article, or close the application and reopen it. Which font to use, I wonder if he can push us a little while thinking.

Here we offer a very nice and fairly simple program to help you with this. The program is very simple to use, you can see all the fonts on your computer, and you can instantly see how any text you appear. You can also quickly scroll through the fonts to see a preview of all your fonts.


Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:18:53 +0300 Safirmedya
Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets &#45; COVID&#45;19 Coronavirus Map, Table &amp;amp; Stats Widgets

✔ Price: 0

Coronavirus Cases Tracker Plugin is used to display Coronavirus(COVID-19) outbreak live Updates in WordPress page/posts/widgets section.

Using this plugin you can display particular country data or global data. With the help of shortcode, You can represent total Infected, Deaths, Recovered, Unresolved, New Cases Today, New Deaths Today in WordPress.

This plugin also provides 4 different layouts(Map, Table, Chart, Text) to display coronavirus outbreak data. You can also set the custom background and font color according to your theme.

Use this shortcode in your page or post
[cvct country-code="all" style="style-4"   title="Global Stats"]
Card layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct country-code="all" style="style-2" title="Global Stats" label-total="Total Cases" label-deaths="Deaths" label-active="Active Cases"  label-recovered="Recovered" bg-color="#DDDDDD" font-color="#000"]
  • country-code = all/particular country eg:US,IN etc. (By default it show the all country data.)
  • style = style-1 / style-2 / style-3 / style-4 / style-5 / style-6 (You can select styles according to your choice)
  • title = Any text here… (You Can Change the title name and by default it take Global Stats.)
  • label-total = Any text here… (By Default, it set Total cases text)
  • label-deaths = Any text here… (By Default it set Deaths text.)
  • label-active = Any text here… (By Default it set Active Cases text.)
  • label-recovered = Any text here… (By Default it set New Recovered text.)
  • bg-color = Any Color here… (Using this attribute You Can change background color.)
  • font-color = Any Color here… (Using this attribute You Can change font color.)
Table layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct-tbl layout="layout-1" show="10"]
  • layout=layout-1/layout-2 :-By Default it set layout1
  • show=Number of countries stats:-It is used to show number of countries data.
Simple Text shortcodes & settings
  • The total number of confirmed cases reached
    [cvct-text field="confirmed"]
  • This shortcode is used to display The current recovery rate.
    [cvct-text field="recoverd-per"]
  • This is used to display patients have recovered.
    [cvct-text field="recoverd"]
  • This shortcode is used to display The died people data.
    [cvct-text field="death"]
  • This shortcode is used to display the rate of died people.
    [cvct-text field="death-per"] 
  • This shortcode is used to display active cases.
    [cvct-text field="active"]
  • This shortcode is used to display rate of active cases.
    [cvct-text field="active-per"]
Chart layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct-charts title="COVID-19 Total Cases Stats" width="700" height="450"]
  • title = Any text here… (You Can Change the title name and by default it take COVID-19 Total Cases Stats.)
  • width = Specify the width of chart (using this attribute you can change the width of chart.)
  • height = Specify the height of chart (using this attribute you can change the width of chart.)
Map layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct-maps title="Global stats" show-list="yes"]
  • title = Any text here… (You Can Change the title name and by default it set COVID-19 Spread Data.)
  • show-list = Used to display the list or not (By default it set the yes.)
Here is the list of supported countries

Country Name Country Code
Afghanistan AF
Albania AL
Algeria DZ
Angola AO
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahamas BS
Bangladesh BD
Belarus BY
Belgium BE
Belize BZ
Benin BJ
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BO
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW
Brazil BR
Brunei Darussalam BN
Bulgaria BG
Burkina Faso BF
Burundi BI
Cambodia KH
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Central African Republic CF
Chad TD
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Congo CG
Costa Rica CR
Croatia HR
Cuba CU
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic CZ
DR Congo CD
Denmark DK
Diamond Princess DP
Djibouti DJ
Dominican Republic DO
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador SV
Equatorial Guinea GQ
Eritrea ER
Estonia EE
Ethiopia ET
Falkland Islands FK
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana GF
French Southern Territories TF
Gabon GA
Gambia GM
Georgia GE
Germany DE
Ghana GH
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Guatemala GT
Guinea GN
Guinea-Bissau GW
Guyana GY
Haiti HT
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Iceland IS
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iran IR
Iraq IQ
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT
Ivory Coast CI
Jamaica JM
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
North Korea KP
Republic of Kosovo XK
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Lao LA
Latvia LV
Lebanon LB
Lesotho LS
Liberia LR
Libya LY
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MG
Malawi MW
Malaysia MY
Mali ML
Mauritania MR
Mexico MX
Moldova MD
Mongolia MN
Montenegro ME
Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ
Myanmar MM
Namibia NA
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Niger NE
Nigeria NG
Norway NO
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palestine PS
Panama PA
Papua New Guinea PG
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Romania RO
Russia RU
Rwanda RW
Saudi Arabia SA
Senegal SN
Serbia RS
Sierra Leone SL
Singapore SG
Slovakia SK
Slovenia SI
Solomon Islands SB
Somalia SO
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
South Sudan SS
Spain ES
Sri Lanka LK
Sudan SD
Suriname SR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ
Swaziland SZ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Syrian Arab Republic SY
Taiwan TW
Tajikistan TJ
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
Timor-Leste TL
Togo TG
Trinidad and Tobago TT
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
Uganda UG
Ukraine UA
United Kingdom GB
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu VU
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Western Sahara EH
Yemen YE
Zambia ZM
Zimbabwe ZW


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 1 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 2

Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 3 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 4 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 5


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 6 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 7 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 8


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 9


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 10

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 13:42:06 +0300 Safirmedya
Events &#45; iOS Universal Events App Template (Swift)

✔ Price: 580

Events is a full app template for you to create your own mobile iOS app to store and share events all over the world. Users can submit new events to you and you can approve them by changing a value in the isPending field in your Parse Dashboard on back{4}app.

Attention: The product is absolutely original licensed. One will be sold with the purchase-license-code.

Since its backend is by Parse Server, you don’t have to buy any domain/hosting, there are NO php files to upload to a web server so you’ll save some money for server side.

You may also use the Adminca Panel as a great alternative to insert/edit data in your Parse Dashboard, after you’ll create your app on back4app, create a free account on and create a new Panel, choose self-hosted Parse server and paste your Host, Application ID and Master Key in the relative fields (you can find them into Core Settings of your back4app panel) 

Events has a button to automatically add an event on your native iOS Calendar app, open its address in Maps (to get directions) and share it on Facebook, Twitter or other apps installed on your device. It also checks if an event has ended by the date you’ll open up such event, showing you that it is passed. 

It is written in Swift, easy to customize, native XCode project, Universal, Parse backend hosted on

Compatible With Swift

Files Included       : Layered PSD

Software Version : iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10.0.x, iOS 9.0.x, iOS 8.4.x, iOS 8.3.x, iOS 8.2.x, iOS 8.1.x, iOS 8.0.x 

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:57:14 +0300 Safirmedya
Delphi MP3 Player Music Player Source Codes

✔ Price: 0

With Delphi, you can listen to MP3 and Wav files. Continuous play, shuffle, repeat, volume control, balance, time (remaining / passing), progress bar with which you can adjust the position of the song, status indicator bar, search option on the database, changing the data, adding to the database, selected in the database (CD- In the ROM, you must have the correct CD) The mp3 collection that uses SQL uses the system paradox database. Coding was done with delphi 6.

Delphi comes with the 'TMediaPlayer' component to play media files such as video and audio. This component remains in Delphi for compatibility with older versions, but is quite old and difficult to maintain due to a reduced number of compatible codecs. However, Windows has an alternative component for the Microsoft Windows Media Player ActiveX component.

In this article, I'll show you how to import and use Windows Media Player using Delphi.

As far as I can remember, although not in earlier versions, as far as Delphi 5, the RAD Studio IDE had an import wizard that allows you to import ActiveX components. Keep in mind that ActiveX is known as COM, COM +, OLE, and possibly as other names over the years, and Microsoft does not seem to have settled in the name of this technology. Regardless of what it is looking for, it provides a technology for converting some technologies into components and a language-agnostic interface to these components. Many components of the Windows system can be used in ActiveX format, including Delphi's TWebBrowser component for VCL and a web browser where the Windows Media Player component is wrapped.

With Delphi, you can listen to MP3 and Wav files. Continuous play, shuffle, repeat, volume control, balance, time (remaining / passing), progress bar with which you can adjust the position of the song, status indicator bar, search option on the database, changing the data, adding to the database, selected in the database (CD- In the ROM, you must have the correct CD) The mp3 collection that uses SQL uses the system paradox database. Coding was done with delphi 6.

By using it as an example you can develop according to yourself.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:34:25 +0300 Safirmedya
Delphi Windows Calculator

✔ Price: 0

This application is a source code file describing the use of Windows Calculator with a Delphi. Delphi Programming Language will be very useful in learning. In addition, Delphi mathematical operations to add, subtract, multiply and divide will give you an idea of how to do.


We are adding 16 buttons, 4 pieces of labels and 4 labels to our form which we have started with delphi as a starting point for calculating the logic and making a very simple calculator. We will use buttons to multiply, divide, add and subtract from these components.


The overview of our application will be as follows:


Our codes are:

unit Unit1;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Button2: TButton;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Label3: TLabel;
    Label4: TLabel;
    Edit1: TEdit;
    Edit2: TEdit;
    Edit3: TEdit;
    Edit4: TEdit;
    Button3: TButton;
    Button4: TButton;
    Button5: TButton;
    Button6: TButton;
    Button7: TButton;
    Button8: TButton;
    Button9: TButton;
    Button10: TButton;
    Button11: TButton;
    Button12: TButton;
    Button13: TButton;
    Button14: TButton;
    Button15: TButton;
    Button16: TButton;
    procedure Button15Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button7Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button8Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button9Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button10Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button11Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button12Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button13Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button14Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button16Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.Button10Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '0'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '0'

procedure TForm1.Button11Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button12Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button13Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button14Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button15Click(Sender: TObject);


procedure TForm1.Button16Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text ='+' then

  if Edit3.Text ='-' then

   if Edit3.Text ='*' then

  if Edit3.Text ='/' then


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '1'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '1'


procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '2'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '2'

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '3'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '3'

procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '4'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '4'

procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '5'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '5'

procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '6'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '6'

procedure TForm1.Button7Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '7'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '7'

procedure TForm1.Button8Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '8'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '8'

procedure TForm1.Button9Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '9'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '9'

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Form1.Text:='DELPHI CALCULATOR By: Teody';

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:30:12 +0300 Safirmedya
Source Codes of Parking Lot Tracking System with Delphi

✔ Price: 0

A simple but functional parking lot control system with Paradox database. A nice system for managing a small car park. Check the entrances and exits for hours or days and follow them with the license plate. It is a simple but beautiful application that supports payment system and can print out parking tickets.

Parking Lot Tracking Program can be developed for you to perform car park management meticulously. With the further development of this program, which has a very simple interface and offers its users the opportunity to follow without any difficulties, we can list the advantages that it will offer its users as follows:

  • Registering parking vehicles into the system according to the license plate
  • Starting subscription transactions for the parking lot
  • In addition to the parking fee, if any, adding an interior and exterior cleaning service fee
  • Printing receipts for customers
  • Creating door authorization for personnel
  • Receive daily revenue report
  • Protect data with automatic backups


Parking Tracking Program, one of the unique programs for parking lot operators, has a very useful and simple interface. For this reason, it offers a form that can be used easily for users of all levels. In addition, the fact that such a program has a strong database is important in terms of securing transactions and hosting a lot of data.

As Safir Media, we have published the source code of this program to set an example for programmers and to use them to improve themselves, as well as to make the program more professionally usable.

You can specify your requests, suggestions and requests by writing them under the subject. In addition, your support is very important for us to share more. You can support by following us and sharing on social media.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:11:32 +0300 Safirmedya
WebBrowser Internet Explorer Source Codes with Delphi

✔ Price: 0

This application is a source code file describing the use of WebBrowser Internet Explorer with a Delphi. Delphi Programming Language will be very useful in learning. It will also give you an idea of ​​how to navigate through your program with WebBrowser Internet Explorer in Delphi.


The TWebBrowser component (in the Delphi IDE's Internet palette) is a Microsoft ActiveX ® control that you can use in the forms of your application to browse Web sites, view Web pages and other documents, and download data that is available on the Internet.


The TWebBrowser component is useful when you don't want to interrupt your workflow by switching from your application to a Web browser or another document viewing application.


The TWebBrowser component can display any Web page that Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 or later (ie 4.0, 4.01, 5, 5.5, 6 ...) can display.




For example, the TTWebBrowser component can display pages that contain the following features:




1. Standard HTML and HTML enhancements such as floating frames and Cascading Style Template


2. Other ActiveX controls


3. Most Netscape add-ons


4. Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) or JavaScript


5. JavaTM applications


6. Multimedia content such as video and audio playback


7. Three-dimensional virtual worlds created with Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)




In addition to opening web pages, the TWebBrowser component can open any ActiveX document that contains most Microsoft Office documents. For example, if Microsoft Office is installed on a user's computer, an application that uses the TWebBrowser component can open and edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft Word documents, and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from within the control.


Similarly, if Microsoft Excel Viewer, Microsoft Word Viewer, or Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer is installed, users can view these documents in the TWebBrowser component. With the TWebBrowser component, users of your application can browse sites on the World Wide Web, as well as folders on a local hard disk and local area network.


Users can track hyperlinks by clicking or typing a URL in a text box. In addition, the TWebBrowser component maintains a history list that users can browse to view previously scanned sites, folders, and documents.




View a Web page or document in TWebBrowser




To view a Web page or document in the TWebBrowser component, we must use the Navigate method programmatically. The codes for the navigation method are:


The overview of our application will be as follows:




The URL specifies the path name of a file or the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of an Internet resource that the Web browser should display. If the URL points to an Internet protocol and a location on an intranet server, the computer running your application must be connected to the Internet or intranet, and must have permission to access that server. If the URL points to a standard file system path on a local hard drive or intranet, the TWebBrowser component opens and displays the document immediately. The TWebBrowser component can open Microsoft Office documents, text files, and HTML documents.


Flags - A set of values ​​that specify whether the resource should be added to the history list, read from the cache, and whether the resource is displayed in a new window.


TargetFrameName is zero if the name of the frame to show the source or if the source should not be displayed in a named frame.


PostData contains data sent to the server when using Navigate to generate an HTTP POST message. If PostData is zero, Navigate generates an HTTP GET message. If the URL does not specify an HTTP URL, PostData is ignored.


Headers contain headers sent to servers when the URL represents an HTTP URL. HTTP headers, the desired action of the server, data type, and so on.


Now let's conclude.


Create a new VCL Application project and save it to a folder. Then, add a TWebBroswer component to the form. Then add buttons, edits, or other necessary components to create them as follows.


Here are our codes:

unit Unit1;
  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.OleCtrls, SHDocVw, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Buttons;
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;
    Panel1: TPanel;
    Label1: TLabel;
    editURL: TEdit;
    btnLoad: TButton;
    btnnext: TSpeedButton;
    btnback: TSpeedButton;
    btnrefresh: TSpeedButton;
    btnHome: TSpeedButton;
    btnStop: TSpeedButton;
    btnQuit: TSpeedButton;
    procedure btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure editURLKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
      Shift: TShiftState);
    procedure btnbackClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnnextClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnHomeClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnrefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnQuitClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure WebBrowser1TitleChange(ASender: TObject; const Text: WideString);
    { Private declarations }
    procedure OpenURL;
    { Public declarations }
  Form1: TForm1;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.OpenURL;
// URL can be
// URL can be C:\testfolder
// URL can be C:\testfolder\tset1.jpg

procedure TForm1.btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.editURLKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  if Key = VK_RETURN then

procedure TForm1.btnbackClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnHomeClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnnextClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnQuitClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnrefreshClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1TitleChange(ASender: TObject;
  const Text: WideString);
  editURL.Text := Text;


Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:07:25 +0300 Safirmedya
Awesome &#45; Angular JS form builder PHP

✔ Price: 50

Awesome Form Builder Feature List:  

  1. Powered By Angular Js
  2. PHP Dynamic Form Builder
  3. Easy To use
  4. Multiple Data Types
  5. Cross Domain Supported
  6. Lead Reports
  7. Export To Excel
  8. Unlimited Forms
  9. Anti Spam Protected
  10. Preview Output
  11. Major Browser Supported
  12. 4 Basic Layout
  13. Ajax Supported
  14. Hassle free integration
  15. SMTP Supported
  16. Framework Independent

Data Types:-

  1. String
  2. Number
  3. Email
  4. Phone
  5. Radio
  6. Checkbox
  7. Hyperlink
  8. Comment
  9. Date
  10. List
  11. Decimal
  12. Password

Demo Link: 
User: admin 
Password: 1234

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:37:30 +0300 Safirmedya
ASP Unlimited Category Source Codes

✔ Price: 0

In this hint, I want to explain how to create an unlimited list of categories in the database and how to read the category list.

One of the most difficult work of creating a store is to create a category and distinguish products with subcategories, and perhaps have a subcategory of this subcategory. Some programmers create a table for each category, which forces them to have limited categories.

After designing many applications, I learned that many people have problems with database design and created many useless things or limited usage tables and areas. Now, I would like to explain another vision vision related to database design.

Let me show you my app to do this.

In this partial class, we're creating two fields for switching for Category Names, such as two fields and Category Table, but with a difference, I used the variable CategoryList array type repeated in the partial class instead of registering the child category here.

This project includes:

  • Unlimited category and subcategory structure
  • Designing with a single table
  • Control with Ajax

You can place an order by adding the corresponding source code to your cart and then download it from the My Files link in your personal menu.

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:08:18 +0300 Safirmedya
Universal Android Ecommerce Store

✔ Price: 350

Android Ecommerce is complete mobile app solution for android with Advanced Laravel CMS. You have variety of ready made ecommerce pages to create your mobile app. It’s best app for any type of store like Fashion, Electronics, Grocery and Restaurant. Either you are store owner or developer, it’s best app for faster mobile app development with low cost. We provide complete support and also provide customization & installation services at reasonable price.

Android Ecommerce is complete mobile app solution for android with Advanced Laravel CMS. You have variety of ready made ecommerce pages to create your mobile app. It’s best app for any type of store like Fashion, Electronics, Grocery and Restaurant. Either you are store owner or developer, it’s best app for faster mobile app development with low cost. We provide complete support and also provide customization & installation services at reasonable price.


password: admin

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 20:11:52 +0300 Safirmedya
Warehouse Stock Control Program Delphi Source Code

✔ Price: 5

I wanted to share with you the delphi source code of the stock program I prepared with Delphi for the companies or traders who worked with you years ago. With these source codes we prepared as Safir Media, you can have information about how to do mathematical operations in delphi and database programming and you can use the source codes. 

Paradox database is used in the program. For this reason, Paradox database connections must be made for the program to work. If you have not made a Paradox database connection in your Delphi installation, you can learn how to link the Paradox Database in Delphi.

  • Program user name and password and management input is available.  
  • A demo user mode is available for the first time presentation. The demo version for the username: warehouse password: warehouse.
  • By entering the correct User Name and Password, the menu will be activated.
  • And the program is ready to use with the features defined and determined by the authorized person of your profile.


In this section, it is aimed to keep the employees, the customers who are constantly shopping, and the companies and companies purchased from the product.

Bank accounts and address information can also be saved.

This allows registered wholesalers and firms to automatically select the company that received the product at the product entry.

Saved customers allow you to automatically select the customer who sold the product if required.

Staff: In this section you can keep your employees' contact and bank account information.

Customers: In this section you can keep your customers' contact and bank account information.

Wholesalers / Companies: In this section you can keep communication and bank account information of companies and wholesalers.

Record Search: If you want to search among the contacts you have saved, you can use the QUICK SEARCH section.

Add New Record: To add a new entry, press the NEW button, Company Name, Address, Phone, Fax Number, Website, E-mail address, Bank Name-1, Account No.-1, Bank Name-2, Account No-2 fields. cleared for new record. Enter this information.

Saving Information: Click the SAVE button to save the information you entered. Never leave the Company Name field blank when saving information. Your information will be saved.

Making Changes to the Information: Select the contact you want to change from the section under which all records are listed. The information of the person you selected will appear above. You can save the change made with the CHANGE button after you change the part you want to change the fields.

Undoing Changes: If you made an incorrect change by knowing or not knowing the open record, you can undo the changes by using the CANCEL button before saving.

Delete Recordings: Select the contact you want to delete first. You can use the DELETE button to delete the record by pressing Yes.


In this section, you can save the products you have purchased and add them to your stock, make sales and check the stock status.

You save the products you have purchased and set the sales price. You can search for the products you have saved by Stock Code and Product Name.

As you enter the product Purchase Date, Production date and Expiration date, you can query the information about the current status of your products.

Sales price will be displayed automatically at the entrance of the product sale process and you will be able to perform the sales transaction by adding VAT at this price. You can change the sales price immediately if you wish.

You will be informed about products that are out of stock after the sale.

When you sell products in stock, you will immediately see the stock stop and you are not allowed to sell more than this amount.


  • In this section, you can make money in / out from the accounts you have set in my bank accounts section.
  • The entries are kept in the accounts of the funds deposited in your accounts or sent to you by wire transfer.
  • In the Payments section, the records of the payments you made or transferred from your accounts are kept.
  • You can review the entries and payments to the accounts you have specified in My Bank Accounts.

The Banks section is the fixed entries of the Bank's names used in all kinds of registration transactions. Overall, banks in Turkey comes as registered. You can add as many banks as you want.


In this section according to stock status;

You can report products in stock in various categories. The Stock Status Report can list the two dates specified in the following categories.

Categories in Inquiry;

  • Date of Purchase: Date of purchase (registration).
  • Date of Manufacture: The date of manufacture you entered in the registration.
  • Expiration Date: Expiration date of products.
  • You can break down the date range you specified or all sales made.

Also according to stock status;

You can report products in stock in various categories. The Stock Status Report can list the two dates specified in the following categories.


This section contains information about your company that will be used in some titles and the settings for registering the person authorized to use the program.

The user name and password definitions that are asked at the first login are done here. Only authorized person is defined in the program. This user can enter the user name and password in the User Settings section and define as many users as they want. General users cannot log in / change user settings. But they can use other parts of the program.

From the user movements section you can see which user has used the program in which time intervals.


Mon, 15 Feb 2021 18:49:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Accordion FAQ WordPress Plugin

✔ Price: 0

Accordion – Responsive accordion WordPress Plugin. It’s have 22 styles . You can use this accordion on your website easily. it has a lot of options to make in more customizeable.

Demo: Demo 

Accordion Collection Main Features


  • 27 Unique tabs Styles * More Style Coming Soon!
  • Drag & Drop Ordering
  • Pagination Options
  • Show Category Name beside the title in admin panel
  • Limit To Display number of accordion
  • Display Category wise accordion
  • Fully Customizeable
  • Typography Options
  • Unlimited Color Scheme
  • Build in support for Elementor
  • Build in support for Wpbakery Page Builder
  • Support Divi ,Avada,Be All Mejor Theme
  • Gutenberg Compatible
  • 100% Multi Language
  • Responsive Design
  • Smooth hover effect
  • Fully Customization
  • Unlimited Color Style
  • All Browser Supported
  • Clean Coding, W3c Validate
  • Step by Step Well Documented
  • 24/7 First Support

(Zip Pass:

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 18:41:40 +0300 Safirmedya
Address Organizer Agenda Program and Delphi Source Code

✔ Price: 5

Free address book, which you can keep detailed information such as phone, address, mail, site address, mobile phone, short note of the persons you want in computer environment, is a kind of organizer program. In addition, this program has a reminder feature. Birthday etc. You can also add a reminder on special days. The file contains both the exe file that you can use and the delphi source code, which you can edit. You can also print out the contact information that you saved in the program from the printer. You can also use the source files for further development or adaptation.

  • Possibility to enter unlimited records.
  • Important days to add alarm reminders.
  • Ability to print information from the printer.
  • Source codes are included.

You can edit the program as you want by making the changes you want in the program source code or you can use it to improve your knowledge by getting information about the source code. Or you can use the program's running .exe application as a calendar.

Zip Pass:

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:43:29 +0300 Safirmedya