Safir Medya RSS-Feeds - Safirmedya Safir Medya RSS-Feeds - Safirmedya de Copyright 2021 Safir Media – Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Domainname und E-Commerce-Site zum Verkauf

✔ Preis: 50,000

Ein renommierter E-Commerce-Domänenname mit einer schlüsselfertigen Website:

Wenn Sie nach einem renommierten Namen suchen, der für alle Arten von Produktverkäufen geeignet ist, ist dies der richtige Domänenname für Sie.

Er wird mit installierter Opencart-Infrastruktur geliefert.

Sun, 17 Nov 2024 22:56:34 +0300 Safirmedya
Safir 25 Watt Güneş Enerjili İkili Bahçe Aydınlatma Sistemi

✔ Preis: 5,500

Safir Güneş Enerjisi ile Bahçe Aydınlatması: Çevre Dostu ve Ekonomik Bir Seçenek

Güneş enerjisi ile çalışan bahçe aydınlatması, son yıllarda hem çevre dostu hem de ekonomik bir çözüm olarak popülerlik kazanmıştır. Güneş ışığını kullanarak enerji depolayan bu aydınlatma sistemleri, bahçelerinizi hem estetik olarak güzelleştirir hem de enerji maliyetlerini düşürür.

Güneş Enerjili Aydınlatmanın Çalışma Prensibi

Güneş enerjili bahçe lambaları, sette bulunan monokristal güneş paneli aracılığıyla güneş ışığını emer ve bu enerjiyi safir bataryada depolar. Güneş batıp hava kararınca, depolanan enerji LED lambalar aracılığıyla ışığa dönüştürülür. Safir bahçe aydınlatma seti tamamen otomatik olarak çalışır, yani gün ışığı azaldığında ışıklar kendiliğinden yanar ve hava aydınlanınca ışıkları söndürüp tekrar şarj olmaya başlar.


Çevre Dostu: Fosil yakıtlara bağımlı olmadan yenilenebilir enerji kullanır.

Düşük İşletme Maliyeti: Elektrik faturası veya kablo çekme maliyeti yoktur.

Kolay Kurulum: İstediğiniz yere kolayca monte edilebilir.

Estetik Görünüm: Estetik model ve tasarım ile bahçenizin estetiğini artırır.

Paket İçeriğinde Neler Var :

1 - 25W 36 Hücre 12V Monokristal Güneş Paneli

2 - Safir Jel Akü 12 V 

3 - Şarj Kontrol Ünitesi

4 - Cata Ct-7020 Torino Bahçe Armatürü (2 Adet)

5 - Armatüre Uyumlu Led Ampül  (2 Adet)

Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:06:13 +0300 Safirmedya
Windows 10 Pro-Lizenzschlüssel

✔ Preis: 350

Schlüsselfunktionen der digitalen Windows 10 Pro-Lizenz
– Original von Microsoft genehmigte Lizenz.

– Es handelt sich um den digitalen Lizenzschlüssel der neuesten Version.

– Sie können den Produktschlüssel auf 32-Bit-/64-Bit-Windows 10 Pro-Betriebssystemen verwenden.

– Die Produkte sind für einen einzelnen PC gedacht, Sie können sie unbegrenzt verwenden.

– Zur individuellen Nutzung.

Häufig gestellte Fragen:

A- Warum ist es billig?

Digitale Produkte sind in der Türkei eine neu verbreitete Verkaufsart. Da die Weitergabe nur per E-Mail oder über digitale Kommunikationsmedien erfolgt, sind die Preise günstig, da keine Versandkosten, Lizenzgebühren, Zollsteuern, Sonderverbrauchssteuern oder Bandrol-Gebühren anfallen. Darüber hinaus tätigen wir als Unternehmen eine Vielzahl von Großeinkäufen. Deshalb kaufen wir es mit einem Rabatt. Wir versuchen auch, es unseren Kunden zu Großhandelspreisen anzubieten.

B- Ist es für den individuellen Gebrauch geeignet?

Ja, es ist für den individuellen Gebrauch geeignet.

C- Ist es für den Unternehmensgebrauch geeignet?

Es eignet sich für den Einzelhandel. Sie können das Produkt Windows 10 Retail Enterprise testen.

D- Gibt es Rabatte für Großeinkäufe?

Ja. Bei Großeinkäufen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte und fordern Sie ein Angebot an.

Versenden Sie E-Rechnungen?

Ja, wir versenden. Die Rechnung des von Ihnen gekauften Produkts kann auf Anfrage an Ihre Adresse gesendet werden, die Versandkosten gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.

F- Bieten Sie Rückerstattungen und Umtausch an, wenn das Produkt nicht aktiviert ist?

Aufgrund unserer Lizenzen liegt kein Fehler vor. Da die Lizenzen in Digital Products offengelegt werden, ist eine Rückgabe nicht möglich. Aber es wird immer eine Lösung geben.

Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:06:30 +0300 Safirmedya
Hara – WooCommerce-Theme für den Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop

✔ Preis: 0

Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 5 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 6 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop WooCommerce Theme – 7 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 8 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop WooCommerce Theme – 9 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 10 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop WooCommerce Theme – 11 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 12 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 13 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 14 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 15 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 16 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop WooCommerce Theme – 17 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop WooCommerce Theme – 18 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop WooCommerce Theme – 19 Hara – Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop-WooCommerce-Theme – 20

Hara – WooCommerce-Theme für den Schönheits- und Kosmetikshop

Hara ist ein WordPress-Theme, das zu jedem Naturkosmetik- oder Kosmetikgeschäft passt. Es kann auch gut für jede Bio-Website oder jeden Blog über gesunde Ernährung funktionieren.

Hara bietet ein praktisches mobiles Menü, das Ihre Kunden mühelos zum gewünschten Produkt führt. Insgesamt erhalten Sie satte dreihundert Seiten und profitieren vom One-Click-Demo-Content-Import. Genießen Sie jetzt die vielfältigen Inhalte und erstellen Sie im Handumdrehen eine E-Commerce-Seite.

Von faszinierenden Startseiten und Produktseiten über mehrere Kontaktbereiche bis hin zu einem raffinierten Checkout-Prozess und sogar einem Blog-System ist alles vorhanden. Und nein, Sie müssen kein erfahrener Programmierer sein, um mit Hara arbeiten zu können . Sie müssen nicht einmal eine einzige Zeile Code anfassen, Hara macht die Anpassung supereinsteigerfreundlich.

Weitere Pluspunkte von Hara sind Slider Revolution, verschiedene Shop- und Produktlayouts, schnelles Laden, Suchmaschinenoptimierung sowie Unterstützung für mehrere Sprachen und Währungen. Dank des enormen Funktionsumfangs wird es Ihnen im Hara-Kit an nichts fehlen.


    • 10+ wunderschöne Homepage-Designs
    • Bereit für WordPress 6.4+
    • WooCommerce 8.6.x bereit
    • Revolution Slider 6.6 bereit
    • Kompatibel mit Elementor
    • WOOF – WooCommerce-Produktfilter 3.3.4.x bereit
    • Font Awesome Version 5 bereit
    • Einfache Liniensymbole für Schriftarten bereit
    • Kompatibel mit PHP 8.1
    • Demo-Installation mit einem Klick
    • Unterstützt die Suche nach Produkt-SKU
    • Katalogmodus
    • Modernes minimalistisches Design
    • Optimieren Sie das Design für Mobilgeräte

Online-Dokumentation , 24/7-Support-Ticket-System, Video-Tutorials

  • Mega Hauptmenü
  • Vertikales Menü
  • Benutzerdefiniertes CSS und JS in den Designeinstellungen
  • Produktkarussell, Karussell mit den neuesten Beiträgen
  • Rasteransicht und Listenansicht für die Shop-Seite
  • Produkt-Schnellansicht unterstützt
  • Suche Produkt AJAX unterstützt
  • Produkt-Wunschliste unterstützt
  • Produktvergleich wird unterstützt
  • Unterstützt Instagram Element
  • MailChimp für WordPress wird unterstützt
  • Unterstützt durch das Redux-Framework
  • Links zu sozialen Symbolen
  • Fehler-404-Seite enthalten
  • Flexible Theme-Optionen
  • Hohe Geschwindigkeit und Leistung
  • Angepasst für den Online-Shop
  • SEO-optimiert
  • RTL-Sprachunterstützung
  • Cross-Browser-kompatibel
  • Kostenlose lebenslange Updates

Herunterladen :

Sun, 17 Mar 2024 20:39:30 +0300 Safirmedya
Haber Sitesi, Dergi Sitesi, Magazin Sitesi

✔ Preis: 5,500

Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:15:25 +0300 Safirmedya
Uzman Doktor Hekim İnternet Sitesi

✔ Preis: 6,000

Fri, 11 Aug 2023 04:19:29 +0300 Safirmedya
Uzman Psikolog Danışman Yaşam Koçu İnternet Sitesi

✔ Preis: 5,000

Uzman Psikolog Danışman İnternet Sitesi

Sağlık sektörünün her alanında kurumsal veya kişisel internet sitelerinin kullanılmaya başlandığı aşikardır. Psikoloji söz konusu olduğunda ise; bir psikolog yada danışman veya yaşam koçu olsun internet sitesinin olması ve bu sitesi sayesinde insanlara ulaşılması mutlaka gerekli bir hal almıştır. Teknolojinin gelişmesine paralel olarak online psikolog hizmetleri de yaygınlaşmıştır. Bir başka deyişle, bazı psikologların internet üzerinden doğrudan hizmet alanlarla temas kurması artık gereksinim olmaya başlamıştır.

Online terapi platformlarına psikologların üye olması ve bu platformlarda hastaların sorularını cevaplaması psikolog ve hasta arasında iletişimin güçlenmesine de yardımcı olmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, psikolog hizmetinin etkili bir şekilde alınması için artık kaliteli bir web sitesine ihtiyaç duyulduğunu rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz.

Sitemiz Size Neler Sağlayacak ?

Siteniz size özel olarak tasarlanacak ve Yönetim Paneli olacak. Siteniz size tam çalışır şekilde, görselleriniz, belgeleriniz, adres iletişim vs. gibi gerekli bilgileriniz dahil şekilde düzenlenmiş ve görseller eklenmiş olarak anahtar teslim olarak hazır hale getirilip teslim edilir. Satın alma aşamasında size 2 seçenek sunulacaktır. Dilerseniz sitenizde değişiklik veya ekleme yapacağınız zaman sizin yerinize biz yapabiliriz veya yönetim panelinden kendiniz de istediğiniz değişiklikleri ve eklemeleri yapabilirsiniz.

  • Site Yönetim Paneli : Site yöneticisi olarak site ön yüzündeki her bilgiyi değiştirebilirsiniz yeni ekleme ve düzenlemeler yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca sayfaları düzenleyebilir, yeni sayfa ekleyebilir ve sayfaları silebilirsiniz. Siteye resim ekleyebilir, menüyü düzenleyebilir, yeni menü ekleyebilirsiniz. Açılır pencere (pop-up) oluşturabilir ve sitenizde farklı kampanya veya indirimler duyurular oluşturabilirsiniz. Sitenizin görünümü renkleri ve yazıtiplerini yönetim panelinden düzenleyebilirsiniz. Sitenizde yeni etkinlikler oluşturarak rezervasyon sistemi ile üyelere rezervasyon yaptırabilirsiniz.
  • Yabancı Dil Desteği : Sitenize 5 dile kadar farklı dilleri ekleyerek yurtdışına açılabilir yada yabancı ziyaretçilerinizle de çalışabilirsiniz. Yönetim panelinden yeni dil eklemesi ve düzenlemeleri yapabilirsiniz.
  • Randevu Rezervasyon Modülü : Hastalarınız, profesyonel destek alan müşterileriniz için randevu ve rezervasyon sistemi ile randevu tarih ve saatlerini seçmesine imkan tanıyarak, Yönetim Panelinden takibini kolayca yapabilmenize imkan sağlar.
  • Fiyat Planı Modülü : Hizmetleriniz için çeşitli fiyat planları oluşturabilirsiniz.
  • GDPR Uyumlu Çerez Modülü : Yasal olarak kullanılması gereken çerez uyarı sistemi; sitenize çerez uyarısı koymanızı sağlar. Çerez uyarı metnini, ne kadar süre ekranda kalacağı ve buton linklerine kadar her türlü ayarlarını yönetim panelinden yapabilirsiniz.
  • Müşteri Geribildirim Modülü : Müşterilerinizin site, aldığı hizmet veya danışmanlığınız hakkında yıldızlı geri bildirimlerini alabilirsiniz.
  • Sosyal Paylaşım Modülü : Haber/blog makalelerini okuyucularınızı sosyal medyada kolayca paylaşabilmesini sağlar.
  • Üye Paneli : Üyeler için özel kullanıcı paneli mevcuttur ve üyeleriniz her türlü bilgi ve randevularını panelinden takip edebilir.
  • Haberler / Blog Modülü : Sitede (blog) haber sistemi mevcuttur. Yönetim panelinden kategorilerini ve makaleleri ekleme ve düzenleme yapabilirsiniz.
  • Slider / Kayan Bilgi Modülü : Yapacağınız duyuruları yada işinizle ilgili haberleri site en başında animasyonlar kısmına ekleyerek sitenizde göz alıcı etkiler oluşturabilirsiniz.
  • Ekibimiz Modülü : Sitenizin ön yüzü yani ziyarerçilerinizin göreceği alanda çalışma ekibinizi ve resimli bilgilerini gösteren modüldür. Yönetim Panelinden her türlü düzenlemeleri yapılabilir.
  • E-Bülten Modülü : E-Bülten modülü sitenize ziyaretçilerin e-posta adreslerini kayıt edebildikleri modüldür. Bu sayede Yönetim Panelinden kaydolan hesapları görebilir ve bunlara toplu e-postalar göndererek tanıtımınızı yapabilirsiniz.
  • Resim / Video Modülü : Bu modül sitenizin ön ziyaretçi yüzünde istediğiniz amaçla kullanabileceğiniz resim ve video gösterim modülüdür. Yönetim panelinden ekleme ve düzenleme yapabilirsiniz.
  • Preloader (Önyükleme) Modülü : Siteniz yüklenirken site yükleniyor anlamında kullanılan hareketli şekillerden dilediğinizi yönetim panelinden seçebilir yada kendi özel şeklinizi yükleyerek kullanabilirsiniz. Dilediğiniz zaman aktif yada pasif yapabilirsiniz.
  • Menü Yönetimi : Yönetim panelinden siteye yeni menüler oluşturarak, ister site üst menü alanında ister site altında menü konumlandırabilirsiniz. Dilerseniz dış linklere de yönlendirme yapabilirsiniz.
  • Form Modülü : Sitenizin Yönetim Panelinden iş başvurusu formu, soru sorma formu, öğrenci bilgi formu vs.. dilediğiniz formatta yeni form oluşturarak istediğiniz sayfada kullanabilirsiniz. Formda Ad Soyad E-Posta Site Adresi Detaylı Bilgi Alanı vs. gibi çok farklı alanlar oluşturarak buradan alınacak bilgileri kayıt altına alabilirsiniz ve bu bilgilere sürekli erişebilirsiniz.
  • İletişim Bölümü : İletişim sayfasını Yönetim Paneli üzerinden dilediğiniz gibi farklı formlarda düzenleyebilir yeni özellikler ekleyebilirsiniz. Google haritalar üzerinde işyeri konumunuzu gösterebilirsiniz.
  • Mega Menü (Sürükle Bırak Düzenleme Sistemi) : Sitenizde üst menü olarak kullanılacak olan Mega Menü sistemi ile sitenize prestij katın. Mega menü üzerine gelince açılan menüde ürün gösterimine kadar birçok özelliği kapsar.
  • Destek Bilet Sistemi (Ticket) Modülü : Profesyonel sitelerin farkını gösteren destek sistemi ile müşterilerinize ticket destek bilet sistemi ile destek verin.
  • Site Cache (Önbellekleme) Sistemi : Mükemmel tasarlanmış ve özel olarak kodlanmış otomatik önbellekleme sistemi ile sitenizin sayfaları hızlı açılır.
  • SEO Ayarları ve Google Analytics Ayarları : Sitenizin yönetim panelinden site SEO ayarlarına müdahale edebilir Google Analytics ayarlarını yapabilirsiniz.
  • SEO Uyumlu URL Sistemi : Sitenizin tüm linkleri SEO uyumlu olarak yapılandırılmıştır. Ekleyeceğiniz sayfa linkleri de otomatik olarak SEO uyumlu yapılandırılır.
  • Google Captcha v3 Sistemi : Siteniz üzerinde bilgi girişi olan alanlarda google tarafından çalıştırılarak kullanıcının puanına göre doğrulama kodu istemeden bilgi girmesine izin veren gizli Google reCAPTCHA v3 sistemi kullanır.
  • RSS Feed Besleme Sistemi : İstediğiniz alanlar için RSS besleme sistemini açıp kullanabilirsiniz.
  • Sitemap Sistemi : Sitenizde istediğiniz linkler için otomatik sitemap oluşturarak google sitemap dahil gerekli yerlerde kullanabilirsiniz.


  • Siteler Arası İstek Sahteciliği (CSRF) Önleme
  • Siteler Arası Komut Dosyası Çalıştırma (XSS) Önleme
  • Parola Hashing Koruma Sistemi
  • SQL Injection'dan Kaçınma
  • SSL Güvenlik Sistemi; SSL'nin uygulanmasının başlıca nedeni güvenliktir. Sertifikalar, siteye iletilen hassas bilgilerin korunmasını sağlar. SSL sertifikaları bağlantıyı şifreler ve site ziyaretçi verilerinin bilgisayar korsanları tarafından çalınmasının önüne geçer. Google SSL olmayan siteleri arka sıralara atacağını defalarca belirtmiştir.

Fiyata Neler Dahil:

Site kurulumu kendi hostingimize yapılmaktadır. Fiyata dahil olanlar:

  • Sizin adınıza alınacak (*.com veya * uzantılı) alan adı,
  • Sınırsız Hosting (SSL Güvenlik Sertifikalı) - Siteniz https olarak görünür ki Google için öenmli bir faktördür.
  • Limitsiz E-Mail Hesabı (İstediğiniz kadar eposta hesabı oluşturabiliriz.) 

Yani sonuç olarak siz hiçbir şeyle uğraşmayacaksınız. Sadece bize hakkınızda özet bilgi, adres telefon bilgileri gibi gerekli olan ve siteye eklenmesini istediğiniz belge veya görselleri whatsApp veya E-posta yoluyla göndermeniz yeterli. Siteniz en geç 3 gün içinde hazır bir şekilde teslim edilir.

Ödeme tek seferlik alınır. Daha sonraki yıllarda sadece alan adı ve hosting ücreti ödersiniz. Şuanki maliyetle yaklaşık olarak 2.000 TL'dir. 

Neden Bizi Tercih Etmelisiniz?

Biz tasarım yaparken kendimizi sizin yerinize koyup içimize sinene kadar kendimiz için hazırlıyormuş gibi çalışıyoruz. Asla gereksiz bilgilerle ve resimlerle kirletmediğimiz gibi, kullanıcı dostu ve faydalı web siteleri üretiyoruz.

MİSYONUMUZ: Müşterilerimize kesintisiz, hızlı ve güvenilir bir hizmet sunmak ve eksiksiz müşteri memnuniyeti sağlamak.

VİZYONUMUZ: Bireysel ve kurumsal pazarda iddialı bir konuma gelebilmek, müşteri memnuniyetini en üst seviyelere çıkarmaktır.

Fri, 11 Aug 2023 03:32:28 +0300 Safirmedya
TikTok Followers and Likes Packages

✔ Preis: 500

Tik Tok is one of the most downloaded apps in the world. Tik Tok has become one of the most downloaded apps on iPhones. Tik Tok application is a music and social media application that attracts great attention in China and reaches millions of users. Tik Tok is a messaging service with iOS, Android and Windows versions. With Tik Tok, you can share photos, videos, music, your location, lecture notes or anything else you can think of. With this application, short clips can be shot, music and special effects can be added to clips, and special content can be created.

What is TikTok Tracker Service?

Getting followers for TikTok has never been easier. We offer this easy-to-use service to all our members. All you have to do is place an order to get TikTok followers instantly. You can choose how many and how many followers you want from the options in the product details. Your order is taken into service on the same day. However, it may take up to 24 hours to reflect on your account, depending on the order of the transaction. After placing the order, it is enough to let us know your TikTok username or link. You can let us know by contacting us through our Whatsapp Customer Service.

When the service is busy, the speed of starting the process changes.

It is not possible to send to private accounts. Do not hide your account or change your username during the process.

What Is Tik Tok Used For?

1. After downloading the app, register the app by tapping the profile icon

2. You can register to the application with the help of phone number, mail or various social networks.

3. Profile and tag search: You can search for profiles or various tags by tapping the “Lens” icon at the bottom left. The posts of the profiles you follow will appear on your homepage.

4. Messages and Notifications: You can view your notifications and messages when you touch the “Message” icon at the bottom right.

5. Video Sharing: You can start recording or selecting the video you want to share by tapping the “+” icon in the middle of the bottom menu. If you wish, you can add music to your video that you want to share from the "Choose audio" menu at the top. You can add videos from your gallery by tapping the “Upload” screen at the bottom right.

6. You can add emoji and face filters by tapping the “Effects” icon from the bottom left of the video sharing screen.

7. After you finish the video you want to share, you can make the finishing touches and share it.

8. You can view the video you shared on your profile.

How to Download Tik Tok App?

Tik Tok application can be used on almost every phone and computer. It can also be downloaded for free.

Download Tik Tok Android

Download Tik Tok iOS

Mon, 24 Oct 2022 20:41:14 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Help Package - Theme Installation - Translation

✔ Preis: 800

It is our help support package for our customers who have difficulties in installing or translating Opencart into Turkish. If you have installed your site but have trouble translating into Turkish or if you have trouble installing a theme, you can purchase this package. All of our services below are only valid for Opencart 3.X versions. Lower versions are not supported.

Our package includes different variations.

1. Opencart Installation and Opencart Turkishization: Includes basic Opencart installation. If you wish, we can also do Turkish translation. It does not cover theme installation or Turkish translation. You need to provide cPanel and site administrator information.

2. Opencart Theme Installation and Turkishization: It includes the installation of any theme you have purchased on top of the basic Opencart installation. Make sure your theme is compatible with the installed opencart version. You need to provide cPanel and site administrator information. We install the theme files that you have forwarded to your installed opencart site. War*z theme installations are definitely not done. Don't even make an offer. In addition, our company is not responsible for problems arising from the theme. It is your responsibility to take backups of your site, including files and databases, in case your site is damaged for any reason.

3. Opencart + Theme Installation and Turkishization: First of all, we do your basic Opencart installation and install any theme you have purchased on it. Make sure your theme is compatible with the installed opencart version. You need to provide cPanel and site administrator information. We will install the theme files that you have forwarded to your opencart site that we will install. War*z theme installations are definitely not done. Don't even make an offer. In addition, our company is not responsible for problems arising from the theme. It is your responsibility to take backups of your site, including files and databases, in case your site is damaged for any reason.

Sun, 23 Oct 2022 15:01:24 +0300 Safirmedya
İstediğiniz Ürünlerin Reklam Animasyon Videosu

✔ Preis: 1,500

Satış Promosyon Videosu , satış teklifi oluşturmak ve özel tekliflerin sunumu için harika bir proje. Ayrıca iş sunumu gibi diğer yapımlara ve istediğiniz her şeyi tanıtmanıza yardımcı olacak bir video animasyonu hazırlyoruz. Ürünlerinizin fiyatlarını belirtin yüksek çözünürlüklü ürün resimlerini gönderin, videonuzu oluşturup size iletelim. 

Çözünürlük 4K, 2K, Full HD 1920×1080

Fiyat 10 Ürün için geçerlidir...

Sale Promo - 3 Sale Promo - 4 Sale Promo - 5 Sale Promo - 6 Sale Promo - 7 Sale Promo - 8 Sale Promo - 9 Sale Promo - 10

Sat, 22 Oct 2022 19:01:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Fotoğraf Portföyü HTML Web Sitesi Şablonu

✔ Preis: 280

Popüler Bootstrap Çerçevesine dayalı eksiksiz bir HTML5 ve CSS3 web sitesi şablonu. Şablon, fotoğraf portföy siteleri için mükemmel bir uyum sağlar. Her tür cihazla (dizüstü bilgisayarlar, tabletler ve cep telefonları) harika görünür.

Şablon Temel Özellikler:

  • HTML5 ve CSS3 ile oluşturulmuş
  • Bootstrap Çerçevesine Dayalı
  • Fotoğrafçılar için üretildi
  • Tamamen duyarlı tasarım
  • Açık ve Karanlık sürüm
  • 70'den fazla HTML dosyası
  • son derece esnek
  • Kolay özelleştirilebilir
  • İyi organize edilmiş ve yorumlanmış kod
  • Temiz ve düzgün tasarım
  • Modern ve yenilikçi bir yaklaşım
  • Şık düzenler
  • Çeşitli düzen varyasyonları
  • Çalışan iletişim formu
  • Fareyle üzerine gelme animasyonları
  • Pürüzsüz sayfa geçişleri
  • Google Haritalar
  • Google Yazı Tipleri
  • Font Awesome simgeleri (ücretsiz sürüm)
  • İçerik Döngüsü
  • Video arka planı uyumluluğu
  • Işık Galerisi
  • Tam ekran kaydırıcı
  • Tam ekran atlıkarınca
  • paralaks efektleri
  • İzotop filtreli portföy ızgarası
  • Kayan başlık
  • 3 Giriş Stili
  • 9 Albüm Stili
  • 4 Albüm Öğe Stili
  • 7 Albüm Izgara Düzeni
  • 5 Albüm Duvar Sütunları
  • 3 Albüm Oluk Stili
  • 12 Galeri Stili
  • 4 Galeri Sütunu
  • 3 Galeri Oluk Stili
  • 7 Galeri Vurgulu Stili
  • 5 Menü Varyasyonları
  • 6 Blog Düzeni
  • 9 Sayfa stilleri
  • SEO dostu
  • Geliştirici dostu
  • Ücretsiz ömür boyu güncellemeler
  • Güvenilir destek
  • Tüm büyük en yeni tarayıcılarla uyumlu
  • ve daha fazlası…
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 22:28:14 +0300 Safirmedya
WooCommerce Sipariş Ayrıntıları

✔ Preis: 0

WooCommerce Sipariş Ayrıntıları, Müşterilerinizin tüm sipariş ayrıntılarını tek bir sayfada görselleştirmesine olanak tanıyan güzel ve temiz bir stil vererek Hesabım -> Siparişler sayfasını geliştirir!

(Mağaza yöneticisi hesabı)
kullanıcı: demo
geçişi: demo


Otomatik güncellemeleri almak için Envato güncelleyici eklentisini kurun ve yapılandırın: .Nasıl yapılandırılacağını açıklayan resmi kılavuz aşağıdaki bağlantıda bulunabilir: .


Sadece eklentiyi kurun ve … hazırsınız! :) Kurulduktan sonra, Hesaplarım -> Siparişler sayfasını otomatik olarak geliştirecektir. Her sipariş için, kullanıcı, herhangi bir yere gitmeden tüm sipariş verilerini bir tabloda görüntülemeye izin veren bir ok simgesi bulacaktır.


Sipariş ayrıntıları tablosunda aşağıdaki veriler görüntülenecektir

  1. Ürün verileri: Resim, fiyat, vergiler
  2. Kargo ücretleri
  3. ücretler
  4. geri ödemeler
  5. ara toplamlar
  6. toplamlar
  7. Fatura ve Teslimat adresleri


Özel [wcod_order_details] kısa kodu , kullanıcının yalnızca kimliği yazarak herhangi bir siparişi izleyebileceği bir form oluşturacaktır!


WooCommerce Gönderi Takibinin kurulu olması durumunda , sipariş ayrıntıları tablosunda takip bilgileri görüntülenecektir.


WooCommerce AfterShip'in kurulu olması durumunda , sipariş ayrıntıları tablosunda takip bilgileri görüntülenecektir.


Sipariş Listesi

Sipariş ayrıntıları tablosu



WooCommerce Gönderi Takibi desteği


WooCommerce AfterShip desteği


[wcod_order_details] Kısa kod iş başında


Wed, 30 Mar 2022 22:18:09 +0300 Safirmedya
Paper Plane - Modern WordPress Blog Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Paper Plane is a modern and clean WordPress theme for modern content-based blogs and magazines.

Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 1 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 2 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 3 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 4 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 5 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 6 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 7 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 8 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 9 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 10 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 11 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 12 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 13 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 14 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 15 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 16 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 17 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 18 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 19 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 20 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 21 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 22 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 23 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 24 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 25 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 26 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 27 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 28 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 29 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 30 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 31 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 32 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 33 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 34 Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 35 

Paper Plane. Easy to Use WordPress Blog Theme with Dark Mode

Paper Plane is a modern and clean WordPress theme for modern content-based blogs and magazines.

9 Beautifully Designed Demos in One Theme

Thanks to our signature feature, the Demo Switcher, you may apply a new demo any time without affecting your content. If you feel bored with one of the demos, simply apply a new one and get a completely different appearance of your blog or magazine.

Dark Mode

Turn on Dark Mode for a great viewing experience especially in low-light environments.

Dark Mode is a dramatic new look that’s easy on your eyes and helps you focus on the content. It uses a dark color scheme and is activated automatically based on the browser’s preferred settings or manually with a toggle.

Turn on Dark Mode to give your eyes a break.

Smart Colors

When you select a dark background color for your header or footer, the text and links color will automatically change to white. You don’t need to set up a lot of color option, as most of them will work automatically based on your selection.

Customize with Instant Live Preview

All theme options can be configured with the native WordPress customize feature. Forget the outdated settings pages and manually refreshing your page to see the changes. Preview all the changes live while configuring your perfect blog or media.

AMP Support

We have added styles for the AMP pages to match the main styles of your website. Simply activate the official WordPress AMP plugin to enable Google Accelerated Mobile Pages on your website.

Google Fonts

Create different styles with 800+ Google Fonts supported. Simply select the desired font from the dropdown and preview it instantly on your website – no more confusing CSS rules or code snippets.

Additional Content

Ever wanted to place an ad spot underneath your header? A subscribe form below post content? With our signature feature you may insert any content into different template parts without changing template files or overriding templates with a child theme.

Smart Sticky Navigation

Increase mobile users’ viewport by displaying the main navigation only when they scroll up. Or force the menu to stay sticky all the time. Or disable the feature completely, it’s up to you! Enable either of the three options in theme settings with a single click.

Sticky Sidebar

Make your widgets sticky when scrolling the page. Select from two options: either stick to the bottom edge of your sidebar or the top edge of the last widget. Increase your ad’s conversion by setting the ad as your last widget and selecting the latter option. Unlike other theme’s sticky sidebars, ours is enabled and doesn’t flicker on tablets or mobiles. By using the native browser’s sticky positioning, we created a sticky sidebar that animates gorgeously not only on desktops but mobiles too.

Paginated Posts

Divide your posts into multiple pages and add properly styled pagination at the bottom of your posts.

Guest Authors and Multi-Author Posts with Co-Authors Plus Support

Involve guest authors without creating separate user accounts or add multiple authors per post with the integrated Co-Authors Plus plugin support. All post authors, including contributors and guest authors, can have social accounts and a bio too.


Built-in support for RTL (right-to-left) languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian or any other RTL written language.

Post Views with Google Analytics synchronization

Display number of post views among other post meta with the integrated post views support.

Post Reading Time

Easily add post reading time to encourage your users. The reading time is calculated automatically based on the average reading speed of an adult.


Your website will look amazing on Retina screens thanks to vector scalable elements, clear Retina-ready images, and typography.

Adaptive Optimized Image Sizes

A small number of generated thumbnails will save your disk storage space on your hosting provider and make the thumbnail regeneration process quick.

We never downscale images and serve them in the original size or close to it, so that users will not download more than they need. Google likes optimized image sizes too.

Ultra Responsive

We tested our theme on multiple physical devices and emulators to make sure we deliver the best quality.

Feature-Rich, yet Simple

Despite a lot of great built-in features, it’s extremely easy to use. All options support live-preview, and you may instantly see all the changes before saving them.

We made sure that all theme options and features are seamlessly blended into the WordPress user interface and feel very natural and intuitive.

Of course, no coding is required to setup up your website.

Live Search Results

Get instant search results while you type the search request and easily navigate between them with keyboard support.

Built-in Styles for WordPress Galleries

The default WordPress galleries (or the [gallery] shortcode) will look nice right out-of-the-box thanks to the integrated gallery styles.

Increase the page per visit ratio by enabling recent posts beneath your single posts. Related posts will appear automatically, as soon as there’re enough posts in the same category.

Optimized CSS without Dependencies

There’re no dependencies (for example Bootstrap), so no extra bloat or third-party assets. Your users and Google will love the loading time of your website pages.

Coded with WordPress Coding Standards

WordPress Coding Standards help developers maintain a consistent style so that the code is clean and easy to read at a glance. We keep it in mind when writing code for our WordPress themes.


Enjoy the fast browsing experience with performance optimization. We check our theme with the Query Monitor plugin to avoid excessive requests to your database.

Google Structured Data Support

We make sure that the structured data is correct by adding special classes to elements. It helps Google understand your content better and rank your website higher.

Built with Hooks & Developer Friendly

There’re numerous actions and filters, which enable you to hook into theme functions from a child theme to create awesome custom solutions for your clients and make the website update-safe.


There’s a .pot file, included with the theme, that allows you to use POEdit or Loco Translate to easily translate our theme into your native language.

WPML and Polylang compatible

Would you like to have a multilingual website for a broader audience? Our theme supports both WPML and Polylang plugins and allows creating a multilingual website in no time.

Numerous Ads and Banner Spots with built-in AdSense Support

Easily monetize your blog with versatile ads and banner spots available right in the WordPress Customize section. Place your ads or banner snippets in several predefined template locations without ever touching the template code.

One-Click Demo Import

Feeling like you need a change of your website design? Apply a different demo anytime, even if you have existing content, without getting numerous duplicate copies of dummy posts and pages.

Of course, you may import the demo posts too, a useful feature when starting a brand new blog.

Since 2017, when we created Authentic, it has been featured on the homepage of ThemeForest by the Envato stuff, gained more than 3000 sales, and has been mentioned by WordPress’s online publishers. By purchasing a theme from Code Supply Co. you will get timely support and regular theme updates guaranteed.

Powered by Powerkit

Powerkit is our in-house plugin for extending our theme features. You don’t need to search for compatible plugins for all the basic components of your website: share buttons, social links, author and about widgets, newsletter opt-in forms, slider, and tiled galleries, lightbox, lazy load of images and other great features that every blog or magazine needs. Powerkit seamlessly integrates with our themes in terms of features and site appearance. It has a modular design and you may easily disable different modules without slowing down your website.

Share Buttons

Make your content go viral by enabling share buttons on single post pages.

There’re three locations available: before and after post content and in the floating post sidebar for better user engagement.

Choose between different social accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, VKontakte, and email.

Customize the order of your share buttons: place the higher priority share buttons first, based on your country and content specific traits.

Enable share buttons in three locations: before post content, after post content, and in the floating post sidebar.

You may also enable counts for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest share accounts, as well as the total number of shares per post.

The share buttons are ultra-fast and fully support all caching plugins. The count data is fetched dynamically via REST API; thus, it won’t create a bottleneck in your website’s performance.

Help your visitors easily find and follow you on your social media with built-in social links with counters.

Just as the share buttons, the social accounts fully support dynamic fetching of your social media followers count, resulting in a fast performance of your website and compatibility with caching plugins.

You may place social links in your sidebar by using a widget, page content with a shortcode or in the pre-defined theme locations.

Facebook Integration

Easily embed and promote any Facebook fan page on your website by placing it in your sidebar or post content.

Light up the post discussion by replacing WordPress comments with Facebook comments widget or appending the Facebook comments widget to the default WordPress comments.

Pinterest Integration

Let your users pin images from your blog to their Pinterest boards by adding Pin It buttons on all single images and galleries, with captions supported.

Add a special class to an image inside your post content and Pinterest will fetch this particular image when sharing via the Pinterest share button. Super useful for creating Pinterest optimized cover images to gain a lot of social media traffic.

Twitter Integration

Embed your Twitter feed in a widget or post content via a shortcode.

Instagram Integration

Display your Instagram feed in your sidebar with a widget, in post content with a shortcode or site footer. Every image in the Instagram feed also comes with a number of likes and comments for better user engagement.

Opt-in Forms

Integrate subscription forms on your website and grow your subscribers’ list. The MailChimp module supports one-click subscriptions via AJAX and the MailChimp API. Add a caption regarding personal data and make the opt-in form GDPR compatible.

Retina Images

Make your website look crisp on Retina screens by enabling the Retina Images module. It will automatically create 2x image sizes for high pixel density screens.

Lazy Load with Low-Quality Image Placeholders

Speed up your website and increase Google PageSpeed Insights score by enabling the Lazy Load module. It will make your images load only when they’re near the user’s viewport.

You may also serve the so-called LQIP (Low-Quality Image Placeholders) before the main images have been loaded. It will add a beautiful blur effect on images while loading.


Enable the option to enlarge your images in post content or post galleries in a sleek lightbox instead of opening them in a new window. The module supports all gallery types and images in post content. And it’s responsive too.

Adobe Fonts (Formerly Typekit)

Enhance your blog or magazine design by adding support for Typekit fonts. Control your fonts right in the WordPress customize section with live preview. No more CSS selectors or custom code for your Typekit fonts.

Custom Fonts

Upload custom fonts right in the WordPress dashboard and add them to the list of supported fonts in the WordPress Customize section. No coding required.

Justified Galleries

Create greater stories with beautiful justified galleries. Creating a justified gallery feels as natural as the default WordPress ones.

Slider Galleries

Insert responsive and Retina-ready slider galleries in your post content with mobile touch and swipe support. Enable slider pagination, bullets or navigation arrows with just a few clicks.

Table of Contents

Easily add a table of contents for your longer blog posts, so that your users can easily navigate to the post section they’re interested in.

Numbered Headings

Create popular list articles (listicles) with the built-in numbered headings feature. It’s a well-known fact that posts with lists (“Top 10 Things to See in Rome”) are the easiest way to gain more viral traffic.



Some demos use Adobe Fonts (formerly Typekit). If Adobe Fonts fonts aren’t available, they will be substituted with default fonts or Google Fonts. See our documentation for more details.


While demo content looks as close to our demos as possible, there’re a few site-specific settings, that need manual configuration for your convenience, for example, links to your social accounts, widgets and some others.


The parallax effect is currently supported in Google Chrome only due to other browsers’ limitations.


The starting preview is a landing page to promote our product and showcase different demos. It’s not included in the theme.


The page speed score mentioned on the item’s page is for reference only and depends on the selected demo, theme and server configuration and the content itself. Some theme features may negatively impact page speed scores.


There’re a few features, that rely on communication with external service providers, for example number of social followers, share counts, Instagram feeds, etc. As these service providers are beyond our control, your purchase decision should not be based solely on these features.

Thanks for checking out Paper Plane

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have via our e-mail.

And, if you love Paper Plane as much as we enjoyed developing it, please remember to rate it.


Paper Plane - Creative Parallax WordPress Blog Theme - 36

Fri, 11 Mar 2022 18:22:04 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Admin Ürün Kategori Filtreleme

✔ Preis: 70

Admin Panel yani yönetim panelinde ürünleri listelediğimizde bazen sadece istediğimiz kategorideki ürünlerin listelenmesini isteriz. Ancak Opencart için böyle bir seçenek yoktur. İşte bu modül sadece istediğimiz kategorideki ürünleri filtrelememize yarayan bir modül. 

Uyumlu Opencart Sürümleri: Opencart 2.X, Opencart 3.X

KURULUM: Opencart Admin Panelden, Eklentiler - Eklenti Yükle sayfasına gelin ve Dosya Yükle butonu ile indirmiş olduğunuz dosyayı seçin. Eklenti otomatik olarak yüklenecektir.  Daha sonra Eklentiler - Modifikasyonlar alanına gelerek Sağ Üstteki YENİLE butonuna basın. Yükleme işlemi bitmiştir. Artık modülü rahatlıkla kullanabilirsiniz. 

Kaynak :

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 02:13:50 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Unique Item Code Module

✔ Preis: 50

One of the main points to be considered while adding a product in the Opencart system is the field defined as the product model code, in fact the identity of the product. Whether for batch product import, export, updates, or batch operations, this code is based on. While this code is issued, giving the same code to several products can cause problems, so it is important that it is unique.

This module automatically does this for you, that is, when you start the Add New Product process in the Administration Panel, it automatically creates a unique product code and fills it in the product code field.

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 01:44:01 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart Quick Product Editing Module

✔ Preis: 100

Thanks to Opencart Quick Product Editing Module; When you install the module, a Quick Edit button is added to the end of each product line in the products list. By using this Quick Edit button on the Products page, you can quickly edit and save the Product Name - Product Code - Price - Stock Quantity - Sales Status and Category without opening the product edit content.

Compatible Versions: 2.X, 3.X,,,,,,,,,, 3.0. 3.6,,

INSTALLATION: From the Opencart Admin Panel, go to the Plugins - Install Plugin page and select the file you downloaded with the File Upload button. The plugin will be installed automatically.

Then come to the Add-ons - Modifications area and press the RENEW button on the Top Right. The upload is finished. Now, when you list the products in the Products menu, you will see the Quick Edit button, you can use it easily.

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 01:22:07 +0300 Safirmedya
Fashion After Effects Project Files

✔ Preis: 300

Project Description

  • No plugins required
  • Includes video tutorial
  • After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2016, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC 2020, CC 2021, CC 2022
  • Control easy customize
  • Change All Settings with Control Layer
  • Fast Render
  • Change text, paste your photos or videos. Enjoy!
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Font, video links in help file!



Download and Details: Fashion

Sat, 26 Feb 2022 21:29:09 +0300 Safirmedya
Opencart 2X ve Opencart 3X Iyzico Sanal Pos Modülü

✔ Preis: 0

iyzico Opencart modülü, yalın opencart (eklentisiz) kurulumu üzerinde geliştirilip test edilmiştir. Kurulum yaparken mutlaka bu uyarıyı dikkate alınız.

Opencart altyapınıza göre aşağıdaki bölümden versiyonunuzu seçerek, modül kurulum yönergelerini takip edebilirsiniz.

Opencart 3.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Aşamaları

iyzico Ödeme Formu ve iyzico ile Öde olmak üzere 2 adet iyzico Opencart 3.x modülü vardır. Her iki modülü de sitenize kurmanız gerekmektedir.

Opencart 3.x iyzico Modül İndirme Linkleri
Opencart 3.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Dokümanları

Opencart 3.x - iyzico Ödeme Formu modülünün kurulum dokümantasyonunu buraya tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

Opencart 3.x - iyzico ile Öde modülünün entegrasyonunu videomuzu izleyerek gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.

Opencart 2.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Aşamaları

iyzico Ödeme Formu ve iyzico ile Öde olmak üzere 2 adet iyzico Opencart 2.x modülü vardır. Her iki modülü de sitenize kurmanız gerekmektedir.

Opencart 2.x iyzico Modül İndirme Linkleri
Opencart 2.x iyzico Modül Kurulum Dokümanları

Opencart 2.x - iyzico Ödeme Formu modülünün kurulum dokümantasyonunu buraya tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

Opencart 2.x - iyzico ile Öde modülünün kurulum dokümantasyonunu buraya tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

Opencart Temalarını İncelemek İçin Tıklayın

Sun, 20 Feb 2022 21:35:21 +0300 Safirmedya
Instagram Takipçi, Beğeni ve Otomatik Etkileşim Hizmeti

✔ Preis: 150

Thu, 10 Feb 2022 22:15:58 +0300 Safirmedya
Web Push Bildirimi - Web Push Notification

✔ Preis: 0

Yeni ürününüzü müşterilerinize anlatmak mı yoksa müşterinize herhangi bir bildirim yayınlamak mı istiyorsunuz? Sadece Web Push Bildirimi (Tarayıcı Bildirimi) uzantısını yükleyin ve yapılandırın, hepsi bu kadar.

Tarayıcı bildirim mesajı, önemli uyarıları, yeni ürün eklemelerini, gerekli bilgileri admin panelinden müşterilere görüntülemek için yararlı bir uzantıdır. Sitede bazı önemli güncellemeleriniz olduğunda iyi şekilde kullanılabilir ve yöneticinin bu bildirimi panelden göndermesi gerekir.  

Entegrasyonunuzu yaparak, ziyaretçilerinizden otomatik olarak sitenize abone olmaları istenecek ve sadece 1 tıklamayla abonelere dönüştürülecekler. E-posta veya başka bir bilgi istemenize gerek yok. Daha nitelikli potansiyel müşteriler ve daha düşük abonelik iptalleri elde edersiniz. Hem masaüstünde hem de mobil cihazlarda çalışır. Anında iletme bildirimlerinin tıklanabilir olduğu göz önüne alındığında, anında teklifler ve yeni içerikle yeniden etkileşime geçebilecek bir kitle elde edersiniz.

Opencart 3.X Sürümleri ile uyumludur. 2.X sürümlerinde denenmemiştir. Eğer Opencart sürümünüzü yükseltmek isterseniz, sizin için bu işlemi kolaylaştırdık. Opencart son sürümü Opencart Türkçeleştirilmiş halde ve gerekli olan eklentileri kurulmuş olarak sizler için hazırladık. Opencart Türkçe Temalı ve Gerekli Eklentilerle Tam Kurulum linkinden indirerek kurulum yapabilirsiniz. 


Web Push Bildirim Uzantısını yüklemek için aşağıdaki adımları izleyin:

  • Öncelikle buradan kurulum dosyasını zip uzantılı olarak indirin.
  • Opencart sitenizin yönetim paneline giderek; Eklentiler - Eklenti Yükle sekmesinden Dosya Seç ile indirmiş olduğunuz dosyayı seçerek yüklemeyi tamamlayın.
  • Sistem - Kullanıcılar - Kullanıcı Grupları alanından Administrator (Yönetici Grubuna) Düzenle diyerek Erişim İzinlerinden Tümünü Seçip yetkilendirin.
  • Modifikasyonlar alanından sağ üstteki Yenile butonuna basarak eklentileri yenileyin.
  • adresine gidin ve orada bir uygulaman oluşturun sonra uygulama kimlik bilgilerini alın.
  • Eklentiler - Eklentiler - Modüller alanını seçin ve listeden yüklemiş olduğunuz Web Push Bildirimi karşısındaki Düzenle butonuna tıklayın. Ve Üstte almış olduğunuz uygulama kimlik bilgilerini buraya girin. Status yani Durum'u Açık yapın. Artık aboneniz olduğunda bildirim gönderebileceksiniz.


Not: Bu uzantı yalnızca alan adınıza SSL sertifikası yüklediyseniz çalışır. HTTPS bağlantınızla ilgili herhangi bir sorun yaşamadığınızdan emin olun. tarayıcı konsolunuzdan kontrol edebilirsiniz ve herhangi bir sorununuz olursa lütfen yorumlar kısmına yazın.

Sat, 05 Feb 2022 01:40:31 +0300 Safirmedya
SEO Url and Slug Auto Complete OCMod

✔ Preis: 50

While this extension fills in fields such as Products, Categories, Manufacturers and Information Pages, filling the Seo URL is very challenging as it requires no Turkish characters and spaces.
If you don't want to spend time filling in Seo URL also called Slug when you fill in Product name, Category name, Manufacturer Brand name and Page information. This module will help you do that.

This module automatically gets the name of the product, category, manufacturer and page information and automatically generates the Seo URL and populates the SEO Keyword fields by replacing spaces, characters with slashes or dashes ( - ).

EXAMPLE: Product Name: Sony Led TV Perfect ===> Seo Url (Slug) = sony-led-tv-perfect (auto-filled as)


=> Automatically generate SEO URL for products.
=> Automatically generate SEO URL for categories.
=> Automatically generate SEO URL for manufacturers.
=> Automatically generate SEO URL for information.
=> Supports multiple languages.
=> Enable/Disable 'Seo URL Autofill [OCMOD]' Module on admin side
=> Easy to Install => It will run automatically.

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 20:19:02 +0300 Safirmedya
So Ladaz Ücretsiz Çok Amaçlı OpenCart 3 Teması

✔ Preis: 0

So Ladaz - Ücretsiz OpenCart 3 Teması, elektronik, mobil, ev aksesuarları, bilgisayarlar gibi e-ticaret siteleri için özel olarak tasarlanmıştır ve herhangi bir çevrimiçi mağazayla eşleşir. Şimdi bu harika OpenCart teması müşteriler için tamamen ÜCRETSİZ .

Yani Ladaz, OpenCart platformunun hayranları için ücretsiz. Sadece konfigürasyonda kolay değil, aynı zamanda müşteriyle her zamankinden daha fazla etkileşim kurması da basit. Renk sınırlaması yoktur, müşterilerinizin keyifli ve kolay bir deneyim kazanmasına fayda sağlayacak sade ve lüks, web siteniz için özel bir dış görünüm olarak en sevdiğiniz rengi tamamen seçersiniz. Ayrıca ücretsiz OpenCart şablonu , günlük fırsatlar, hızlı görünüm, mega menü, istek listesi, Sepete ekle, ürün karşılaştırma gibi profesyonel bir çevrimiçi mağaza oluşturmak için gerekli tüm e-ticaret özellikleriyle birlikte gelir.

ÖNEMLİ: Temanın bizimle ilgisi yoktur. Kurulumunu yapmadan önce mutlaka SİTENİZİN VE VERİTABANINIZIN YEDEĞİNİ ALMANIZI ŞİDDETLE TAVSİYE EDERİZ. Tema Opencart 3.0.2 sürümünün üstünde çalışmayabilir.

1. IE10+, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 ve Chrome ile uyumlu
2. OpenCart 3.0,X, OpenCart 2.3 ile uyumlu
3. Tam Duyarlı Tasarım
4. Site başlığını, kısa açıklamayı, logoyu ve Analytics Kimliğini belirlemeye izin ver
5. Geniş ve kutulu düzeni destekleyin
6. Mega Menü ile destek menüsü
7. Birçok uzantıyı destekler
8. Çoklu para birimi, çoklu dil, çok renkli desteği
9. Ürün Görselleri için bulut yakınlaştırma seçeneği
10. Başa dön düğmesi
11. Font Awesome Simgesi ile tamamen entegre
12. Özel CSS/JS ekleme desteği
13. Ürün Hızlı görünüm desteklenir
14. Sosyal Ağlar entegrasyonu
15. CSS3 tablosuz tasarım
16. Gelişmiş tema özellikleri
17. Özel sayfa: hakkımızda, bize ulaşın...


Tema Paketi
Mevcut sitenize yüklemek için bu paketi kullanın

QuickStart Kurulum Paketi
Bu pakette tema, modüller, eklentiler ve örnek veriler bulunmaktadır. Bu paketi kullanarak, demo site görünümünde eksiksiz bir siteye sahip olacaksınız.

Tam Belgeler
Şablonu yapılandırmak için ayrıntılı belgeler

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 19:19:48 +0300 Safirmedya
Araba İlanları Listeleme Scripti

✔ Preis: 0

Araba listeleme web sitenize süslü kapaklı kart efektli sınıflandırılmış reklamlar sayfası sağlamak için tasarlanmış basit bir araba ilanları komut dosyasıdır. Araba ilanlarını, kullanımı kolay ve ücretsiz araba listeleme komut dosyamızla modern ve çekici bir şekilde listeleyin ve yayınlayın. 

Araba ilanları, kartın ilk tarafında bir resim, başlık, fiyat ve özet detayları ile sunulmaktadır. Diğer tarafta, yapılandırılmış araç detaylı verilerini kullanarak araç hakkında daha fazla bilgi verebilirsiniz. 

Tamamen web sitesi tarzında değil, sadece listeleme sayfası şeklindedir. Demoyu inceleyerek indirmeye karar verebilirsiniz. 

Veritabanı: MySQL
Program dili: PHP

Sorularınız varsa, iyileştirme için bir öneriniz varsa, lütfen sayfa altındaki yorumlar formu kısmından yorum bırakın.

Nasıl Kurulur

Script dosyasını çalıştırmak için şu adımları izleyin:

1) Database.sql dosyasını açın ve veritabanınızdaki tüm MYSQL sorgularını içe aktarın. Veritabanına bazı örnek arabalar ekledik ama onu kaldırabilirsiniz.

2) Options.php dosyasını düzenleyin ve veritabanınıza bağlanmak için MySQL oturum açma bilgilerini ayarlayın.

3) Web tarayıcınızı kullanarak, veritabanındaki arabaları gösterecek olan cars.php sayfasını açın...

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 21:45:11 +0300 Safirmedya
Arduino Uno R3 CH340 + USB Kablo

✔ Preis: 150

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:14:45 +0300 Safirmedya
Her Türlü Reklam ve Ürün Tanıtım Animasyonları

✔ Preis: 500

Her Türlü Reklam ve Ürün Tanıtım Animasyonları size özel olarak hazırlanmaktadır.

Farklı hizmetleri/ürünleri tanıtmak için tasarlanmış, bir ürünün temel özelliklerini açıklayan, hedef kitle ile bağlantı kuran, avantajlarını ve kullanımının gerekliliğini anlatan birçok açıklayıcı video örneği biliyoruz, peki ya animasyonlu? Her gün televizyonda gördüğümüz reklamlar, örneğin Coca-Cola, KFC, Red Bull vb. Her gün kaç tane animasyonlu videonun göründüğünü hiç düşündünüz mü? Animasyonlu video prodüksiyonuna artan ilgi, reklamcılık yöntemlerini de etkiliyor ve biz de tanınmış markaları araştırmak ve animasyonlu videoların en iyi örneklerini bulmak istiyoruz. 

Akla gelen ilk örnek Red Bull'un bir promosyon şirketi. Bu marka, var olduğu tüm süre boyunca animasyonlu reklamlar kullanmasıyla ünlüdür ve reklamın ilk saniyelerine bakarak neyin tehlikede olduğunu kolayca anlayabiliriz. Tabii ki, herkes tüm bu beklenmedik sonları biliyor. Aynı resme defalarca bakmanın genellikle sıkıcı olduğunu, ancak bu reklam için seçilen bir stilin kesinlikle uzun yıllar üzerinde çalışılan düşünceli bir pazarlama taktiği olduğunu belirtmek gerekir. 

Hazırladığımız reklam ve animasyonlardan birkaç örnek:

Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:21:15 +0300 Safirmedya
Big Titles -Typography After Effect Video

✔ Preis: 300

Ürün orjinal olup lisanslı olarak tek 1 adet satılacaktır.

  • Duyarlı Tasarım: Kompozisyonları otomatik olarak yeniden boyutlandırın
  • Yalnızca ihtiyacınız olan sahneyi kullanın
  • Her sahne için yerel renk kontrolü
  • Eklenti gerekmez
  • After Effects CS5,5 veya üzeri
  • 29 Kullanıma Hazır Sahne 
  • Metinleriniz için 49 yer tutucu
  • Medyanız için 18 yer tutucu
  • Logo için 1 yer
  • Yardım için PDF dosyası
  • Ses, Fotoğraflar ve Videolar DAHİL DEĞİLDİR, yalnızca önizleme amaçlıdır..

Font: Objective

Soundtracks: Background Hip-Hop Urban by CoffeeMusic.

Fri, 24 Dec 2021 13:32:59 +0300 Safirmedya
Restaurant Food Ordering & Delivery HTML Template

✔ Preis: 0

Foodka HTML template is a stylish and modern template for food delivery. The theme is designed for online food ordering and food delivery websites, as well as restaurant websites. You can also use it as a food blog, lifestyle blog, online cookbook, restaurant listing, restaurant ranking, or recipe website.

Key Features

Foodka – Restaurant Food Ordering & Delivery HTML Template Modern, Trendy & Unique Design Bootstrap 5, Mobile Friendly HTML Template


  • 03 Home Pages
  • 11+ Inner Pages
  • 11+ Product Pages
  • 11+ Cart Pages
  • 11+ Checkout Pages
  • Blog page
  • Blog details page
  • HTML5 / CSS 3 use
  • Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)
  • Pixel Perfect Design
  • Flat Design Style
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Included documentation
  • Google font
  • SEO friendly code
  • Easy To Customize
  • Support and Update
  • And Much More…
Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:09:10 +0300 Safirmedya
Araç Yedek Parça Satış Sitesi

✔ Preis: 2,000

Araç Yedek Parça Satış Sitesi; Opencart altyapılı Zengin e-Ticaret Özellikleri – Yüksek Performans – SEO Optimizasyonu – Son Derece Özelleştirilebilir Tasarımlar,

Yedek parça çeşitlerini, birbirinden kaliteli ve uygun fiyatlı modelleriyle satış yapabileceğiniz, ziyaretçilerinizin aradığı parçayı araç marka model ve yıl olarak süzebileceği bir sistemdir.

Son Derece Özelleştirilebilir Özellikler : Görsel sayfa oluşturucu, megamenu hazır, Sürükle ve Bırak ile yönetim özellikleri, Kategoriler Açılır Penceresi , Facebook Livechat Messenger , Mobil Düzenler, Menü özellikleri, E-posta bülteni, Pop-up ve daha fazlası ... Ayrıca Multivendor gibi birçok üçüncü taraf uzantısıyla uyumlu eklentiler, Slider Revolution, Ürün Tasarımı, GDPR vb.

Responsive Tasarım

Wed, 06 Oct 2021 21:25:48 +0300 Safirmedya
Fast Instagram Promo

✔ Preis: 0

Fast Instagram Promo 3D Gallery. Stylish Slideshow for your Instagram Photos

  • 2 Versions (White & Colored)
  • FullHD resolution (1920×1080). After Effects CS4 or higher. No plugins required
  • Very easy to use (put your images, enter your links & taglines, and render it)
  • All placeholders and project have fixed time length, that can’t be changed
  • Includes detailed video tutorial (from After Effects open to final Render)
  • Final render output presets: 1920×1080 1280×720 960×540
  • Music track is not included. You can buy it here
  • Font here.  
After Effects Version CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4
Files Included After Effects Project Files
Length 0:33
Resolution 1920x1080
File Size 15.3MB

Fast Instagram Promo - 1
Fast Instagram Promo - 2
Fast Instagram Promo - 3 Fast Instagram Promo - 4 Fast Instagram Promo - 5 Fast Instagram Promo - 6 Fast Instagram Promo - 7 Fast Instagram Promo - 8 Fast Instagram Promo - 9 Fast Instagram Promo - 10 Fast Instagram Promo - 11 Fast Instagram Promo - 12 Fast Instagram Promo - 13 Fast Instagram Promo - 14 Fast Instagram Promo - 15 Fast Instagram Promo - 16 Fast Instagram Promo - 17 Fast Instagram Promo - 18 

Fast Instagram Promo Slideshow. Can be used for: corporate title, digital introduction intro, firm promo, political organization, medicine firm, corporate presentation, site presentation, media structure, app promo, title of your portfolio. Use it for TV show like a title. You can use it like a title of your video, and place it in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Instagram IGTV, Vine, Tumblr, Pinterest, Vkontakte, Flickr, Behance, Vimeo, YouTube or any other social networks and impress your everyone.

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 23:08:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Mediabay - WordPress Media Library Folders

✔ Preis: 20

Manage thousands of media files and folders in your WordPress media library swiftly and smoothly! A breakthrough in WordPress media library management and organization.


There are several ways professionals are using the Mediabay file manager plugin to organize their WordPress content:

  • Keep all of your media files organized in folders and subfolders, including photos, videos, and music.
  • Bloggers: manage your own content with ease with this file manager plugin. Never get confused again – organize photos and content by topics, categories, and/or dates.

Note: adding a image into a folder will not change its URL.


It’s rather simple really – once you install the plugin, you can begin using it. If you’re a content creator, you can upload text, images, videos, and audio at the click of a button. Then you can organize everything you upload into neat subfolders. For instance, you can create a media folder, content folder, and image folder, then have them all organized by date. It has a drag and drop interface, making it user-friendly for everyone. It’s like having your own media library at your own disposal. You can create this media library for yourself or others – it’s perfect for website owners and content professionals!


  • Create new folders
  • Create and organize subfolders
  • Drag and drop media
  • Drag and drop folders, change order, and hierarchy
  • Bulk select images and media files and drag them to any folder
  • Rename folders
  • Delete folders
  • Clear folders
  • Easily see subfolders within each file
  • Resize folders menu
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:23:54 +0300 Safirmedya
Simple & Elegant - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 250

Simple & Elegant is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with high aesthetics detail and a lot of premium advanced features.


  • WordPress 5.8 compatible and continue to be compatible with newer versions of WordPress
  • WooCommerce 5.x ready and continue to be compatible with newer versions of WooCommerce
  • One-Click installation. Setup the site 100% same as demo with ONLY one click. No more step 1, step 2…
  • 100% Responsive, looks great on all devices. Touch & Swipe Friendly for mobile devices.
  • Off Canvas Menu for mobile devices. View live demo.
  • Retina-ready: Simple & Elegant uses icon font library so your site always look sharp on all retina devices like Macbook Pro, iPad, iPhone…
  • Translation Ready: Simple & Elegant contains *pot file in languages directory, that allows you to translate this theme into your own language.
  • Clean Code & child theme included (easy to adapt)
  • Multi-Conept: With ton of options, Simple & Elegant allows you to switch between concepts. In v2.0, it comes with three concepts: standard, photography and DIY. You can switch between concepts easily with only a single click.
  • Elegant & Clean Design with “Simplicity” in mind
  • WooCommerce compatible: You can setup a shop to sell anything with Simple & Elegant. WooCommerce is totally free and is the most popular shop plugin for WordPress. Visit sample shop.
    WooCommerce Wishlist plugin: Integrate Yith Wishlist plugin.
  • WooCommerce Quick View
  • WooCommerce Offcanvas Cart
  • WooCommerce Image Flip feature
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Mega Menu & third-dropdown supported
  • Header Layouts: Center header or Left – Right.
  • Header Style: You can customize header padding, background color & image.
  • Footer Layouts: Center Footer or Left – Right Footer
  • Footer Themes: Light or Dark Footer
  • Boxed & Wide Layout: Background Image option for boxed layout.
  • Live Customizer with 300+ options: You’re totally free to change font face, color, font weight/font-style as well as text transform… of common elements like body text, menu, heading, copyright… It’s super flexible withou touching a line of code.
  • Google Fonts Dropdown Select from Customizer: All Google Fonts in the library are ready to use.
  • Easily integrate any kind of font from Typekit or self-hosted fonts
  • Save $26 with Slider Revolution included. Slider Revolution is the most popular and the best slider at the moment with more than 1 million of people using it. All sliders come with importable zip file so you can adapt and setup your own slider same as demo.
  • Save $64 with WPBakery Page Builder included. WPBakery Page Builder is the most popular page builder with more than 1 million of people using it. Simple & Elegant comes with extra elements to help you build your site even easier.
  • WPML Compatible: Build a multilingual website with confidence
  • Gravity Forms Compatible.
  • Beautiful Portfolio with formats: Gallery, Video, Audio. From v2.0, you can select many portfolio options with column, style, image ratio… Furthermore, each single project has its own layout options to choose from.
    Portfolio 2 Columns
    Portfolio 3 Columns
    Portfolio 4 Columns
  • Various blog layouts: Standard, Grid, List
  • Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Video, Audio
  • Automatically get video thumbnail from YouTube & Vimeo for video posts
  • MailChimp widget styled & ready to use
  • Instagram Widget styled & ready to use
  • Image Widget built-in with native WordPress media upload for banner, advertisement and about me widget.
  • Contact Form 7 supported: The most popular contact form plugin ever.
  • Unlimited Colors from Live Customizer. You can change colors for almost things: topbar, header, menu, footer, text color…
  • Show/Hide almost everything
  • Full set of Social Icons: More than 40+ social icons included with most popular websites such as facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, pinterest…
  • Comprehensive page layouts: Fullwidth, sidebar left, sidebar right
  • Side Navigation: Allows you to create history page, documentation… Sample Side Navigation
  • Beautiful Lightbox: Responsive image lightbox customized from Magnific Popup of dimsemenov.
  • Obvious use, documentation included


Wed, 08 Sep 2021 00:22:31 +0300 Safirmedya
Psychologist - Psychological Practice WP Theme

✔ Preis: 0

WooCommerce support added in version 1.4.0

Clean and responsive WordPress theme for psychological practice personal or business websites, or any other websites that needs ( or not ) Events calendar or Appointment calendar. Flexible and modern design and lot of features.

Works with UNYSON pagebuilder extension.

Setup video.

Fri, 16 Jul 2021 20:49:48 +0300 Safirmedya
Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme

✔ Preis: 800

Famiza is a Multipurpose Responsive Sectioned Shopify Theme with clean & modern design. Famiza is fully responsive to looks perfect on all types of screens and devices. It’s fully compatible with the Shopify sectioned theme customization. It’s created and developed with easy setup. Famiza is suitable for any kinds of business stores such as Fashion, Clothes, Men Fashion, Women Fashion, Kids Fashion, Accessories, Gadgets & Digital store, Jewelries, Shoes and many more…

It is designed with modern and new style helping customers to display products professionally and It comes with a lot of great features that would take you months to develop. Information blocks are nicely and neatly display for your customers to easily find the information they need.The design is very elegant, modern and also very easy to customize without touching a single line of CODE. it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. We have put our hard effort and lots of love into building this theme and we hope you will enjoy using this theme as much as we enjoyed while developing it. We care about your site as much as you do and will treat you as we would like to be treated. Our support always ready for all customers to answer as soon as possible.

  • Multi-Purpose Store
  • Well Documented
  • Powerful Admin Control Panel
  • 17+ Home Page Section
  • 100% fully Responsive with Twitter Bootstrap 3
  • HTML5 & CSS3 & Sass CSS
  • Font Awesome icons integrated
  • Google Web Fonts Integration
  • Unlimited Color Options
  • Powerful Mega Menu
  • Sticky Menu
  • Powerful Theme Options
  • Full Width Touch slider on Home Page
  • Touch slider on Collection Page
  • Collection page with Top Banner
  • Collection page with options
  • Propduct Swatches options
  • Slick Carousel
  • Wow Animation
  • Grid & List Mode
  • Ajax Cart Popup
  • Product Notification Popup
  • Color Swatches on collection page
  • Product Swatches option
  • Ajax Add to Cart
  • Quick-view
  • Product Review(app)
  • Social Networking Sharing Integrated
  • Powerful Product Filtering
  • Related Product Slider
  • Recently Viewed Product
  • Brand Slider
  • Blog Slider
  • Collection Tabs
  • Product Rows and Slider options
  • Single Product on Home Page
  • Product Labels
  • Video Thumbnail per product
  • Graphic per product
  • Product Thumbnail Slider built-in
  • Custom Tab in Product page
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Instagram Integrated
  • Blog Page with Options
  • Lookbook Page with Options
  • 404 Page
  • FAQs Page
  • Contact Page with Google Maps
  • SEO optimized
Fri, 16 Jul 2021 20:37:21 +0300 Safirmedya
Aki - Multipurpose Kids WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 480

Embracing a special love for children and always contemplating what kids insightfully like and admire, we’ve designed a perfect template called Aki which covers everything for kids favourability, such as kids play zones, kids fashion store, Toys store, Renting toys, Arts classes, Online courses and so on. Aki comes up with more than 10 pre-made layouts made with a sense of modern and cuddliest vibe running through all the pages. Aki will doubtlessly meet & fit all of your dreaming websites dedicated for kids.

Aki is also based on Redux framework and empowered by a robust admin panel and a lot of other popular plugins such as Visual composer, Slider revolution, Ultimate addons for Composer, WPML, Mega Menu, Ajax Search, Ajax product filter…. So, it is an assurance that Aki will bring you a super powerful features of WordPress Theme.


Wed, 23 Jun 2021 00:36:57 +0300 Safirmedya
Safir SEO-unterstützte Unternehmenswebsite – Website mit unterschiedlichem Design für jedes Unternehmen

✔ Preis: 3,800

Unsere Unternehmenswebsite, die je nach Unternehmen, Unternehmen oder Branche erstellt wird; Wir bereiten es unter Verwendung moderner Webtechnologien vor, um Ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechend Ihrem Tätigkeitsbereich gerecht zu werden. 

Was sind die Merkmale unserer Unternehmenswebsite? 

Bei der Erstellung unserer Unternehmenswebsite haben wir in erster Linie darauf geachtet, dass sie einfach zu bedienen ist. Ihre Website, die wir schlicht und einfach so vorbereitet haben, dass sie das Auge anspricht, ohne den Besucher zu ermüden, verfügt auch über ein Bedienfeld, mit dem Sie sie problemlos verwalten können. Gleichzeitig gibt es viele Hilfetexte für Bereiche, die Sie verwalten können. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass unsere Kunden, die das Management Panel noch nicht genutzt haben, keine falschen oder falschen Korrekturen vornehmen. Damit unternehmens- und branchenresistente Standorte erfolgreich sein können, müssen Modernität und Professionalität die wichtigsten Merkmale sein. Die wichtigste Regel für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens ist das Ausmaß, in dem es sich in der virtuellen Umgebung präsentieren kann. Bei der Gestaltung bereiten wir Ihre Website auf der Grundlage dieser Regel vor. Webdesign-Pakete, die von unseren Fachleuten erstellt werden, tragen wesentlich zum Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens bei. Die Nützlichkeit von Unternehmensskripten und die Fähigkeit, schwierige Arbeiten zu erleichtern, gehören zu den Faktoren, die eng mit dem Erfolg des Unternehmens verbunden sind. In dieser Hinsicht berücksichtigt unser Unternehmen bei der Erstellung von Unternehmensskripten die kleinsten Details und arbeitet mit großer Sorgfalt daran, Ihnen das beste Firmenskript anzubieten. Sie können sehen, dass viele Unternehmen oder einzelne Webmaster, die sehr billige Skriptdienste für Unternehmen auf dem Markt anbieten, einen qualitativ schlechten Service bieten, aber wenn wir im Hintergrund untersucht werden, haben wir viele Beschwerden gehört, dass sie Warez-Skripte (illegale, gestohlene oder gecrackte Skriptviren) verwenden oder dass sie nach einer Weile nicht mehr erreichbar sind. Aus diesem Grund können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden, wenn Sie das Firmengelände zu günstigen Preisen mit Qualitätscodierung kaufen möchten. Viele Unternehmenswebsites sind ziemlich langweilig. Obwohl sie die Arbeit widerspiegeln und ein Gefühl der Professionalität bewahren müssen, können sie in dieser Richtung nicht als sehr effektiv angesehen werden. Mit ein wenig innovativem Design und Out-of-the-Box-Denken können Unternehmenswebsites viel ansprechender und optisch perfekter aussehen. Das ist genau das, was wir uns vorgenommen haben. Das Erstellen einer professionellen, aber dennoch auffälligen Website kann eine Herausforderung sein. Ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Business und Casual zu finden, ist der Schlüssel, um die richtige Art von Publikum anzuziehen. Während Sie eine einprägsame und zugängliche Website für Ihre Kunden haben, müssen Sie die Werte und das Ethos Ihres Unternehmens präsentieren. Eine Vielzahl von Bildern kann dazu beitragen, das Gesamtbild Ihrer Website zu verbessern und sie kreativer aussehen zu lassen, während ein hohes Maß an Professionalität beibehalten wird. Egal, ob es sich um schlanke Grafiken oder hochwertige Fotos handelt, Bildmaterial ist der Schlüssel, um Ihr Unternehmen und die von Ihnen angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren und hervorzuheben. Professionelle Fotos und Teamfotos auf Ihrer Website können dazu beitragen, dass Ihr Unternehmen sympathischer aussieht und Ihren Kunden die Gewissheit gibt, dass sie ein seriöses Geschäft betreiben. Unternehmenswebsites sollten informieren und aufklären und gleichzeitig leicht zugänglich und einladend sein. Die Safir SEO-gestützte Unternehmenswebsite ist der Schlüssel, um Ihren Kunden alle Informationen zu geben, die sie benötigen, ohne sie zu überfordern, und eine marktführende Website zu entwerfen. Suchmaschinenoptimierung oder SEO ist eines der wichtigsten Dinge, die Sie tun können, um Ihre Website sichtbar zu machen. Wenn Sie Ihre Website veröffentlichen, ist sie nicht automatisch für die Öffentlichkeit sichtbar. Es muss bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen, um von Suchmaschinen erkannt zu werden. Websites, die Safir SEO Supported Corporate Website verwenden, werden regelmäßig von uns geprüft, damit Sie feststellen können, welche Bereiche noch optimiert werden müssen. Google hat über 200 verschiedene Rankingfaktoren, die dem Bot bei der Entscheidung helfen, welche Seiten relevant und optimiert sind . Ein SEO-Audit überprüft Ihre Website anhand dieser Ranking-Faktoren, um zu sehen, wie optimiert sie ist. Wenn Ihre Website in den Suchmaschinen-Ergebnisseiten (SERPs) nicht weit oben rangiert, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass Sie viel organischen Traffic erhalten. Das heißt, Sie müssen härter arbeiten, um potenzielle Kunden zu erreichen. Die Safir SEO Supported Corporate Website erleichtert Ihnen diese Prozesse erheblich. Safir SEO Supported Corporate Website ist eine Unternehmenswebsite, die speziell für alle Arten von Unternehmen entwickelt wurde, mit einer SEO-Infrastruktur, mit der Sie feststellen können, welche Bereiche noch optimiert werden müssen, indem Sie regelmäßig SEO-Audits durch uns durchführen. Es enthält alle Funktionen, die ein Unternehmen benötigt. Was geben wir Ihnen zu diesem Preis; 

  • AWenn Sie keinen Domainnamen haben, wird der Domainname mit der Endung *.com (von Ihnen festgelegt, falls verfügbar, in Ihrem Namen gekauft) 
  • SSL-unterstütztes sicheres Hosting (auf türkischen Servern) 
  • Spezielles Design für das Tätigkeitsfeld Ihres Unternehmens 
  • Schlüsselfertig arbeitende Website 

Was sind die von Safir SEO unterstützten Funktionen der Unternehmenswebsite? 

  • Site-Management-Panel:  Als Site-Administrator können Sie alle Informationen auf der Site-Front ändern, neue Ergänzungen und Bearbeitungen vornehmen. Sie können auch Seiten bearbeiten, neue Seiten hinzufügen und Seiten löschen. Sie können der Website Bilder hinzufügen, das Menü bearbeiten und neue Menüs hinzufügen. Sie können Pop-ups erstellen und verschiedene Kampagnen oder Rabatte und Ankündigungen auf Ihrer Website erstellen. Sie können das Aussehen, die Farben und die Schriftarten Ihrer Website über das Administrationspanel bearbeiten. Mit dem Reservierungssystem können Sie neue Veranstaltungen auf Ihrer Website erstellen und Reservierungen für Mitglieder vornehmen. Fremdsprachenunterstützung: Sie können ins Ausland expandieren, indem Sie Ihrer Website verschiedene Sprachen bis zu 10 Sprachen hinzufügen, oder Sie können mit Ihren ausländischen Besuchern zusammenarbeiten. Sie können neue Sprachen hinzufügen und Änderungen über das Administrationsfenster vornehmen. .
  • Modul für die Terminbuchung  : Ärzte, Tierärzte, Reinigungsfirmen, Friseure, Schönheitssalons usw. Mit dem Termin- und Reservierungssystem können Ihre Kunden ihre Termindaten und -zeiten auswählen, sodass Sie sie einfach über das Management-Panel nachverfolgen können. .
  • Produkt-Promotion-Modul: Sie können Ihre Produkte bewerben, indem Sie Ihrer Website Produkte aus dem Verwaltungsbereich und Produkte unter der Kategorie hinzufügen.
  • Modul für den Produktverkauf: Sie können Ihre Produkte verkaufen, indem Sie Produkte aus dem Verwaltungsbereich und Produkte unter der Kategorie zu Ihrer Website hinzufügen. 
  • Modul für den digitalen Produktverkauf: Sie können Ihre Produkte verkaufen, indem Sie Ihrer Website digitale Produkte über das Verwaltungspanel und digitale Produkte unter der Kategorie hinzufügen. 
  • Sicheres Datei-Download-System für Mitglieder: Ein sicherer Download-Link wird im Panel der Mitglieder erstellt, die digitale Produkte kaufen, und sie können die Datei sicher herunterladen. 
  • Sicheres Datei-Download-System für Mitglieder: Im Panel der Mitglieder, die digitale Produkte kaufen, wird ein sicherer Download-Link erstellt, über den sie die Datei sicher herunterladen können.
  • Automatischer Rechnungsgenerator: Nachdem Sie Ihre Produkte verkauft haben, wird im Namen des Einkaufsmitglieds automatisch eine Rechnung im PDF-Format erstellt.
  • Fundraising-Modul: Sie können Spenden sammeln und Aufzeichnungen über Spender führen, indem Sie Fundraising-Seiten für Fundraising-Sites erstellen. 
  • Preisplanmodul: Sie können verschiedene Preispläne für Ihre Dienstleistungen erstellen.
  • DSGVO-konformes Cookie-Modul: Cookie-Warnsystem, das rechtmäßig verwendet werden muss; Es ermöglicht Ihnen, eine Cookie-Warnung auf Ihrer Website zu platzieren. Über das Verwaltungsfeld können Sie alle möglichen Einstellungen vornehmen, einschließlich des Cookie-Warntexts, der Anzeigedauer auf dem Bildschirm und der Schaltflächenverknüpfungen. 
  • Kundenfeedback-Modul: Sie können von Ihren Kunden erstklassiges Feedback zur Website, zum erhaltenen Service oder zu Ihren Produkten erhalten.
  • Social-Sharing-Modul: Ermöglicht Ihren Lesern das einfache Teilen von Nachrichten/Blogartikeln in sozialen Medien.
  • Mitglieder-Panel: Es gibt ein spezielles Benutzer-Panel für Mitglieder und Ihre Mitglieder können alle ihre Informationen und Bestellungen über das Panel verfolgen.
  • Modul „Referenzen“:  Mit dem Modul „Referenzen“ schaffen Sie Vertrauen, indem Sie Besuchern die Referenzen Ihres Unternehmens zeigen. Sie können über das Administrationsfenster etwas hinzufügen und bearbeiten. 
  • News-/Blog-Modul:  Auf der Website (Blog) gibt es ein News-System. Sie können Kategorien und Artikel über das Administrationsfenster hinzufügen und bearbeiten. 
  • Slider-/Sliding-Informationsmodul:  Sie können auf Ihrer Website auffällige Effekte erzielen, indem Sie Ihre Ankündigungen oder Neuigkeiten zu Ihrem Unternehmen zum Animationsbereich ganz am Anfang der Website hinzufügen.
  • Unser Team-Modul:  Dies ist das Modul, das Ihr Arbeitsteam und seine illustrierten Informationen auf der Vorderseite Ihrer Website anzeigt, also in dem Bereich, den Ihre Besucher sehen. Über das Administrationspanel können alle Arten von Vereinbarungen getroffen werden.
  • E-Newsletter-Modul:  Das E-Newsletter-Modul ist das Modul, in dem Besucher Ihrer Website ihre E-Mail-Adressen registrieren können. Auf diese Weise können Sie die registrierten Konten im Administrationsbereich sehen und sie bewerben, indem Sie Massen-E-Mails an sie senden. 
  • Bild-/Videomodul: Dieses Modul ist ein Bild- und Videoanzeigemodul, das Sie für jeden gewünschten Zweck auf der Frontbesucherseite Ihrer Website verwenden können. Sie können über das Administrationsfenster etwas hinzufügen und bearbeiten. 
  • Preloader-Modul: Während Ihre Site geladen wird, können Sie im Verwaltungsbereich eine der animierten Formen auswählen, die das Laden der Site anzeigen sollen, oder Sie können diese verwenden, indem Sie Ihre eigene spezielle Form laden. Sie können es jederzeit aktiv oder passiv machen.
  • Menüverwaltung:  Durch das Erstellen neuer Menüs für die Site über das Administrationspanel können Sie das Menü entweder im oberen Menübereich der Site oder unter der Site positionieren. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie auch auf externe Links weiterleiten.
  • Formularmodul:  Sie können im Administrationsbereich Ihrer Website ein neues Formular in jedem gewünschten Format erstellen, z. B. ein Bewerbungsformular, ein Anfrageformular, ein Studenteninformationsformular usw., und es auf jeder gewünschten Seite verwenden. Vorname Nachname E-Mail Standortadresse Detaillierter Informationsbereich usw. im Formular. Durch die Erstellung vieler verschiedener Felder wie z. B. können Sie die von hier erhaltenen Informationen erfassen und jederzeit auf diese Informationen zugreifen.
  • Kontaktbereich:  Sie können die Kontaktseite nach Ihren Wünschen in verschiedenen Formen bearbeiten und über das Administrationsfenster neue Funktionen hinzufügen. Sie können Ihren Arbeitsplatzstandort auf Google Maps anzeigen.
  • Mega-Menü (Drag-and-Drop-Bearbeitungssystem):  Verleihen Sie Ihrer Website Prestige mit dem Mega-Menü-System, das als oberstes Menü auf Ihrer Website verwendet wird. Es deckt viele Funktionen ab, einschließlich der Produktanzeige im Menü, das sich öffnet, wenn Sie auf das Mega-Menü klicken. 
  • Support-Ticket-System (Ticket)-Modul: Unterstützen Sie Ihre Kunden mit dem Support-Ticket-System, das den Unterschied professioneller Websites zeigt.
  • Site-Cache-System: Mit dem perfekt gestalteten und speziell codierten automatischen Caching-System öffnen sich die Seiten Ihrer Site schnell.
  • SEO-Einstellungen und Google Analytics-Einstellungen: Sie können in die SEO-Einstellungen der Website eingreifen und die Google Analytics-Einstellungen über das Administrationsfenster Ihrer Website anpassen.
  • SEO-kompatibles URL-System:  Alle Links Ihrer Website sind als SEO-kompatibel konfiguriert. Die von Ihnen hinzugefügten Seitenlinks werden ebenfalls automatisch als SEO-kompatibel konfiguriert.
  • Google Captcha v3-System:  Es verwendet das geheime Google reCAPTCHA v3-System, das von Google in Bereichen betrieben wird, in denen auf Ihrer Website Informationen eingegeben werden können, sodass der Benutzer Informationen entsprechend seiner Punktzahl eingeben kann, ohne einen Bestätigungscode anzufordern.
  • RSS-Feed-System:  Sie können das RSS-Feed-System für die gewünschten Felder öffnen und verwenden.
  • Sitemap-System: Sie können eine automatische Sitemap für die gewünschten Links auf Ihrer Website erstellen und diese bei Bedarf verwenden, einschließlich der Google-Sitemap. 


  • Verhinderung von Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
  • Prävention von Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS).
  • Passwort-Hashing-Schutzsystem
  • Vermeidung von SQL-Injection
  • SSL-Sicherheitssystem; Der Hauptgrund für die Implementierung von SSL ist die Sicherheit. Zertifikate   gewährleisten den Schutz sensibler Informationen, die  an die Website übertragen werden. SSL-  Zertifikate verschlüsseln die Verbindung und  verhindern, dass die Daten der Website-  Besucher von Hackern gestohlen werden. Google hat wiederholt erklärt, dass es Websites ohne SSL herabstufen wird.

Unternehmenswebsite, Bauwebsite, Innenarchitekturarchitektur, Agentur, Veranstaltungsseite, Ticketverkauf für Veranstaltungen, Spendenwebsite, Verbände, Dörfer, Genossenschaften, politische Parteien, Stellenausschreibung, Kundenmanagement, Preisangebot, Kundenfeedback, Produktverkauf. Es ist speziell konzipiert und dokumentiert für verschiedene Arten von Websites, wie z. B. digitale Produktpräsentation, digitale Produktverkäufe, physische Produktverkäufe, herunterladbare Produktverkäufe. Es ist auch mit Desktops, Laptops und Mobilgeräten sowie mit den wichtigsten Browsern kompatibel.   Die Verwaltung ist über das Administrationspanel sehr einfach und mühelos.

Mit der Weiterentwicklung der Technologie steigen die Erwartungen der Menschen. 47 % der Webnutzer  erwarten mittlerweile, dass eine Website innerhalb von 2 Sekunden geladen wird. Je länger das Laden Ihrer Website dauert, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es, dass die Leute Ihre Website verlassen. Sowohl die Absprungrate als auch die Geschwindigkeit der Website werden in den Ranking-Algorithmen von Google als Ranking-Faktoren verwendet. Bots, die Websites crawlen, können die Anzahl der Besucher auf Ihrer Website und deren Verweildauer sehen. Wenn sie zurückkehren, ohne den Ladevorgang abgeschlossen zu haben, oder nur für kurze Zeit dort bleiben, geht Google davon aus, dass die Informationen auf Ihrer Website nicht relevant sind.

Durch die Durchführung eines SEO-Audits werden Bereiche Ihrer Website identifiziert, die zu langsamen Ladegeschwindigkeiten führen, und Lösungen vorgeschlagen.

Safir SEO-unterstützte Unternehmens-Site-Pakete

  •  Spezielles Design für Ihr Unternehmen
  •  Kostenloses sicheres SSL-Hosting (500 MB)
  •  Modul „Über uns“.
  •  Unser Servicemodul
  •  Unser Projektmodul
  •  Möglichkeit, zusätzliche Seiten und Menüs hinzuzufügen
  •  Angebotsformularsystem 
  •  Türkisches Verwaltungsgremium
  •  SEO-Infrastruktur und SEO-Unterstützungssystem
  •  Email Unterstützung
  • Folgejahre Verlängerungsgebühr 500
  •  Enterprise-Kernfunktionen +
  •  Veranstaltungsreservierungsmodul
  •  Support-Ticket-System
  •  Blog-Artikel-Modul
  •  Blog-Kommentar und Social Sharing
  •  Newsletter-E-Mail-Werbemodul
  •  Produktauflistung (ohne Warenkorbsystem)
  •  Arzt, Anwalt usw. Terminsystem
  •  Zweisprachige Unterstützung (TR/EN)
  •  Bewerbungsmodul 
  • Oder *. com-Domain (erstes Jahr)
  • Folgejahre Verlängerungsgebühr 700
6000 ₺ Einmalzahlung  
  •  Enterprise Pro-Funktionen +
  •  Unbegrenzte Sprachunterstützung
  •  Möglichkeit, ein Autohaus zu gründen
  •  Installation auf dem gewünschten Server
  •  Anpassung des Erscheinungsbilds der Website
  •  Super Admin/Administrator-Autorisierungssystem
  •  Nutzungskurs
  •  Technischer Support rund um die Uhr
  •  Support nach dem Verkauf
  •  Lizenziert für den etablierten Domainnamen
  • Unbegrenzter Support im ersten Jahr

Diese Website ist für alle Unternehmen kompatibel, insbesondere für die unten aufgeführten Unternehmenszweige.




Hinweis: Der Grundpreis gilt für die Basisseite. Produktlisten und einige zusätzliche Funktionen können zu Preisänderungen führen.

Mon, 14 Jun 2021 00:55:23 +0300 Safirmedya
Journal - Advanced Opencart Theme Framework

✔ Preis: 1,250

Journal is the ultimate Opencart theme framework with best in class features and the most customizable design engine ever implemented in an Opencart project, giving you total control over your store at any resolution. Journal can be as simple and clean or as complex and colorful as you want it to be.

Compatible with Opencart: 2.3.x / 3.0.x

Compatible with Purpletree Complete Multi Vendor Marketplace *
* Purpletree Multi Vendor extension is not included with Journal. Technical support for extension compatibility is provided by Purpletree.

Compatible with Webkul Opencart Extensions *
* Webkul extensions are not included with Journal. Technical support for extension compatibility is provided by Webkul.

Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:06:04 +0300 Safirmedya
Fastor Çok Amaçlı Duyarlı Opencart Teması

✔ Preis: 850

Thu, 10 Jun 2021 23:52:50 +0300 Safirmedya
eMarket - Multi-purpose MarketPlace OpenCart 3 Theme (31+ Homepages & Mobile Layouts Included)

✔ Preis: 1,950

Compatible With OpenCart 3.0.0.x, 3.0.1.x, 3.0.2.x, 3.0.3.x, & Latest

Magentech - Opencart 3 Theme

Rich eCommerce Features – High Performance – SEO Optimization – Highly Customizable Designs – Regular Updates!

eMarket is one of our key products with many effort and support. The theme is designed to become the ALL-IN-ONE theme. It means that you only need eMarket to build any eCommerce site.

Supporting the latest version of OpenCart 3.0.x, this theme has full of functioning features of a modern template for any eCommerce website:

✔️ Modern Designs: Beautiful homepages with trending topics over 31 designs, highly responsive, unlimited colors, Megamenu built-in, beautiful slider, countdown slider, featured product blocks, product listing tab, popup and more… etc.

✔️ Highly Customizable Feature: Visual page builder ready, megamenu ready, Drag & Drop features, Categories Popup, Facebook Livechat messenger, Mobile Layouts, Menu features, email newsletter, Pop-up and more … Also compatible with many third-parties extensions like Multivendor plugins, Slider Revolution, Product Design, GDPR, and etc.

✔️ Easy Installation: Just some steps you can get the site like demo, very simple..

✔️ Dedicated Support: Contact us anytime at our Official Support System to get help in 24 hours (Every Business days).

NOTE: We have 2 code folders: 1 is for Homepage #1-20 ( And the second one is for Homepage #21-31 ( You can choose the layout you love, and then install the package which contains the layout you choose already.

Besides, eMaket supports multi-vendor plugin to turn your site become marketplace with many vendors:

  • Webkul Marketplace Extension: Webkul extension is not included with eMarket. Technical support for extension compatibility is provided by Webkul.
  • Marketplace Extension from PurpleTree Software: Multivendor extension is not included with eMarket. Technical support for extension compatibility is provided by Purpletree Software.

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

emarket - Opencart Theme emarket - Opencart Theme

emarket - Opencart Theme emarket - Opencart Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

emarket - Opencart 3 Theme

emarket - Opencart Theme eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

emarket - Opencart 3 Theme

emarket - Opencart Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

eMarket - Opencart 3 Theme

Thu, 10 Jun 2021 23:34:29 +0300 Safirmedya
MailWizz – Email Marketing Application

✔ Preis: 880

With MailWizz not only that you will be able to properly handle email marketing for your own purposes but you can also become an Email Service Provider for your customers, since MailWizz integrates easily with payment gateways like Paypal and it offers all the needed tools to create pricing plans, promotional codes and to manage orders and transactions created by your customers.

You can send an unlimited number of email campaigns (newsletters) to an unlimited number of lists containing an unlimited numbers of subscribers.
If you handle newsletter for multiple websites, you can treat those as customers and have unlimited too!

If we made you curious then give it a try and make your business better.

Attention: The product is definitely original licensed. A single unit will be sold together with the purchase -license-code.

Backend area

Backend area is the place from where you, as an administrator, can set up and control the entire system.

Customer area

Customer area where you create email lists, import subscribers, send campaigns, manage reports, etc.

Frontend area

This is the place responsible with showing subscribe forms, landing pages, surveys, articles, web versions of campaigns, shared campaigns reports, pages, etc.

Thu, 10 Jun 2021 17:32:32 +0300 Safirmedya
SEO & Digital Marketing Agency Portfolio WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 200

Markethon gives you the finest creative templates for your marketing and digital agency.

It comes with best in the class feature like Revolution Slider, mega menu, Bootstrap 4, Vibrant colors and many more. It also incorporates inner pages like pricing, blog, contact, about and more. Your site will instantly adapt to any device with any screen size. Text and images are kept flexible to be rendered as per your specifications.

Every page is fully responsive and retina ready, making your creation look good on any device.

“Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.”
- Mike Volpe

What benefits do you get?

You get 3+ main homepage layout (1 upcoming) perfect landing page with Bootstrap 4, numerous inner pages, Future-ready design, scroll-me animation, WOW animation, counter, coming soon animation. Vibrant colors, contact form, free support. It saves time to build your template from scratch. We provide the best possible sections you need for a marketing or any kind of agency landing page.


  • Digital Marketing Studio
  • Marketing Agency
  • Corporate Digital Agency
  • Freelance Digital Agency
  • Creative Agency Template
  • Blog & SEO Agency
  • Digital Marketing Consultant
  • Corporate Agency Template
  • Modern Working Space Consultancy
  • Project Showcase Theme
  • Creative Portfolio Theme
  • Creative Marketing Services


  • About Me/My Story
  • About Us
  • Pricing 1
  • Pricing 2
  • Service
  • Service Details
  • Team
  • Process
  • FAQ
  • Blog
  • Two Column Blog
  • Three Column Blog
  • Blog Left Sidebar Grid
  • Blog Details
  • Portfolio 2 Column
  • Portfolio Details
  • Contact Us
  • Error 404

Main Features

  • Creative and Modern Design
  • Powerful Theme Options panel
  • Fully Responsive
  • Retina Ready
  • One-Click Demo Import
  • Elementor Page Builder
  • Highly Customizable
  • Simple One-Click Import of Demo Content
  • Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin ($26 value)
  • No coding knowledge required
  • HTML5 & CSS3 Validated
  • Google Fonts Included
  • 800+ Google Fonts
  • Customizable Contact Forms with Contact Form 7 support
  • Custom Build Theme & Page Options
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Clean Code
  • Sticky Navigation
  • XML File with Demo Content
  • Big custom shortcode collection
  • Masonry Portfolio List
  • Portfolio Project Info shortcode
  • Portfolio Slider shortcode
  • Parallax sections
  • Mega Menu
  • Powered by Redux framework, bring to you unlimited color and Google fonts options
  • Customizable Google Maps
  • Blog List widget
  • Translation ready
  • WPML Plugin compatible
  • And so Much More…

Mon, 24 May 2021 22:29:01 +0300 Safirmedya
Multipurpose Business & Digital Agency HTML5 Template

✔ Preis: 0

Bizwheel is an modern and trend business html5 website template for 2020. You can use Bizwheel html template for your any kind of business, consulting, digital agency, company, studio, startup, portfolio, blog and multipurpose creative websites purpose. So build your company with bizwheel template.

Bizwheel includes 2 Amazing Homepage and 26 HTML5 pages with contact form , google map and lots of features. Also included 4 Awesome flat colors. You can use this 4 awesome flat colors or change flat colors easily, In additional, bizwheel template have boxed & wide layout options. You can use easily.

Theme Features

  • Total 26  HTML5 Pages
  • Boxed & Full Width layout
  • 2 Homepages
  • 4 Awesome Flat Colors
  • Working Contact Form
  • Portfolio, service pages
  • Blog pages
  • Google Maps
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Slider & Animations
  • Smart Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Flexible and well commented code
  • Nice And Clean Design
  • Fast Performance
  • Advanced Features
  • Multipurpose Use
  • W3C Markup Validation
  • Working Contact Form
  • Well Documentation
  • Retina Ready
Mon, 24 May 2021 19:31:34 +0300 Safirmedya
Signflow - Teknoloji ve Başlangıç ​​Teması

✔ Preis: 40

Başlangıç ​​ve teknoloji Teknoloji ve başlangıç işletmeleri için sürekli güncellenen ve büyüyen ultra modern tema . Modern WordPress web siteleri geliştirmek için en güçlü ve gelişmiş çerçeve olan WPTF ile oluşturulmuştur . Olağanüstü özelleştirme gücünün ve çok çeşitli modern bileşenlerin, özelliklerin ve seçeneklerin keyfini çıkarın. Sen gibi her işletme için kullanabilirsiniz başlatılması , web hizmetleri , sav , işletmeler , çağdaş teknoloji endüstrileri , internet hizmetleri , fintech .

Tue, 11 May 2021 16:34:36 +0300 Safirmedya
GAllerist (Drawing) Photoshop Action

✔ Preis: 0

Sooner or later every artist opens his exhibition in the gallery. So I present to you GAllerist (Drawing). The collective image of one of the modern art style that we see so much in galleries. Emphasis on forms and composition, very flexible hatching (use masks to add or remove details) combining and balancing styles.
Action works well with landscapes and architecture, portraits, and still life.

The well-organized structure will make your life easier. Just a few minutes and your precious work hours are saved!

If you are not using the English version of Photoshop, you can always change it to English

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:53:49 +0300 Safirmedya
Yerel Yönetim ve Topluluk WordPress Teması

✔ Preis: 200

Memleketiniz , şehriniz , köyünüz , topluluğunuz , yerel yönetiminiz veya politikacınız için erişilebilir, kapsayıcı bir web sitesi oluşturmak için bir tema mı arıyorsunuz? Ya da yerel bir işletme için bile? Bilgilerinizi mümkün olan en geniş kitleyle paylaşmanız gerekiyor mu? Ayrıca internet sitenizle , herhangi birinin koşullarına, engellerine ve engellerine rağmen herkes için erişilebilir , daha iyi bir yer haline getirmek mi istiyorsunuz ?

Tebrikler, çözümünüzü buldunuz !

İçeriğiniz, web sitenizin en önemli varlığıdır ve dürüst, erişilebilir ve çekici bir gösterimi hak eder. Cindy , içeriğinizi daha okunaklı tutarken web sitenizin parlamasını sağlar. Tema, herhangi bir cihazda kutudan çıktığı gibi çarpıcı görünür ve web sitenizi hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde oluşturmanızı sağlar.

Gelişmiş kategori gösterimi için yerleşik destekle (kategorilere sayfa ekleyerek, renk kodlama kategorileri, kategori özellikli görüntü belirleyerek, belirli bir kategori içinde arama yaparak) web sitenizin bilgilerini etkili bir şekilde bölümlere ayırabilirsiniz .

Cindy , modern ve şık bir yaklaşımla belediye, yerel yönetim ve siyasi web siteleri için ideal, erişilebilirliğe hazır, kapsayıcı bir WordPress temasıdır. WordPress yerel sürükle ve bırak blok düzenleyicisiyle (Gutenberg) kusursuz ve kapsamlı entegrasyon, ziyaretçileriniz için göz alıcı performanslı web siteleri oluşturmayı her zamankinden daha kolay hale getirir.

Hızlı yükleme, erişilebilir, SEO ve mobil cihazlar için optimize edilmiş bir temaya ihtiyacınız varsa, en iyisini buldunuz! Cindy'nin neden bu anlamda eniyi TEMA olduğunu demoyu inceleyerek kendiniz görün.

Tema Özellikleri

Herkes Cindy ile kazanır : web sitesi ziyaretçileriniz, web sitenizin kullanıcıları ve editörleri ve ayrıca web sitesi yöneticileri ve geliştiricileriniz. İşte nedeni:

Erişilebilirlik ve Kapsayıcılık

  • Tamamen erişilebilirliğe hazır WordPress teması
  • WCAG 2.1 düzey AA ve Bölüm 508 erişilebilirlik gereksinimlerini geçer
  • Engelli dostu ,
  • Klavye ve ekran okuyucu dostu
  • Kullanıcı dostu
  • Uygun başlık yapısı ile (demo içeriği dahil)
  • Yeterli renk kontrastı ile
  • Okunabilirlik için optimize edilmiş içerik alanı ve tipografi
  • Duyarlı, herhangi bir cihaza uyum sağlar
  • RTL dil desteği ile çok dilli destek

İçerik ve Düzen

  • Dağınıklık yok, şişkinlik yok!
  • Okunabilirlik için optimize edilmiş ve mobil öncelikli yaklaşım
  • WordPress sürükle ve bırak blok editörü Gutenberg ile eksiksiz, kapsamlı WYSIWYG deneyimi (sayfa oluşturuculara gerek yok)
  • Yararlı sayfa ve gönderi şablonları
  • Sayfa alıntı desteği
  • Gelişmiş kategoriler, renk kodlama kategorilerini destekleyen, sayfaları kategorilere atayan, belirli kategorileri arayan ve kategoriye öne çıkan bir görüntü atayan görüntüler
  • Basit megamenu işlevi dahildir


  • Paketten çıkan faydalı temel başlangıç ​​içeriği
  • Tek tıkla tam demo içerik kurulumu
  • Tema demo içeriği WordPress yerel blok düzenleyici (Gutenberg) kullanılarak oluşturuldu - sayfa oluşturucu kullanılmıyor!


  • Okunabilirlik için optimize edilmiş deneyim
  • Yazılarda da sayfa oluşturucular için destek
  • Daha fazla görüntü kontrolü için Jetpack eklentisinin İçerik Seçenekleri ile uyumludur
  • Daha fazla kafa karıştırıcı yayın formatları yok


  • Tema seçenekleri değişikliğinin hızlı gerçek zamanlı önizlemesi
  • Tema renklerini, düzenini, tipografiyi ve diğer seçenekleri kolaylıkla özelleştirin
  • Tipografi kurulumu için tüm Google Yazı Tipleri desteği
  • Daha kolay ve daha hızlı kullanım için seçenek işaretçileri ve kısmi yenileme ile doğrudan WordPress özelleştiricisine entegre edilmiştir

Dil desteği

  • Kendi dilinizde web siteleri oluşturmak için yerelleştirme hazır
  • Çok dilli web siteleri oluşturmak için Polylang ve WPML eklentileriyle uyumludur
  • Loco Translate eklentisi uyumlu
  • Sağdan sola (RTL) dillerle uyumlu ( RTL'de demoyu önizleyin )


  • Beaver Builder , Elementor ve WPBakery Sayfa Oluşturucu sürükle ve bırak sayfa oluşturucu eklentisiyle uyumludur (aslında tema, herhangi bir sayfa oluşturucu eklentisiyle uyumludur !)
  • Tema oluşturucu eklentileriyle uyumludur (ek olarak Beaver Themer için Entegrasyon ve / veya Elementor Tema Oluşturucu eklentileri için Entegrasyon ). (Tema demo içeriği, WordPress yerel blok düzenleyicisi Gutenberg kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur.)
  • Gerekirse Slider Revolution, Smart Slider 3, LayerSlider gibi herhangi bir kaydırıcı eklentisini kullanın ...
  • Gravity Forms, Caldera Forms, Contact Form 7, WPForms, Ninja Forms gibi herhangi bir form eklentisiyle uyumludur.
  • Jetpack eklentisi için tam entegrasyon
  • Ücretsiz WooCommerce Tema Entegrasyon eklentisi yardımıyla tam WooCommerce e-ticaret eklentisi entegrasyonu
  • Eklenti dostu kod, herhangi bir eklentiyle en geniş uyumluluğu sağlar

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 23:14:11 +0300 Safirmedya
Modern WooCommerce WordPress Teması

✔ Preis: 200

Yoome , çevrimiçi mağazalarda alışveriş yapmak için tasarlanmış bir WooCommerce WordPress temasıdır. Yoome, size özelleştirmede en iyi seçimleri sunmak için ana sayfa, ürün sayfası için çok sayıda önceden tasarlanmış düzen içerir. Yoome, süpermarket, moda, elektronik, kozmetik, gözlük, kırtasiye, mobilya ... veya istediğiniz herhangi bir şey gibi e-ticaret web siteleri için uygundur.

Yoome , profesyonel bir WordPress temasıdır. Çok fazla özellik ve varyasyonları ile geliyor , Duyarlı Düzeni, Mega Menü, WPBakery Sayfa Oluşturucu, Harika Slider Oluşturucu, RTL modu, Ürün Hızlı Görünüm Ajax Arama, Ajax Sepeti, Mağaza Ürün Modu Dahil Sonsuz Kaydırma . .. ve çok daha fazlası.

Kullanımı kolay, güçlü ve esnektir . Yoome hakkında konuştuğumuz sözler bunlar. Web sitenizi kodlama bilgisi olmadan bir çırpıda oluşturabileceksiniz. Şimdi almaya hazır mısınız?

Uyumlu WP Sürümleri: WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x

Diğer Özellikler

  • 8+ Benzersiz Ana Sayfa
  • % 100 Tam Duyarlı
  • Dahili Mega Menü
  • İnanılmaz Slider Sistemi (26 $ tasarruf edin)
  • WPBakery Sayfa Oluşturucu Entegrasyonu (46 $ tasarruf edin)
  • WooCommerce Uyumlu
  • Hızlı Ürün Görünümü Hazır
  • Çeşitli Ürün Düzenleri
  • Ürünü Renge Göre Filtrele
  • Değişken Ürün İçin Renk Örnekleri
  • Fly Sepete Ekle Etkisi
  • Katalog Modu Hazır
  • Mağaza Daha Fazla Yükle / Sonsuz Kaydırma / Ajax Sayfalandırma
  • Redux Framework ile Güçlü Tema Seçenekleri Paneli
  • Sınırsız Kenar Çubukları
  • Çoklu Widget
  • Gelişmiş Başlık Seçenekleri
  • Yapışkan Başlık
  • Çeviri Hazır
  • WPML Uyumlu
  • WooCommerce Çok Dilli Uyumlu - Çoklu Para Birimi
  • Gönderi formatları: Standart, Galeri, Alıntı, Video, Ses
  • Blog Duvarcılık
  • Sınırsız Renkler
  • Font Awesome Entegrasyonu
  • İstek Listesi, Karşılaştırma Desteği
  • Dokan Uyumlu
  • Portföy Entegrasyonu
  • Referans, Özellik, Takım Üyesi Entegrasyonu
  • Fiyat Tablosu Entegrasyonu
  • Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook sayfası Entegrasyonu
  • Mailchimp Abonelik Entegrasyonu
  • Logo Slider Entegrasyonu
  • 896'dan fazla Google Yazı Tipi
  • 30'dan Fazla Kısa Kod
  • Google Harita Entegrasyonu
  • Video - Paralaks Arkaplan Entegrasyonu
  • RTL Hazır
  • Düzgün Kaydırma
  • Ajax Araması
  • Ajax Alışveriş Sepeti
  • Kolay Tek Tıkla Demo İçe Aktarma
  • Ücretsiz Awesome Contact Form 7
  • Ayrıntılı Belgeler

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:38:05 +0300 Safirmedya
Gym Gymnastics Exercise Hall Site Html Theme

✔ Preis: 50

Fitness Freak is a fitness theme designed for modern trend, gyms, fitness club or fitness center and personal trainers and other sports and health related clubs.
It is a great template that you can use to promote your company's products, your gym online and increase your business.

Suitable for all kinds of sports activities such as aerobics, boxing, crossfit, meditation, bodybuilding, yoga, training and training, Pilates, Zumba, karate, dance, Kickboxing, Kickboxing, Kicboxing and more

Fitness Freak is very flexible and easy to use and can easily meet all your needs. It is fully built in Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery.

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:07:01 +0300 Safirmedya
Google News Kayıtlı Haber Sitesinde Tanıtım Yazınızı Yayınlayalım

✔ Preis: 120

3 yıllık geçmişi bulunan, Google News kayıtlı haber sitemize tanıtım yazınızı yayınlayabiliriz. Firmanız, şahsınız, kurum veya kuruluşunuzun web sitesi için tanıtım yazıları   (100-300  kelime)   sitemizin ömrü boyunca silinmeyecektir. İnternetteki trafiğinizi arttırmanızı ve Google'da görünürlüğünüzü üst seviyelere çıkartmak amaçlı  yazınızın uzunluğu 500 kelimeye kadar olabilir.

Her makale kabul edilmeyecektir. Defalarca anahtar kelimeleri tekrarlayan anlamsız yazılar ve sitemizin içeriğine uygun olmayan yazılar kesinlikle eklenmeyecektir. Bu konuda şüpheniz varsa lütfen öncelikle iletişime geçin.

Tanıtım yazınız sizin tarafınızdan temin edilir yada yazılır, bizim seo uyumlu makale yazmamızı isterseniz ekstralardan seçebilirsiniz. Bu durumda 2 anahtar kelime ve makale konusunu iletmeniz gerekir. Tanıtım yazınızla ilgili çözünürlüğü yüksek bir resim paylaşılabilirsiniz.

Önemli: Yetişkinlere yönelik içerikler, bahis, kumar,siyaset,sigara, alkol konulu içerikler kabul edilmez.

Makalenizde sadece 3 dış link kullanabilirsiniz.

Site adı: Piyasa Manşet

Site Domain Otoritesi (DA Değeri): 5 

MOZ Ranking: 12


Thu, 08 Apr 2021 20:28:25 +0300 Safirmedya
Şiir ve Edebiyat Konulu 12 Yıllık Sitede Tanıtım Yazısı

✔ Preis: 80


12 yıllık geçmişi bulunan, şiir ve edebiyat sitesi, genelde kadınlara yönelik kaliteli içeriklerin bulunduğu, yemek tarifleri ve sosyal bilimler konularının olduğu sitemizde tanıtım yazınızı yayınlayabiliriz.

  • Firmanız, şahsınız, kurum veya kuruluşunuzun web sitesi için tanıtım yazıları   (100-300  kelime)   sitemizin ömrü boyunca silinmeyecektir.
  • İnternetteki trafiğinizi arttırmanızı ve Google'da görünürlüğünüzü üst seviyelere çıkartmak amaçlı  yazınızın uzunluğu 500 kelimeye kadar olabilir.
  • Her makale kabul edilmeyecektir. Defalarca anahtar kelimeleri tekrarlayan anlamsız yazılar ve sitemizin içeriğine uygun olmayan yazılar kesinlikle eklenmeyecektir. Bu konuda şüpheniz varsa lütfen öncelikle iletişime geçin.
  • Tanıtım yazınız sizin tarafınızdan temin edilir yada yazılır, bizim seo uyumlu makale yazmamızı isterseniz ekstralardan seçebilirsiniz. Bu durumda 2 anahtar kelime ve makale konusunu iletmeniz gerekir.  
  • Tanıtım yazınızla ilgili çözünürlüğü yüksek bir resim paylaşılabilirsiniz.
  • Yetişkinlere yönelik içerikler, bahis, kumar,siyaset,sigara, alkol konulu içerikler kabul edilmez.
  • Makalenizde sadece 3 dış link kullanabilirsiniz.

  • Aşağıdaki site verileri Kasım-2020 tarihlerinin güncel verileridir.
  • Site adı: Şiir Name
  • Site Domain Otoritesi (DA Değeri): 7 
  • MOZ Ranking: 14
  • Google Index Sayısı: 2.910 sayfa geçerli
  • Aylık Ortalama Trafik: 1.925.327 
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 19:57:06 +0300 Safirmedya
Airi Minimal Shopify Teması

✔ Preis: 300

Airi - Temiz, Minimal e-Ticaret Shopify Teması şüphesiz elit sınıf duyarlı bir e-ticaret Shopify temasıdır. Bu modern tema, pürüzsüz ve yeni tasarımı nedeniyle her türlü elektronik cihazda veya ekranda muhteşem görünüyor. Bu e-ticaret temasını uygulayarak, herhangi bir deneyim olmadan kolayca yeni bir çevrimiçi platform oluşturabilirsiniz. Airi, Moda, Giyim, Erkek Modası, Kadın Modası, Çocuk Modası, Giyim, Aksesuarlar, Yapı Market ve Dijital mağaza, Takılar, Ayakkabı vb. Satış konusunda uzmanlaşmış görünüme sahiptir.

Ek olarak Airi, sizin için çok ihtiyaç duyulan tüm gerekli gereksinimleri size sağlar. Bu benzersiz tema, hem talebinizi hem de hayallerinizi gerçekleştirmenize yardımcı olur. Bu tema, yenilikçi özellikler ve animasyon ile birlikte gelir. 24+ Ana sayfa düzeni, 6+ Üstbilgi Stili, 6+ Altbilgi Stili, 50+ Bölüm ve 15+ Ön Yükleyici sunar. Ayrıca Bülten Açılır Penceresi, Ajax Popup Sepeti, QuickView, Çoklu Başlık, Bülten, Facebook Yorumu, Google Analytics, İletişim haritası ve daha fazlasını sunar.

Umarım bu iyi belgelenmiş yan yana tarayıcılar arası optimize edilmiş e-Ticaret Shopify teması sizin için mükemmel piksel seçimi olabilir. Yani, sadece birkaç tıklamayla şimdi Airi - Temiz, Minimal e-Ticaret Shopify Temasının keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz.

Ana Özellikler:

  • Hızlı kurulum
  • Shopify Builder
  • Tema Renkleri
  • 24+ Ana Sayfa
  • Revoultion Kaydırıcı
  • Kutu Stili
  • Bülten Popup
  • Bildirim çubuğu
  • Ajax Popup Sepeti
  • Ajax İstek Listesi
  • Hızlı Görünüm
  • Haber bülteni
  • Çoklu Para Birimi
  • 6+ Başlık Stili
  • Aşağıya doğru açılan menü
  • MegaMenu
  • Resimli MegaMenu
  • 50+ Bölüm
  • 20+ kaydırıcı
  • Özellikli ürün
  • Sekme Ürün
  • Karuselli Ürün
  • Tek Banner
  • Çoklu Banner
  • Bilgi Hakkında
  • Marka logosu
  • Hizmetler
  • Bonservis
  • Son Blog
  • Instagram
  • 6+ Altbilgi Stili
  • İçerik haritası banner'ı
  • Mağaza Izgarası
  • Disqus yorumu
  • Facebook yorumu
  • Ürün incelemesi
  • Ürün Videosu
  • Özel Sekme
  • İlgili Ürün
  • Yorum Gönder
  • Arşiv Sonrası
  • İletişim bilgileri
  • İletişim Formu
  • İletişim haritası (google harita API'si)
  • Kısa kodlar
  • 15+ Ön Yükleyici
  • Google Analytics
  • Tamamen Duyarlı
  • Çapraz Tarayıcı Optimizasyonu

Fri, 02 Apr 2021 16:07:33 +0300 Safirmedya
WordPress E-Ticaret Bildirimi

✔ Preis: 100

Wordpress E-Ticaret Bildirimi, vitrininizde sanal siparişleri görüntüler. Yoğun bir mağazanın çevrimiçi karşılığıdır ve potansiyel müşterilere ürünlerinizi başkalarının satın aldığını gösterir.

  • Ürün satın alan diğer müşterileri vurgulayarak dönüşüm oranını artırın.
  • Tüm gönderi türleriyle uyumlu
  • Ziyaretçiler için bir aciliyet duygusu yaratın ve yeni ürünleri ortaya çıkarın!



WordPress e-Ticaret Bildirimi, verilen bilgilerden otomatik olarak sipariş oluşturur. Ardından, sitenizin ön sayfasında sipariş bildirimi açılır penceresini görüntüleyin.

  • Müşteri Adı: Müşteri adlarından oluşan bir liste eklemenize izin verir.
  • Müşteri Adresi: Bir müşteri listesine adres eklemenizi sağlar.
  • WordPress gönderi türü: Eklenti, herhangi bir WordPress gönderi türünü "ürün" olarak görüntüleyebilir.
  • Ürün seçin: Görüntülenecek gönderileri seçin. Görüntülenecek farklı gönderi türlerinden farklı gönderiler seçebilirsiniz.
  • Mesaj: Açılır pencerelerde görüntülenecek mesajı girin. Gerekli bilgileri görüntülemek için kısa kodları kullanabilirsiniz.
  • Sipariş süresi: Bir dönem seçin. Satın alınan süre bu süre içinde rastgele seçilecektir.
  • Otomatik Tespit adresi: Eklenti, ziyaretçinin adresini ülkelerine göre tespit edecektir. Ve sonra yakın zamanda satın aldıkları yerde birini görüntüleyin.


Eklenti, satış bildirimi açılır pencerelerinde gerekli bilgileri görüntülemek için kısa kodlar sağlar.

  • {first_name} - Müşterinin adı
  • {city} - Müşterinin şehri
  • {country} - Müşterinin ülkesi
  • {product} - Ürün başlığı
  • {product_with_link} - Bağlantılı ürün başlığı
  • {time_ago} - Satın aldıktan sonraki süre


  • Metin rengi: Metin rengini, ürün adı rengini değiştirin.
  • Arka plan rengi: Açılır arka plan rengini değiştirin.
  • Ürün resmi: Eklenti, yayın özellikli resmi, pop-up'larda ürün resmi olarak görüntülenecek şekilde alacaktır.
  • Resim konumu: Ürün resmini açılır pencerenin sol veya sağ tarafında görüntülemek için seçin.
  • Görüntü boyutu: Açılır pencerede görüntülenecek görüntü boyutunu seçin.
  • Açılır konum: Satış bildirimi açılır penceresini sol üst, sağ üst, sol alt, sağ alt konumda görüntülemek için seçin.
  • Açılır pencere belirme / kaybolma efekti: Seçebileceğiniz 32 görünme / kaybolma efekti vardır.
  • Özel CSS: Açılır ön uç tasarımını değiştirmek için kendi CSS kodunuzu eklemenize izin verir.
  • Kapat düğmesi: Ziyaretçinizin indirim açılır penceresini geçici olarak gizlemesine izin verin.
  • Ses: Kullanıcının dikkatini çekmek için açılırken bir ses çalın.
  • Koşul etiketleri: Satış açılır pencerelerinin hangi sayfada görüneceğini yapılandırmak için WordPress koşullu etiketlerini kullanma.


  • Döngü:  Döngü seçeneği, bir sayfa yüklemesinde birden çok açılır pencerenin görüntülenmesine yardımcı olur.
  • Sayfa başına  Bildirim: Bir sayfa yüklemesinde kaç satış bildirimi görüntülemek istediğinizi seçin.
  • Bir dahaki sefere ekran: iki satış bildirimi açılır penceresi arasındaki gecikme süresini seçin.
  • Gecikme süresi: Sayfanın yüklenmesi tamamlandıktan sonra açılır pencerenin görüneceği zamanı seçin.
  • Görüntüleme süresi: Kaybolmadan önce açılır ekran süresini seçin.


  • Günlükleri Kaydet: Ziyaretçiler bildirimi tıkladığında sistemin bilgileri depolamasına yardımcı olur. Daha sonra yönetici sitesi, tıklama sayısı ve analiz dalgalanması satışları hakkında bir istatistik oluşturabilir. Rapor sistemi, tıklama sayılarının tarihe ve ürüne göre istatistiki olarak yapılmasını sağlar.
Fri, 02 Apr 2021 15:43:38 +0300 Safirmedya
Grafik İşaretleyici Photoshop Action (Eylemi)

✔ Preis: 0

Bazen işaretçi bile yeterli olmaz ve grafikler kurtarmaya gelir! Bu eylem için, özellikle daha ilginç mimari detaylar eklemek için yapılmış birçok yeni fırça oluşturuldu ve şimdi olasılıklarınız daha da çılgın ve eğlenceli hale geliyor!

Bu eylem, hazır çözümler yaratır, sadece sevdiğiniz işaretleyici şekillere sahip katmanları seçin ve farklı kombinasyonları deneyin. Ancak daha hassas manuel çalışmaya ihtiyacınız varsa, tüm eğlence burada başlıyor. Eğlenceli ve basit bir çalışma için farklı şekil ve davranış ayarlarına sahip, kullanıma hazır birçok özel fırça hazırladık. İmzalı katmanlardan birini seçin, özel fırçalarımızdan birini seçin ve istediğiniz yere ve istediğiniz şekilde boyayın! En alttaki video eğitiminde nasıl yapılır inceleyebilirsiniz.

Video öğretici

Graphic Marker Photoshop Action - 1

Seçin, çizin, birleştirin, özgür hissedin ve eğlenin! İyi organize edilmiş bir yapı hayatınızı kolaylaştıracaktır. Sadece birkaç dakika ve değerli çalışma saatleriniz kurtarılacak!

Photoshop'un İngilizce sürümünü kullanmıyorsanız, her zaman İngilizceye değiştirebilir ve ardından Yöntem 1 VEYA Yöntem 2'yi kullanarak ana dilinize geri dönebilirsiniz.

Fri, 19 Mar 2021 00:55:45 +0300 Safirmedya
Flash FX Elements Pack 02 | DaVinci

✔ Preis: 50

Enjoy the dynamic and action animation DaVinci Resolve template, which includes a unique collection of energy, fire elements with dynamic transitions! Very easy to use so you can easily improve your projects! Play with effects and combine colors with just a few clicks!

Project features:

  • Dynamic energy elements
  • Ultra HD resolution
  • Full color controls
  • Bonus effects
  • Video tutorial included
  • DaVinci Resolve 16.2 and above

Music Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8 Video 9 Video 10 Video 11 Video 12

Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:49:24 +0300 Safirmedya
WooCommerce LookBook - Shop by Instagram - Shoppable with Product Tags

✔ Preis: 200

WooCommerce Lookbook allows you to create realistic lookbooks of your products. Your customers can buy products from Instagram images or any images. Help your customers visualize what they purchase from you.


Main features: 

  • Instagram: Images is synced and taggable with product.
  • Lookbooks: Create unlimited lookbooks with pictures and your WooCommerce products.
  • Nodes: Use nodes to marks products on pictures.
  • Slides: Link different lookbooks into slides
  • Shortcodes: use shortcode to put your lookbooks or sliders anywhere you want on your site.
  • Quickview: display product names, price, short descriptions on a pop-up right in lookbook/slide.
  • Lookbook in single product page: Automatical display lookbooks which included the product in its own product page.
  • Redirect to single product pages: Select to display quick view pop-up or redirect to single product pages when clicking on nodes.
  • Redirect to external link: Select to redirect to external links with External/Affiliate products instead of opening single product pages.
  • Support RTL fully

Design: WooCommerce Lookbook can be fully designed, and can fit with any theme/website.

Node Customization:

  • 3 node icon style.
  • Change node color, background color, border color.
  • Show/Hide product title on nodes.
  • Change title color, background color.

Slide Customization:

  • Change slide Width/Height.
  • 2 slide changing effects.
  • Manually changing slide with Slide Pagination/Slide Navigation.
  • Automatically changing slide with a selected duration.

Quickview Customization:

  • 11 available loading icons.
  • Customize quickview popup text color, background color.
  • Change border radius
  • Show/Hide Close button.
  • Show/Hide see more button (redirect to the single product page)

Lookbook on single product pages:

  • Show/Hide lookbooks or slides on each product page.
  • Select lookbook position.
  • Select lookbook to display.
  • Configure Align with 3 options.

Custom CSS: add your own custom CSS to change the front-end of the plugin like you want.

Plugin update automatically: You can use only update automatically in support time that is working



Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:35:33 +0300 Safirmedya
Delphi İle Step Motor Demosu

✔ Preis: 0

Bu program, tek kutuplu ve çift kutuplu kademeli motorların temel çalışmasını gösterir. Ek olarak bir çevirmen, osilatör ve indeksleyici demoları vardır.

Bu ekran, tek kutuplu step motorun ilk ekranıdır. Programda açmak veya kapatmak için anahtarlara tıklayabilirsiniz. Bu şekilde, motorun sargılarından geçen akım kontrol edilir. Doğru sırada geçiş yaparsanız, rotor döner.

Unipolar Stepping Motor'daki akım, bobinlerin yalnızca bir veya ikisinden geçer. Motor sargılarının yarısı kullanılmıyor.

Avantajı ise, çok basit bir sürücüdür; bir PLC'nin dört çıkışı ile kontrol edilebilir. Dezavantajları düşük performanstır.

Bu demodaki motor, dünyadaki en temel step motordur. Bir pusulanın etrafına dört küçük elektromıknatıs yerleştirerek bunu başarabilirsiniz.

Lamba sadece 12 Volt olup olmadığını kontrol etmek içindir.

Bir step motorun bir konuma gitmesi gerektiğinde, bir indeksleyiciye ihtiyacımız var. Bir indeksleyici ile kesin sayıda puls üretebiliriz. Ayrıca rampa otomatik olarak yapılır. Demodaki bunun gibi sadece tek bir hareket yapabilen bir indeksleyici, artık nadiren bulunur.

Şimdi "Hareket Kontrolörüne" sahibiz. Hareket kontrolörü, sofistike bir indeksleyicidir. Sadece birçok konuma gidemez, aynı zamanda girişlere tepki verebilir ve çıkışları açıp kapatabilir. Hareket mesafesini ayarlamak için BCD anahtarlarını kullanın.

Bipolar step motor, Translator ve Osilatör olmak üzere 3 ekran daha vardır. Hepsini burada göstererek İnternet bağlantınızı aşırı yüklemeyeceğim. Onları görmek isterseniz programı indirebilirsiniz. Programın delphi kaynak kodları vardır.

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 01:50:41 +0300 Safirmedya
HTML Link Grabber - Link Yakalama Uygulaması

✔ Preis: 0

Bu program, bir HTML sayfasından tüm bağlantıları çekebilirsiniz. İki veya üç tane varsa elle yapabilirsiniz, ancak çok daha fazla olduğunda elle tek tek eklemek çok zordur. 

Program iki "geçişte" çalışır. İlk geçişte HTML dosyası okunur ve "<a" ile başlayan ve "a>" ile biten satırlara sahip bir dosyaya dönüştürülür. İkinci geçişte bağlantının tam URL'si ve adı aranır.

Program internette doğrudan çalışmıyor ve local html dosyadan linkleri çekiyor. Ama bunu isterseniz internetten çalışacak şekilde geliştirebilirsiniz. Dosyanın tüm satırları okunur ve "<a" bulunur bulunmaz; karakterler bir arabelleğe kaydedilir. Bu "<a" dan önceki tüm karakterler satırdan silinir. Arabelleğin doldurulması sırasında program "a>" kapanış etiketini arar. Kapanış etiketi bulunduğunda, ara bellek nota eklenir ve sonraki satır için boş bırakılır.

HTML dosyasının sonraki satırı, önceki satırın geri kalanına eklenir. Bu, bir bağlantı birden çok satıra yerleştirildiğinde veya birden çok bağlantı tek bir satıra yerleştirildiğinde sorunları önlemek için yapılır.

1 İlk Çalışma:

Tüm dosya tamamlandığında, notta tüm satırlar görünür. Durum çubuğu bir satır numarası sayacı gösterir. Ek olarak, not otomatik olarak bir "urlsave.txt" dosyasına kaydedilir. Her satırın sonuna bir <br /> etiketi eklenir.

2. İkinci Aşama:

Programda içeriği değiştirilebilen seçenekler vardır; nottaki satırları sıralayabilir. Önceden kaydedilen "urlsave.txt" satırları işlenir. İlk adım, "HREF" i aramaktır. Bulunduğunda, URL çıkarılır. Daha sonra program bir "IMG" etiketi arar. Bulunursa, "ALT" etiketinin metni URL adı için kullanılır. "ALT" etiketi yoksa bunun için resmin adı kullanılır. "IMG" olmayan bir satırda "<" ve ">" arasındaki metin alınır. URL ve ad alanı arasına ayırıcı olarak bir virgül yerleştirilir.

Programın çıktısını kullanılabilir hale getirmek için, Dosya menüsünden bir CSV dosyası olarak kaydedilebilir. Bu, virgülle ayrılmış alanlara sahip basit bir ASCII dosyasıdır. Bu programda yalnızca iki alan vardır, URL ve URL'nin adı.

CSV dosyası, çift URL'lerin kontrol edilmesi gibi daha ileri işlemler için bir veritabanı programı tarafından içe aktarılabilir. Her şey yolunda olduğunda, bir HTML sayfası yapmak için bir programa aktarılabilir.

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 01:11:02 +0300 Safirmedya
TopSEO &#45; SEO, Dijital Pazarlama WordPress Teması

✔ Preis: 0

BoostifyThemes tarafından oluşturulan esnek bir WordPress temasıdır. Dijital ajans, SEO ajansı, sosyal medya ve herhangi bir pazarlama işi için en uygun olan nihai, temiz kodlanmış ve iyi tasarlanmış bir web sitesi şablonu. Retinaya hazır, tamamen duyarlı düzen, tarayıcılar arası uyumluluk ve tek tıklamayla demo yükleme gibi herhangi bir profesyonel temanın en gerekli özellikleri zaten mevcut.


Tüm başlıklar, başlıklar ve meta etiketler, tıpkı Google'ın sevdiği şekilde özenle optimize edilmiştir. Google Yapısal Veriler , sitenizin Google arama sonuçlarında çekici görünmesini sağlamak için derinlemesine uygulanmaktadır. Sadece blog yazıları için değil, Portfolio, Service gibi diğer kısa kodları da kodladık.


Daha ilk günden itibaren, kodun daha az istek, daha az veritabanı sorgusu, daha az CSS ve JS içermesi ve daha hızlı yüklenmesi için kodun her bir parçasını sürekli olarak optimize ediyoruz. Yeni sürümle en yüksek önceliğimiz, onu daha iyi hale getirmenin yollarını bulmaktır. 

  • Modern, Esnek, Özelleştirilebilir!
  • WordPress 4.0+ Test Edildi ve Onaylandı!
  • HTML5 ve CSS3 kodu
  • Çapraz Tarayıcı Uyumluluğu: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE10 +
  • Tek Tıkla demo kurulumu

 Düzen Özellikleri :

  • 6'dan fazla ana sayfa demosu
  • Görsel Sayfa oluşturucu desteği - sınırsız çeşitlilikte Düzen oluşturun
  • 2+ Başlık Stili
  • Tamamen Duyarlı

Eklenti Uyumluluğu :

  • Devrim Kaydırıcısı Dahil
  • Kolay sosyal paylaşım düğmeleri dahildir
  • WP Rankie dahil

Birçok Kısa Kod dahil:
Google Harita
Araç ipucu
ve dahası …
RTL desteği
Google web yazı tipleri
Verim iyileştirmesi
Harika Profesyonel Destek
Belgeler dahil
Düzenli Güncellemeler


WordPress 5.4.x , WordPress 5.3.x , WordPress 5.2.x , WordPress 5.1.x , WordPress 5.0.x , WordPress 4.9.x , WordPress 4.8.x , WordPress 4.7.x , WordPress 4.6 , WordPress 4.5.x

WooCommerce 4.2.x , WooCommerce 4.1.x , WooCommerce 4.0.x , WooCommerce 3.9.x , WooCommerce 3.8.x , WooCommerce 3.7.x , WooCommerce 3.6.x , WooCommerce 3.5.x , WooCommerce 3.4.x , WooCommerce 3.3.x , WooCommerce 3.2.x , WooCommerce 3.1.x , WooCommerce 3.0.x , WooCommerce 2.6.x , WooCommerce 2.5 , WooCommerce 2.4.x , Bootstrap 3.x

Thu, 11 Mar 2021 22:30:15 +0300 Safirmedya
Vectorizer Photoshop Eylemi

✔ Preis: 0

Vectorizer Photoshop Eylemi

Resimlerinize profesyonel bir görünüm kazandırmak için oluşturulan profesyonel Photoshop eylemi, tek bir tıklamayla görüntülerin güzelliğini artırmak için güçlü araçlar kullanılır.

Nasıl kullanılır?

Kolay yol:

  1. Resmi açın
  2. En iyi etkiyi elde etmek için 3000 piksel olarak yeniden boyutlandırın
  3. Aksiyonla oynayın..

Thu, 11 Mar 2021 22:13:08 +0300 Safirmedya
Otel ve Konaklama WordPress Teması

✔ Preis: 500

Solaz , oteller, moteller, pansiyonlar, apart veya küçük pansiyonlar için tasarlanmış zarif bir kurumsal şablondur.

Genel yerleşim düzeni ve sıcak renk konsepti, mütevazı lüks konaklamanızı ve profesyonel oda hizmetlerinizi sergilemek için rahat ve samimi bir görünümü temsil eder. Solaz'ı seçin ve her konaklamanızı çikolata tadı kadar tatlı ve unutulmaz kılın.

Solaz - Tam özellik listesi

Otel rezervasyon özellikleri listesi

  • Oda yönetimi
  • Rezervasyon yönetimi
  • Fiyatlandırma planları yönetimi
  • Diğer paket yönetimi
  • Odalar listesi ve Oda sayfaları için çoklu yerleşim seçenekleri
  • Rezervasyon sayfası, ödeme sayfası ve çoklu ödeme yöntemleri entegre

Solar - Diğer temel özellikler

  • Solaz sizin için en popüler 4 ana sayfa düzenini getiriyor.
  • Tamamen duyarlı ve Retina hazır
  • Çoklu üstbilgi ve altbilgi seçenekleri
  • Galeri sayfası için birden çok düzen seçeneği
  • Blog stili için çoklu düzen seçenekleri
  • Diğer sayfalar için çoklu düzen seçenekleri (Hakkımızda, hizmetler, yakında, 404 sayfası, bize ulaşın….)
  • Yapılandırması kolay sayfalar, 1 Sütun, 2 Sütun sol, 2 Sütun sağ, 3 Sütun düzeniyle yayınlayın
  • (WooCommerce) ile Çevrimiçi Alışveriş Yapın
  • Mağaza sayfası, ürün listesi sayfası ve ürün sayfası için çoklu düzenler
  • Güçlü yönetici paneli
  • Görsel besteci eklentisiyle sayfa oluşturucuyu sürükle ve bırak (34 $ tasarruf edin)
  • Görsel Besteci için Ultimate Eklentiler (18 $ tasarruf edin)
  • Kaydırıcı devrimi (19 $ tasarruf edin)
  • WPML'yi destekleyin
  • Tek tıkla kurulum
  • Ürün fotoğrafı yakınlaştırma
  • Yapışkan menü seçeneği
  • Sınırsız renk ayarları
  • Sınırsız Google yazı tipi ayarı
  • Mega menü desteği
  • İletişim formu 7 Entegre
  • Mailchimp entegre
  • Mağaza Bulucu entegre
  • Kullanıcı Avatarı entegre
  • WooCommerce'de İstek Listesi özelliği
  • WooCommerce'deki Markalara Göre Uyumlu Alışveriş özelliği
  • WooCommerce'da uyumlu Ürünleri karşılaştır özelliği
  • WooCommerce'da uyumlu Shop ajax filtresi özelliği
  • Uyumlu Hızlı görüntüleme ürünü
  • Uyumlu Renk örnekleri
  • Kısa kodlar (atlı karıncalar, sekmeler, geçişler, akordeon, tur bölümü, düğmeler, blok alıntılar, tablolar, uyarı kutuları, listeler, formlar, referanslar, bilgi blokları, ilerleme çubuğu, fiyatlandırma tabloları, formlar, dropcap'ler, sosyal simgeler, ses ve video oynatıcılar, sayaçlar vb.);
  • Önceden yüklenmiş ve şaşırtıcı css animasyonu;
  • Çerez Kontrolü açılır penceresi
  • Sosyal paylaşım
  • Twitter beslemesi
  • Instagram beslemesi
  • SEO Optimize Edildi
  • Geçerli HTML5 / CSS3
  • Çapraz tarayıcı ve cihazlar Uyumluluğu
  • Çok uyumlu dokümantasyon
  • 7/24 destek

Uyumlu Wordpress Sürümleri

  • WordPress 5.6.x ,
  • WordPress 5.5.x ,
  • WordPress 5.4.x ,
  • WordPress 5.3.x ,
  • WordPress 5.2.x ,
  • WordPress 5.1.x ,
  • WordPress 5.0.x ,
  • WordPress 4.9.x ,
  • WordPress 4.8.x ,
  • WordPress 4.7.x ,
  • WordPress 4.6.1 ,
  • WordPress 4.6 ,
  • WordPress 4.5.x ,
  • WordPress 4.5.2 ,
  • WordPress 4.5.1 ,
  • WordPress 4.5 ,
  • WordPress 4.4.2 ,
  • WordPress 4.4.1 ,

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 01:15:50 +0300 Safirmedya
Fotofly &#45; Fotoğrafçılık WordPress Teması

✔ Preis: 500

Fotofly'ın ana amacı, fotoğrafçılar, blog yazarları ve tasarımcılar için tasarım ve kodlamaya derinlemesine dahil olmayan kullanıcılar için maksimum yaratıcı özgürlük sağlayacak bir WordPress Teması oluşturmaktır. Sonuç, olağanüstü benzersiz unsurları ve seçenekleriyle etkileyicidir. 

O kadar çok seçeneği var ki onları saymıyoruz bile. Bu, size hayalinizdeki web sitesini oluşturmak için tam özgürlük verdiği anlamına gelir. Fotoğrafçılık için bir wordpress tema  aracıdır ve kullanımı gerçekten kolaydır.

Purchase Date: 2021-03-02 01:15:46 UTC

Version 2.5

Önemli: Freeware sürümdür güncellemelerden faydalanamazsınız.  


  • WordPress 5.6.x ,
  • WordPress 5.5.x ,
  • WordPress 5.4.x ,
  • WordPress 5.3.x ,
  • WordPress 5.2.x ,
  • WordPress 5.1.x ,
  • WordPress 5.0.x ,
  • WordPress 4.9.x ,
  • WordPress 4.8.x ,
  • WordPress 4.7.x



Demodaki gibi bir ana sayfa nasıl oluşturulur
Sayfaya nasıl eleman eklenir - (Fotofly Elements)

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 00:46:12 +0300 Safirmedya
E&#45;commerce Site

✔ Preis: 5,000

E-commerce site

Online Sales Site

Get your Professional E-Commerce site with Turkish Management Panel at an affordable price.

E-commerce sites offer unique Sapphire E commerce packages with professional support, services and advanced infrastructure in terms of shopping site design. Start e-commerce with affordable Sapphire E-commerce software and packages at affordable rates. You don't need to pay big bucks for your shopping site.

Electronic commerce is a trading method that enables companies to sell online. Developing technology and the fact that people prefer the internet for shopping has made the e-commerce sector attractive.

If you want to set up your own e-commerce store and make money on the internet, be sure to review our e-commerce packages. Good and understandable design, easy and user-friendly web interface will increase your sales revenue. For this reason, you should pay attention to these when you install an e-commerce site or purchase a package.

With easy product management, you can set up your own virtual store where you can sell as many products as you want in a given day and we let you start selling immediately.

Our e-commerce packages with different costs have all the features you will need for your business. Safir Eticaret'in enjoy all the features and services at no additional cost to enjoy using, we are very transparent in this regard. You can upgrade your package at any time to use more features.

Domain name, hosting, e-mail, security, backup, payment infrastructure and many other services are offered to you as a whole. The management processes of your virtual shop are both fast and easy! Save time when managing your virtual sales site.

Automatic updated Google Sitemap with your site innovations, your products are instantly listed in google, Automatic Bulletin Management with your customers with one-touch automatically generated newsletters can send your mail ads.

We provide advanced and unique e-commerce packages by providing professional support, services and infrastructure for e-commerce site software.

  • Flexible Management
  • Turkish Management Panel
  • Search Engine SEO Compatible
  • Free Domain Name
  • Free Hosting
  • Gift Certificate System

A domain name you specify during the installation of your site is registered free of charge for you.

You are not dealing with hosting and installation. You just stay managing your site from the management panel.

You can create discount vouchers for the products you want for the products or categories.

You can quickly get to the front of the search engines with special meta / keywords.

With the professional flexible and modular management panel of Safirmedya E-Commerce System, you can make your site design aesthetic, to suit your purpose. From text, colors, images, and overview, you can change all of your site's settings as desired.

Our web site applications are designed in Turkish and easy to use Management (Control) Panel. You can easily change the design that we provide to you from the management panel.

Thanks to the meta / keywords that you can define for each product, you can quickly get to the front of the search engines. The products you have added with our auto-generated google sitemap are listed by google as soon as possible.


Wed, 24 Feb 2021 02:47:51 +0300 Safirmedya
100% Organic Visitors Browsing Pages On Your Site

✔ Preis: 80


100% organic traffic to your sites, 100% Turkish or foreign (100% US or 10% Italy, 60% Russian, 30%, etc.) according to your preference.  Or we send a world-wide mixed visitor.


The difference between this system and other systems is that every visitor sent to your site does travel up to 5 subpages on your site.


What's the use of 5 sub-pages:

One of the most important factors for your site's rise in searches is Google Analytics bounce rate. If your visitors get out of your site right away, your bounce rate rises very much. This system reduces the bounce rate of your site because each visitor visits 5 pages.


Ranking in Google searches

Promotion in the key words you specify during the order,

Fast index retrieval on Google,

Increase in visitors with Google search, increasing the rate of visitors staying on the site,

Your site will increase your chances of getting ads on your site,

The impression rate of your subpages


We may send your visitors from GOOGLE, Yandex, bıng, etc. Search engines, if you want, from social networking sites like Instagram, FACEBOOK, Twitter or any site (e.g., Milliyet. com).


Remember: This sapphire media Premium-5 package differs from the others so that visitors have 5 sub-pages on your site; Visitors from many systems that send visitors emerge from your site within a few seconds. 


Here are some tips for moving your site to the top:


1-The SEO structure of your site needs to be good. We recommend that you make the necessary corrections by doing SEO analysis.

2. The content of your site must be original you earn points on that site with copy and paste from other sites but you will lose points.

3. Mention your site on other sites and forums please give a link if possible. Especially to sites in the category of your site.

4. You need to provide traffic to your site with organic searches, and this traffic continues at regular intervals, providing a much greater impact. (This service is doing it)

5. The age of your site is important, the older you are.

6. User-friendly page layout and site content page count is also important.

7. Shares in social sharing sites contribute.. 

There are more factors, but that's the main thing.



Information requested from you when you place an order:

- Site Address URL

- Search Engine You Want to Get Hit (GOOGLE, YANDEX, BING, AOL, FACEBOOK etc.)

- Countries You Want To Get Hits (Maximum 2 Countries)

- The Device You Want To Get Hit (PC, Mobile, Mixed)

Sun, 21 Feb 2021 18:22:53 +0300 Safirmedya
Sitenize Doping Olacak Kaliteli Backlink Seo Hizmeti

✔ Preis: 400

Sun, 21 Feb 2021 17:55:33 +0300 Safirmedya
Zipprich &#45; Web Hosting &amp;amp; WHMCS WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 350

Zipprich is the perfect business solution for a hosting companies it made hosting technology is easy and affordable. Unbeatable features like WHCMS, Affiliates and Domain Checker takes your hosting business career into next level.

Zipprich Hosting WordPress Theme

The Ultimate Solution for a Web Hosting Business with WHMCS Platform. Zipprich theme have all the essential sections for hosting website and compatible with WHMCS-Bridge plugin which connect between WordPress and WHMCS. Fast, secure and reliable features brings modern approach to standard hosting theme.

Attractive Home Page Variations

Initiate your hosting website with these Professional and Perfect Home Page Variations.

Different Header Styles

Presenting a Creative and Beautiful Header Variations for Your Elegant Web Hosting theme.

WHMCS Custom Dashboard Layout!

Web Hosting made Easy & Affordable with this dedicated and fully functioned hosting Business Tool.

Affiliate Page

This section provides a professional level quality and visual experience to your hosting website.

Creative Hosting

Zipprich hosting wordpress theme is fully researched and created from the bottom level of hosting technology requirements to makes your hosting company becomes the best web hosting provider in hosting field.

WHMCS Integration

Zipprich is compatible with WHMCS via Whmcs bridge. It puts you firmly in control of your hosting business.

Domain Checker

Check the perfect domain name for your hosting site with this compatible domain checker functionality.

Domain Registration

Domain registration is easy and comfortable for your customer with zipprich web hosting WordPress theme.

WHMCS Bridge

Whcms platform is integrated via this Whmcs-bridge. you can provide all type of hosting options for your customer using of this bridge section.

WooCommerce Integration

Zipprich WordPress hosting theme is integrated with WooCommerce plugin that brign value to your hosting business in the field of Ecommerce

Business Plans

This perfect and attractive visual planning layouts makes your business plan more clear to your visitors.

One Click Demo Import

Explore uncountable possibilities for your prominent and stunning Zipprich web hosting website with just one click.

Responsive & Retina Ready

Zipprich is 100% responsive, Present Your content with absolute clarity and amazing design that work comfortably in any type of device.

Advanced Theme Options

When it comes to personalizing theme options, Zipprich makes it very simple to achieve complex updates without a line of coding required. All of the features you might wish to update, typography, headings, footers, padding and font colors are all controlled in real-time via the WYSIWYG Theme Options Panel.

Visual Page Builder

Create almost any web element you desire with the simplicity of Drag & Drop via the #1 top selling Plugin for WordPress, simple to use, no coding required, unlimited flexibility.

Unlimited Colors in Live Customizer

Zipprich theme is well organized in color section. You can change each part of the colors from live preview at Customizer. So, you can see that changes on the fly.

Lot’s of Shortcodes are available

Our theme highly integrated with most user friendly visual composer page builder plugin. Each shortcode have well organized and easy to use fields.

Contact Form 7

Taking the power of the industry standard plugin for creating webforms – Contact Form 7 – and combining it with the simplicity of Zipprich just makes sense. Create any kind of form you desire and rest assured of full functionality compatibility.

Seo Optimized

Zipprich theme perfectly supports search engines algorithms. SEO is most important part to run a successful business. Organic searches only stays as lifetime.

Mail Chimp

Zipprich is well integrated with Mail Chimp for WordPress Plugin. MailChimp is the absolute best. In Landing Page, collecting a visitors data is most important to run a successful business.

Google fonts and Upload your custom premium fonts

Easily select from the entire Google Font library of over 790+ beautifully articulated fonts, or upload your own custom fonts to and create font nirvana. Your Google Maps With Zipprich and deep integration with the Google Maps API allowing you express your maps with multiple styling options to give your site that point of difference.

Advanced Typography

Zipprich theme has advanced typography settings available at theme options panel. You can customize font weights, line heights and what ever you want to add CSS propertise easily.

Google Map

Our theme extending google map appreance even more with maps API’s. Now, you can show multi stlying options within a google map area.

FontAwesome & Line Icons.

Icons can say so much in a graphical way, it’s a beautiful use of expression without words, so with Zipprich you have the entire FontAwesome and Line Icon libraries to keep you up to date with the latest designs.

Child Theme

If you are not familiar with Child Themes, they very simple replicate the full theme but do not need updating – instead you use a Parent/Child installation and only ever update the Parent. So when you update, you won’t lose any of your custom CSS or modifications. Huzzah!

Browser Compatible

Zipprich theme will ensure that, your every visitors receives the same experience across all browsers. We stickly support browser compatibility with cross OS platforms & devices.

Updates comes within your WP Dashboard

Purchasing a Premium theme, one the cons for all time is updating process. It’s hard to update each time. Zipprich theme fix your hardest part. Now you can get updates with your WP Panel.

Lifetime Updates

We are always up to date with the latest patches and updates for WordPress. We work with our community of customers to take on feedback and implement that into updates regularly.


Zipprich Main FeaturesZipprich Theme Options & Visual ComposerZipprich Features

Sat, 20 Feb 2021 18:10:12 +0300 Safirmedya
Recipes Program

✔ Preis: 5

You can add your own recipes to the program that has many recipes. You can delete recipes you don't like, or make changes. The program consists of categories, recipe titles, materials used and description details.

The recipes category is divided into categories, you can filter according to the category you want and you can easily access the tariff you want by searching on the food name. You can also navigate between recipes with Forward and Back keys.

In the settings section of the program, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner time setting is available. You can set these hours at your own time, so that you can alert at that time. In this way, you recall that it is time to prepare recipes and prepare meals, and you will eat in time. Reading recipe Editing recipes Adding new recipes Filtering recipes by category or name Alarming at the time you set before breakfast, lunch and dinner time.


Sat, 20 Feb 2021 17:38:10 +0300 Safirmedya
YAMEN | The Multi&#45;Purpose HTML5 Templates

✔ Preis: 50

Yamen, a multipurpose HTML 5 template. Do whatever you want by using this template effortlessly on topics such as corporate, business, education, agency, sports, magazine, wedding, restaurant, lawyer, Spa, medical, portfolio, Blog, store, architect, philanthropy, university, fashion and sports.


Inspired by the latest design trends and the latest SEO technologies in the business world, we are proud to introduce Yamen, a multi-featured, clean and multi-page business HTML template for professionals and freelance workers looking for a package. .


It is used for corporate, agency, creative, personal and small business websites. We discussed each element of this template to ensure the simplicity required for the business trend. Get the professional commercial HTML template now!


It is a fully original and single licensed product. It is definitely not W. R. Z. The license code will be provided with the product.


Click for demo (there is a demo version for multiple pages under home. View more options under the Home menu)


Basic features of the Yamen business HTML Template:


Designed based on boot stack 3 (1170 grid system)

Different header, footer, and page title styles

Extra single page Demos

Enable/disable sticky NavBar options

Running Twitter Feed, MailChimp Newsletter and integrated Flickr Stream

Working Contact Form

Optimized for high performance and better SEO results

MEGA-MENU included

RTL Support (right-to-left languages)

Video background part included

Multi/different Blog and portfolio layout

Complete shop pages included

Accompanying slider revolution responsive jQuery Plugin (save $14)

Multiple HTML elements to suit your needs

Multiple demos for your goal

Cross-browser compatibility

Well documented, help file describing how to set up with a template



 Ä°ÅŸ HTML Şablonu

Sat, 20 Feb 2021 02:48:07 +0300 Safirmedya
Vispa for Startups &#45; Responsive Business WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Vispa Theme was designed specially to meet requirements of projects that need simplicity, fast implementation, customizability and easy maintenance. Vispa Theme is highly recommended for startups and rising businesses because it offers the basic set of elements and templates everyone can use without having any programming skills. We have removed distractions that can consume your time and in the same time, you get a great toolset of elements and templates that you can use to build an awesome business, finance, corporate, consulting website for your firm or for a client of yours.

Vispa for Startups - Responsive Business WordPress Theme - 1

  • Fast Loading
  • Fully Responsive
  • Easily Customizable
  • SEO Optimized
  • Well Coded
  • Ready to use content
  • Drag & Drop Visual Page Builder
  • One Click Demo Install
  • Flexible Page Layouts
  • Unlimited Color Skins
  • WPML – Ready
  • MailChimp – Ready
  • Contact Form 7 – Ready
  • Drag & Drop Forms Builder
  • Backup Module
  • Custom Posts
  • Custom Sidebars
  • Custom Widgets
  • Custom Sliders
  • Grid System (Bootstrap Grid System)
  • Many Custom Options
  • Easy to customize elements in child theme


Meet UNYSON – the most powerful & free framework for WordPress. It comes with a bunch of built-in extensions that will help you build & customize your website fast & easy.
- Drag & Drop Page Builder.
- Sliders Module.
- Sidebars Management System.
- Portfolio builder.
- Built in Forms Module.
- Advanced SEO manager.
- Backup & Demo Content Easy Setup.


Google fonts library is here! Remember those times when fonts were a real problem for a website developer or designer? Now those times are in past and we couldn’t be happier to announce that Google Fonts is fully integrated with our theme. That means you have access to more than 818 free fonts of all shapes and serifs. Now it’s only a matter of choice until you will find the perfect font and color combinations for your project.


Vispa for Startups - Responsive Business WordPress Theme - 2


Vispa for Startups - Responsive Business WordPress Theme - 3


Vispa for Startups - Responsive Business WordPress Theme - 4

Sat, 20 Feb 2021 01:59:47 +0300 Safirmedya
Umbala &#45; Stylish Fashion Clothing WooCommerce Theme

✔ Preis: 460

Umbala is professional minimalis WooCommerce theme for shopping online stores. Umbala will make your online store look more impressive and attractive to viewers. With this WooCommerce theme you can use it for a lot of e-commerce website such as fashion store, furniture store, etc.

With its responsive design, it has a flawless appearance to a structure that is compatible with all devices, including mobile devices. Umbala will show your WordPress perfectly on every device.

You need easy setup and powerful settings to create perfect websites.

Important Note: The amount of theme stock is a single item and will be supplied with the purchase code.




Sat, 20 Feb 2021 01:44:24 +0300 Safirmedya
Tokoo &#45; Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi&#45;vendor Websites

✔ Preis: 0

Would you bring a Swiss Army knife for a Chef’s job ?

In this world of multi-purpose themes loaded with more features than necessary and trying to be like a Swiss Army Knife, Tokoo – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme is a chef’s knife. It is built for only one-purpose, to help you build your eCommerce website that looks like one of the top eCommerce websites. We’ve imbibed the latest trends in new age eCommerce websites like smaller fonts, simpler headers, cleaner checkout, better navigation and lesser whitespace.

We’ve used our experience in building some of the most popular electronics store themes like Electro – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme and Techmarket – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme to build Tokoo.

Tokoo Features

5 Different Home Pages with 17 different blocks

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 5Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 6Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 7Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 8Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 9
We’ve included 5 different home page templates and 17 blocks for you to choose from. Our home pages are designed to show more products in differently organized blocks. The home pages are also customizable via custom code or page builders where you can create mix 17 blocks in a different way to build unique home pages.

4 Different Header Styles & separate mobile Header

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 10We’ve built Tokoo with 4 different header styles and 1 mobile header. Our headers have been designed to give your website a top class look. The headers host your website’s navigation, branding, important icons and quick switchers. The mobile header is applied only to mobile view and removes all other clutters for mobile uers.

Website Speed

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 11A theme plays a very small role in determining a website’s speed. In combination with plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache, you can achieve quick loading time. This because our home pages are lean and consumes less time to generate.

Compatible with Elementor & King Composer

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 12Elementor & King Composer are the most popular page builders for WordPress. Our theme is compatible with both these page builders. You can use these plugins to customize the home pages as well as other static pages to a very high level limited only by imagination.

6 Pre-defined colors or choose your own

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 13Tokoo comes with 6 pre-defined primary colors which you can choose. If your branding uses a different color from the pre-defined ones you can easily pick your own colr via color picker to make the website in align with your brand colors.

Search powered by Algolia

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 14Search is an important part of eCommerce websites. WordPress and WooCommerce provides basic search that searches only through titles and description. Algolia is one of the most popular and powerful search engines. It is seamlessly compatible with our theme allowing you to make your site search very powerful.

Megamenus – Horizontal & Vertical

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 15Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 16Building megamenus are easy with our theme and does not require third-party plugins. We’ve included both a vertical and horizontal megamenus. Our dummy content follows the megamenu style of most popular eCommerce websites. You can use them as a starting point to build your own stylish megamenu.

Multi-vendor websites using Dokan or WCFM

Starting v1.1.6, Tokoo is compatible with Dokan and WCFM using which you can built multi-vendor websites. You can access our Dokan compatible multi-vendor website here : Tokoo Dokan Demo –

One Click demo Import

Tokoo - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates, Dropship and Multi-vendor Websites - 17Usually one click imports require you to import sliders separately. However we’ve made Tokoo truly one-click. All you need to do is click the button ones and wait for the importer to import images and sliders. No additional steps required.

Other Information about Tokoo

Trial & Dummy Data

We encourage you to try our theme before purchase. Please reach out to us via our support tab and we’ll setup a trial for you.

A word about the Dummy Data. Once you import the dummy data provided with the download package, you will get a website similar to this :

This is with placeholders and default WooCommerce products. It does not include the preview images. Preview Images are not included in the package.

Tokoo Documentation

You can view our Tokoo Documentation here :

You can checkout our video tutorials here :

Help & Support

Generally the comments section is reserved for pre-sales questions and questions that does not require much technical help. For better response and management of support request please create a new support request by contacting us via support tab. Our usual response time is 1 business day. We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays which are weekends. Due to different timezones, a request raised on Friday evening may be answered on Monday ( 3 days ).

Please note that the comments section and support email are our only support channels. Please do not use Envato form to send support requests.

Sat, 20 Feb 2021 01:24:10 +0300 Safirmedya
SuperFine &#45; Multi&#45;Purpose HTML5 Template

✔ Preis: 50

SuperFine is a Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template built using HTML5/CSS3 features and suitable for creative companies, agencies, and freelancers which need a professional way to showcase their projects, services, and sell their products.

SuperFine is a fully responsive and retina ready so it works nicely on smartphones, tablet PCs and desktops, We build SuperFine in integration with Bootstrap responsive framework because we want our customers would find a light awesome, powerful, and easy to use framework.

Features in Details

  • Fully Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML Template
  • 230+ Clean Valid HTML5 Pages
  • Clean Valid CSS3 Code
  • 20+ Unique Home Pages
  • 3 Different One Pages with Unique Navigation
  • Retina Ready Template
  • Very High Performance Code
  • Light and Dark Themes
  • Wide and Boxed Layouts
  • 8 Different Shapes
  • Unlimited color skins with 13 pre-defined skins
  • Fully RTL Support
  • Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin (worth $14)
  • Flex Slider
  • Camera Slider
  • OWL Slider
  • 18 header Layouts with Sticky Navigation Support
  • 8 Footer Layouts.
  • 9 Page Title Styles
  • 95 Portfolio Pages
  • 5 Pricing Tables Styles
  • 5 Team Boxes Styles
  • 2 Login page Layouts
  • 6 Accordion Styles
  • 10 Tabs Styles
  • 7 Different Pager Styles
  • Functional Twitter API
  • Functional Flickr Feed
  • 4 Contact us Pages.
  • Full screen video background Support
  • Awesome Coming Soon Page
  • Search box with animation (Not Functional)
  • Parallax Background Support
  • Working Ajax Contact Form
  • Full E-Commerce Styling (Not Functional)
  • Mega Menu Support
  • Various 5 Blog Styles (Large, Small image, Grid, Masonry and Timeline styles) (Not Functional)
  • Functional Blog post social share jQuery plugin
  • Dynamic Google Web Font
  • Carousel And Filterable Portfolio
  • Custom Background/Patterns Blocks
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Google Map API
  • Powerful Shortcodes
  • FontAwesome 585+ Icons
  • Linea Icons Included
  • Cross Browser Compatible (IE9/10/11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari)
  • Pretty CSS3 Effects and Animation
  • Optimized and Clean Code
  • 8 Custom Widgets
  • Blog Search
  • Recent Posts
  • Blog Categories
  • Recent Comments
  • Tag Cloud
  • Flickr Stream
  • Twitter feed
  • Tabs widget
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Fully Customizable, step-by-step documentation included
  • 24/7 Outstanding Customer Support




Sat, 20 Feb 2021 01:09:18 +0300 Safirmedya
Sigma &#45; Multipurpose WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

We know that every business is different, that’s why we have done deep research to build each blocks in SIGMA, and deliver this specifically to yours SIGMA | Business Multi-purpose is a clean one page WordPress theme ideal for any kind of business. Sigma comes with 6 predefined layouts together with a large collection of elements. It is fully responsive and looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets and phones.


This template comes with necessary features for your online presence like portfolio, blog, testimonial and personal profile page etc. Go Search can be a great choice for your online presence.


Features at a Glance:

Drag and drop page – King Composer ($39 saved):

Fast, intuitive and smart page Sigma will make your customization fast and easy. You layout will be ready for publishing in a minute!


Slider Revolution ($25 saved):

Create stunning slides with different animation effects easily with Revolution Slider


Demo content included:

Sigma is ready to use from the box. Quickly install it via FTP or WordPress and after you activate it you can load demo content. Then you can add your own content on already designed pages.


One click installation:

Install Sigma with our powerful one click installer. Get your site up and running in no time! Quick, easy and rocket fast!


Responsive & retina ready:

Look of your website on mobile devices is very important these days. So we made sure Sigma looks great both on mobile, desktop and retina screens!


WPML & Translation Ready:

Sigma is compatible with most popular WordPress plugin that supports creation of multilingual layouts. Translate your website to any language with WPML!


Advanced typography options:

Choose any of the Google web fonts library through powerful theme options panel! Now you can set a unique style for your brand!


Compatible with Contact form 7:

Sigma is compatible with the most powerful and most popular custom contact forms WordPress widget! create your own forms in seconds!


Powerful framework:

Sigma is based on most popular, well established, powerful vafpress theme options framework!


Detailed documentation:

Extensive documentation plus great video guides on how to setup and customize Sigma will make your customisations super easy and fast!


Crossbrowser compatibility:

Sigma looks great among all major browsers including IE9+.

Demo: Click

Full Features List

  • 100% Fluid Responsive – Fits any device perfectly
  • Tested on real devices
  • Flexible Layout
  • Use our demo layout or create your own visually different experience using page Sigma and feature-rich backend.
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • Custom and customized King Composer components
  • Retina Optimized
  • WordPress Multisite Tested
  • Advanced Admin Panel
  • Demo Import, Content and Sliders
  • Social Links
  • Bottom Footer Widgets
  • Clean & Commented Code
  • Advanced Typography
  • Google Fonts – 600+ Font families available
  • Custom Font Support
  • Custom Page Templates
  • Pixel Perfect Design
  • Quick & Easy Installation & Setup
  • Custom CSS Ready
  • Child theme Included
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Easy Customization With Variable Content Sections
  • Custom Build Theme & Page Options
  • SEO Ready
  • Localizable with .pot translation files
  • WPML Multilanguage Plugin Extended Support
  • Various Post Formats
  • Unlimited Pages
  • Custom Widgets and smart admin panel for customizations
  • Customizable Contact Forms with Contact Form 7 support
  • FullScreen Background Slider
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Well Documented & More….
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:56:18 +0300 Safirmedya
Seline &#45; Creative Photography &amp;amp; Portfolio WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Minimal Photography, Portfolio, One Page & Multi Purpose WordPress Theme

Seline is a Beautiful, Professional, Clean, Modern, User-Friendly, Mobile Friendly, Fast-loading, Highly Customizable, Flexible and functional Photography and Portfolio WordPress theme. Seline Allows you to taste the different layout blog style. There are five different blog style layout and 3 different single blog style layout. Seline will add value to your WordPress site as beautiful blog page design. You can switch with any blog layouts anytime, no coding skill required.

  • Most Powerful WooCommerce integrated
  • Drag & Drop Form Builder
  • One Click Demo Install
  • Powerful Theme Options

Also there is plenty of shortcode like as About, Bottom Margin, Bottom Padding, Call To Action, Counter Up, Elegant Box, Google Map, Image, Latest Blog, Latest Blog No Column, Portfolio, Pricing Table, Secion, Services, Subscribe, Team Member 01, Team Member 02, Testimonial 01, Testimonial 02, Top Margin, Top Padding, Grid Builder, Accordion, Contact Form and lot more


Seline Features

  • One Click Demo Install
  • Advanced Form Builder
  • Unyson Page Builder
  • 25+ Shortcode
  • Unlimited Colors
  • 60+ Portfolio Variation
  • 10+ Unique Home Page
  • 4 Unique Contact Page
  • 7 Unique About Style
  • 5 Unique Service Style
  • 5 Unique Blog Style
  • 5 Unique Team Style
  • 3 Unique Pricing Table
  • 4 Header Style
  • Masonary Gallery Layout
  • Powerful Shortcode
  • Fully Resonsive
  • Unlimited Animations
  • Advanced Theme Options
  • Grid Builder
  • Advanced Typography
  • Fast Loading
  • Responsive
  • Google Fonts
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:50:26 +0300 Safirmedya
Sapphire Picture Convert and Create Thumbnail

✔ Preis: 50

Thumbnails are scaled-down versions of larger photographs, useful for conserving screen space on a Web page or visually scanning a photo archive for a specific shot. They don't have a standard size thumbnails for a portfolio might be much larger than thumbnails for your LinkedIn profile. Facebook, for instance, uses three thumbnail dimensions, depending on where your image appears. 

With this program, resize the pictures and create thumbnails also convert it to jpg-bmp images.

Main Features

  • Resize Multi Images.
  • Create Thumbnail Multi Images.
  • Convert multiple image files from JPG to BMP.
  • Convert multiple image files from BMP to JPG.

Download File Includes:

  • The Application.
  • User Guide.
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:31:10 +0300 Safirmedya
Safir Font Tracing Font Monitoring Program

✔ Preis: 5

Photoshop etc. applications or word, excell, powerpoint etc. font programs, font selection, color selection and so on. especially if the font archive of our computer is crowded, it is sometimes very annoying to find the font we are looking for.

Of course there is a difficulty in choosing a font. In practice - most of the time - when we change the font, we cannot see the change instantly. So, in order to be able to see the font we choose, we need to write a new article, or close the application and reopen it. Which font to use, I wonder if he can push us a little while thinking.

Here we offer a very nice and fairly simple program to help you with this. The program is very simple to use, you can see all the fonts on your computer, and you can instantly see how any text you appear. You can also quickly scroll through the fonts to see a preview of all your fonts.


Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:18:53 +0300 Safirmedya
Rabbit &#45; Exclusive Coming Soon WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Rabbit is a minimal, responsive, business coming soon / landing page / one page WordPress Theme. This multipurpose, customizable template, mailchimp ready, working contact form, amazing backgrounds effects and much more! Includes premium plugins WPBakery Page Builder, Ultimate VC Addons, ACF Pro. Includes full supported WooCommerce.


  • Clean and minimal design
  • Clean code
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Visual Composer Compatible (Save $34)
  • Ultimate VC Addons (Save $20)
  • ACF Pro Compatible (Save $18)
  • Unlimited Page Variations
  • Background Styles
  • Background Color
  • Single Image
  • Image Slideshow
  • YouTube Background
  • Vimeo Background
  • HTML5 Video Background
  • 52 Background Effects (You can change effect)
  • Winter
  • Low-Poly
  • Constellation
  • Particles
  • Rainbow Squares
  • Shooting Stars
  • Starfield
  • Gravity
  • Fireworks
  • Geometric
  • Bubbles
  • Mosaic
  • Rain
  • Surface Shader
  • Magneto
  • Liquid
  • Confetti
  • Orbit
  • Swirl
  • Shift
  • Coalesce
  • Pipeline
  • Aurora
  • Stardust
  • Abstractart
  • Wave
  • Connections
  • Alien
  • Balls
  • Icosahedron
  • Landscape
  • Boreal Sky
  • Colors
  • Confetti Lines
  • Stars Lines
  • Quantum
  • Information
  • Space Time
  • Physics
  • Heuristics
  • Hawking
  • Star Wars
  • Brick Tunnel
  • Triangle
  • Birds
  • Clouds
  • Globe
  • Topology
  • Net
  • Dots
  • Coronavirus COVID-19 (3D)
  • Coronavirus COVID-19 (Particles)
  • Page
  • Left or right sidebar
  • No sidebar
  • Pagination classic, ajax or hide
  • Blog
  • Grid layout
  • Standard layout
  • Classic style
  • Minimal style
  • Creative style
  • Wow animation
  • Post format support
  • Standard
  • Link
  • Audio ( Embedded & Self Hosted )
  • Video ( Embedded & Self Hosted )
  • Quote
  • Gallery ( Slider & Tiled )
  • Image
  • Chat
  • Status ( Twitter & Facebook )
  • Full support of Multi-level WordPress Menu
  • Social share links
  • Image or Text Logo
  • Mailchimp subscription
  • Kirki Customizer Integrated
  • AJAX Load More
  • AJAX Cart
  • WooCommerce Supported
  • RTL Supported
  • Contact Form 7
  • Bootstrap 4
  • SEO Friendly
  • CSS3 Animations – Animate.css
  • One-Click Demo Install
  • Font Awesome icons (retina ready)
  • Advanced Typography Control
  • Typekit (2400+) & Google Fonts (800+) Supported
  • Widget ready
  • Localization Support (Included .pot file)
  • WPML Compatible
  • Child themes support
  • W3C Valid HTML
  • Well documented HTML and CSS files
  • and more features coming soon!

Note: Images and videos from demo site are not included.,

Click for free download.

(Zip Pass:

Fri, 19 Feb 2021 22:50:05 +0300 Safirmedya
Market and Exchange Rates Tracking, Gold and Stock Exchange Index

✔ Preis: 0

Both Free Market and T.C. Central Bank and exchange rates program, which works in integration with the Central Bank, is the google chrome application. In addition to the exchange rates, you can see current gold prices, ISE Stock index and parity.

Just click on the app icon that will be placed in your chrome browser as soon as you want to see the exchange rates.

In the window of data to establish the main currency in the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey both free market will see momentarily at the exchange rates are published on the website.

You can install the application prepared with the design that does not ask for any permission to put your safety at risk and you will not tired of the eye.

In Turkish, foreign currency is called foreign currency. The process of converting the currency of a country into another country's currency is called the foreign currency transaction. Currency is an economic commodity used as an investment tool. Profit is derived from the differences arising between the exchange rates.

Exchange rates are also called exchange rates. Exchange rates vary momentarily according to the daily economic conditions of the countries. Someone who wants to dominate the foreign exchange market should follow these developments well.

Follow free market, central bank exchange rates and live exchange rates of other banks, closed market gold prices, and LIVE markets.

Nowadays, one of the investment instruments that provide better income to investors is the exchange rate. Those who want to invest in exchange rates should first learn what happened. They should be thoroughly informed and informed about where they can follow, how they can invest.

One of the indispensables of investment instruments is exchange rates. It is also the sine qua non of international trade. The currencies were the result of the formation of the currencies of the country and were called those who were outside our own country currency. In order to be able to make international trade, there is a need for valuation against each other and the exchange rates have emerged. Today, what is important for the world economy is called major currency.

Major currencies; USD (USD), EUR (Euro), GBP (GBP), CHF (Swiss franc), CAD (Canadian dollar), AUD (Australian dollar), JPY (Japanese yen). The mutual valuation of these forms the major parities. The currencies we call major are effective in the direction of the world economy. Those except those are called minor currencies. The economies of countries with these currencies are considered as developing or underdeveloped.


Fri, 19 Feb 2021 22:36:47 +0300 Safirmedya
Parrot &#45; Parrot Google Chrome Theme

✔ Preis: 0

It is a colorful theme, decorated with parrots in simple elegance, easy-to-read, user-friendly, and very popular, capable of imitating human speech.

If you are using Google Chrome browser, you will like this theme too.

How to Upload a Theme:

The theme is very easy to install, just click on the Add to Chrome link on the Google theme page, which will open when you click on the download link on the right from your chrome browser page.


Fri, 19 Feb 2021 21:19:22 +0300 Safirmedya
Organic &#45; Video Film Templates

✔ Preis: 120

A fun opener with a nice organic feel and carefuly crafted liquid elements. The customization is very simple with easy color controls and a well organized modular structure. No third party plugind were used, just standard Ae tools.
The audio track is included with the project

Main features

  • Free audio track
  • Easy customization
  • Modular structure
  • Dynamic animation
  • Full HD resolution

Fri, 19 Feb 2021 01:21:01 +0300 Safirmedya
OpenCart 3.X Turkish Language Files

✔ Preis: 5

OpenCart is a free open source e-commerce platform for online merchants. OpenCart provides a professional and reliable foundation for building a successful online store. It caters to a wide variety of e-commerce stores with paid and free themes.

It ranges from experienced web developers looking for a user-friendly interface, to store owners who start their business online for the first time. OpenCart has a lot of features that provide a strong grip on the customization of your store. With OpenCart's tools, you can ensure your online store reaches its highest potential.

Well you have installed Opencart but you want to use English, Turkish and add Turkish language option. Here is the solution. You can easily add the Turkish language to your site by downloading the Turkish language files from our page (both for the front interface of your site and for the administration panel).

Adding Turkish Language to Opencart and Selecting Turkish Language:

Upload the Turkish language files you downloaded from our site to the main directory where you installed opencart.

Go to the System  Localization  Language (Admin Panel ➔  System  Localization ➔  Languages) menu by logging into the admin panel of your site.

Fill in and save the fields in the form that opens as follows.


  • Language Name: Turkish
  • Code: tr
  • Locale: tr_TR.UTF-8, tr_TR, tr-tr, turkish
  • Status: Enable
  • Sort Order: Enter the order you want to appear on your site. (Ex: English-1 Turkish-2 etc.)

To make the default language of your store in Turkish, follow the steps below.


Click System  Settings  Edit to go to the settings by clicking the edit button opposite your store and go to the Local tab. In this drop-down form, you will see the Store Language and Administration Language (Management Language) fields. Store Language covers the default language of your store's website interface, and Administration Language covers the language of your site's administration panel. Choose Turkish from these fields and save. The administration page and homepage of your site was in Turkish. You can review the page by refreshing. We wish you good earnings.

Fri, 19 Feb 2021 00:44:44 +0300 Safirmedya
Mist | Multi&#45;Purpose HTML5 Responsive Template

✔ Preis: 100

Mist is a powerful Multipurpose HTML 5 Template. Build whatever you like with this template that looks effortlessly on-point in Corporate, Business, Education, Agency, Sports, Magazine, Wedding, Restaurant, Attorney, Spa, Medical, Portfolio, Blog, Shop, Architect, Charity, University, Fashion, Band, App Showcase, Studio, Insurance, Nonprofit organization, Saloon, Bakery, Freelancer or Resume, just everything is possible with Mist. With all it features you can build something great. It is ultimate flexible with loads of nice options and features.

It’s fully responsive design and clean was tested on all major handheld devices.Unlimited possibilities & flexible that will easily be able to support every site development. Don’t wait – Launch Your Start-up Now!




Thu, 18 Feb 2021 21:19:53 +0300 Safirmedya
Minimal Slideshows

✔ Preis: 100

Very easy to use – just put your footages in placeholders and edit text

Universal Expressions

Color control

Full HD (1920×1080)

Pictures and music track are not included

Music you can find Happy Upbeat UkuleleInspiring Uplifting Indie FolkLogo Ident Digital 2

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 20:57:45 +0300 Safirmedya
Meetup &#45; Conference Event WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

We would like to express our great thanks to you for purchasing Maniva Meetup One Page WordPress Theme. We are extremely happy to know that you have selected Maniva Meetup for your website. And we are also sure that you will you will not feel disappointed after using our this theme. To help our customers to use Maniva Meetup theme easily, we provide you with the documentation with all the details you need to use our product.

Feel free to contact us and give us your feedback about the theme, improvements you feel it needs and the documentation of the theme via Our Forum.We've hard to create Maniva Meetup, and we'll work even harder to support and improve it.

On behalf of TemPlaza Team, Thanks so much! We hope you enjoy using Maniva Meetup WordPress Theme.

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 20:46:51 +0300 Safirmedya
eMarket Mail &#45; Responsive E&#45;mail Template

✔ Preis: 130

Template Features

  • Modern and Clean Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Mailchimp Ready
  • campaign monitor Ready
  • icontact Ready
  • Stampready
  • PSD File included
  • Well Documented

Browser Compatible

  • Gmail
  • Microsoft Outlook (don’t support background images )
  • Yahoo Mail
  • Apple Mail
  • iPhone
  • iPod & iPad


  • Images only Preview not included.
  • Microsoft Outlook (don’t support background images )
  • Gmail App for Android is not Supported.

  • Email Platforms

    Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, StampReady, iContact
  • File Types

  • Additions

    • Documentation Included
    • PSD Files Included
    • Responsive
      Cover Image For eMarket Mail - Responsive E-mail Template
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 18:42:50 +0300 Safirmedya
Mara &#45; Beautiful Photo WordPress Blog Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Mara is a beautiful, responsive WordPress theme for bloggers, photographers and for those who want to tell stories through images. The theme has a clean and minimal layout which makes it very easy to read. You can display the content, simple and elegant, in various ways ( 7 layout options and more to come in the future). Mara is also fully responsive meaning that it looks good on all devices from desktops and laptops to smartphones and tablets.

Mara is using the WordPress Theme Customizer feature. Change site title, colors, logo, typography and more with just a few clicks, all with a real time preview. Choose a style that will suite your needs.

Theme Features

  • Excellent customer support
  • Responsive design built with Twitter Bootstrap
  • 7 layouts and more to come for Homepage, Archives pages ( check the Home Styles menu item )
  • Theme color choices via WP Customizer
  • Add your own logo and favicon
  • Homepage Top Slider
  • Beautiful typography
  • SEO optimized
  • Author page
  • Widgetized footer
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Custom widgets
  • Child Theme Ready
  • Localization support
  • XML Demo Data Included
  • Well Documented
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 17:21:15 +0300 Safirmedya
LordCros &#45; Hotel Booking WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme - 4

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme - 5

Robust and powerful, LordCros is the ideal theme for your hotel booking or search website, offering everything your hotel business needs. Changelog

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme - 6

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme - 7

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme - 8

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme - 9


  • Powerful Hotel Room Search and Booking System
  • Weekly Price, Seasonal Price, Special Dates Block feature
  • Powerful Booking Management System (Including Calendar View)
  • Coupon Code feature
  • Multi-Payment Integration, such as Paypal, Stripe, etc
  • Handy Theme Options Panel
  • 100% Fully Responsive & Flat Design
  • Visual Composer Integration
  • WPML Support
  • Contact Form 7 support
  • Great Custom Widgets
  • 20+ Useful Shortcodes
  • Blog integration
  • Custom Style
  • Custom Sidebar
  • Flexible Page Layouts (Including 10+ Header Layouts)
  • Translation Ready
  • Easy to Customize
  • Grid/List/Block View
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Bootstrap4 based
  • Ready to Use Demo Content
  • Visual Composer included ( Save $46 )
  • Slider Revolution included ( Save $26 )
  • GDPR Compliance Ready

Zipp Pass:

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 17:08:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Lite &#45; Responsive Multipurpose E&#45;Mail Template

✔ Preis: 50

Lite Multipurpose Responsive Email Template + Stamp Ready Builder

LITE is a Multipurpose responsive email template designed for Corporate, Office, Business and general purposes


Şablon Özellikleri

  • Maximum of three columns
  • 50+ Modules
  • Responsive template
  • Drag-Drop / One-click – Stampready template builder
  • MailChimp Ready
  • Campaign Monitor Ready
  • MyMail for Wordpress
  • Major mail clients and browser display tested
    • Gmail, Yahoo, Rediffmail, All Outlook Versions, Thunderbird, Opera mail and more
    • Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera and Safari
  • Easy understanding commented code
  • Help document
  • Post sales support 

ZIP file Contains

  • 30 HTML files
    • 680 Width – Version
    • 800 Width – Version
    • Raw HTML
    • StampReady Builder File
    • MailChimp File
    • Campaign Monitor File
    • MyMail File
  • Help Document



  • Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo is not supporting custom fonts and ignore media query, it will be replaced by standard web font
  • Responsiveness not supported for GMail andriod app
  • credits for images are given in help documents
  • Export Option not available in Stampready for free registration

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 16:33:55 +0300 Safirmedya
Kyoto &#45; Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives

✔ Preis: 0

Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives

Kyoto is an Innovative WordPress Theme with an amazing layout and has beautiful colors which are destined to make your website very professional, either you are a freelancer, designer or a photographer, Kyoto will be your choice. Very powerful features are included to Kyoto, the elements are fully constructed from the fully front-end page builder called Elementor, features like header builder, template library, copy-paste feature, shape dividers, one click demo importer are only of the few features that are already included in Kyoto.



Elementor – Elementor is the ultimate WordPress page builder, the key difference is that you can reach a high level of design while designing live and on the front end of your site. Elementor is a page builder plugin that replaces the basic WordPress editor with a live frontend editor, so you can create complex layouts visually, and design your website live, without having to switch between the editor and the preview mode. The page builder enables you to reach a top-notch quality of design without needing to use code or CSS and doesn’t require code knowledge.


Header & Footer Builder – No limit when it comes to headers and footers, you’ll be able to create an interactive header and footer layout via Elementor with the elements that we created to make it even easier for you, pre-defined headers can be included in the template library in only one click.


Customizer – With the very powerful innovative WordPress Live Customizer you will be able to preview the changes made to your WordPress website in real time before pushing them live. Lots of options will make it a breeze for you to modify the structure and the visuals of your theme, including color scheme, typography, portfolio, blog, shop layout, and much more.


WooCommerce – WooCommerce is for selling products and services. Specifically, it makes doing these things affordable and accessible. You can sell digital and physical products, manage inventory and shipping, take secure payments, and sort taxes automatically.


Revolution Slider – Slider Revolution (Revolution Slider) is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Image or Video Scene for best conversion rates or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Desktop or mobile device! It’s included for free, you’ll save 26$.


Template Library – Save your page designs as templates, and reuse them on other pages. This can really speed up your workflow. You can export any template, and import it for use in other websites. This lets you share your templates with other designers.


One Click Demo Importer – A very handy feature which is added to the theme, you can import any of the demos of live preview in only one click, it won’t take more than a minute to set up. You’ll enjoy adding your content and playing with design, rather than creating everything from scratch.


Fully Responsive – Everything on theme is built with high responsibility, responsive is on the top of that list with every element responsive & retina ready.


Hundreds of options – Theme offers more than 500 different options and shortcodes, all of them are combined together to create a beautiful website for any purpose.


Advanced Typography Options – More than 600 different google fonts to choose from, highly advanced settings for each element in options.


Amazing Speed – Well organised template hierarchy offers incredibly fast loading time.


Shape Dividers – A very powerful feature added to the section offers a very beautiful way to create your pages with amazing layouts on the top of the section or at the bottom.


Powerful Grid Layout – Plenty of options like type, style, spacing and much more are included on the three different grid types blog, portfolio, and shop.


Clean Design – Light colors are combined together to bring a simple and beautiful designs for any purpose like freelancers, agencies, designers, architects, photographers and much more.


Amazing Portfolio – Are you interested to make your portfolio look cooler. Showcasing your portfolio never was easier, combine easily hundred of options created by powerful theme panel and the best page builder elementor, you’ll be able to choose between three different layouts, grid, metro or carousel, each one has their own amazing options.


Creative Blog – Create your articles in a creative way, your audience won’t be bored with the incredible layouts included on the theme, use the regular grid system or the beautiful types like masonry, metro or the carousel.


Powerful Shop – Start selling your products in some great looking grids, with plenty of options that can be mixed together.


50+ Elements – Amazing elements ready for use in the front-end page builder Elementor, everything drag & drop.


Ajax Mini Cart – Ajax Mini Cart allow customers to view and manage contents in cart easily. Customers can continue shopping without reloading page. Items in the cart can be managed easily from the Mini cart. It also sync with the cart page using Ajax.


Parallax Effects – Parallax scrolling is a web site trend where the background content (i.e. an image) is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling. Click on the links below to see the difference between a website with and without parallax scrolling.


Fast and Reliable Support – To have someone cover your back 24/7 is really something when it comes to the questions that are related to the product. The satisfaction of the client is what motivates us to work more and more. Currently, our author rating from our clients stands at 4.98 from 5 with more than 240 reviews with 5 stars. Start by creating a ticket at our support system at here.


Inherit Option – Most of the options in the elements have the option to inherit the values from the theme options. With this option, you can create multiple pages or have multiple elements with the same settings inherited from the theme options. No worries, inherit is not the only option from the select, the inherit option usually stands at the top which is followed by the normal options.


No coding knowledge required – There are options for almost everything, no extra knowledge is needed to build the website of your dreams.


Auto Updates – Compatible with the Envato Market Plugin, the theme can be updated easily with only one click via the dashboard menu.


Visual Editor – Edit the paragraphs, headings, lists and much more elements in real-time.


Translate Ready – Ready to be translated in any language, it fully supports all multingual plugins like WPML, Polylang, Loco Translate and much more.


Mega Menu – Advanced options on the menu item make it very easy and quick to make it mega menu, no need to add extra classes for columns and activation, there are simple options to choose.


Unlimited Google Maps Styles – Embed your google map in very easy steps, you can stylize easily the map choose the color, saturation and many more CSS filters.


Adaptive Images – Image size attributes are well organised to enhance responsive image functionality.


Professional Documentation – The documentation is to help you regarding each step of customization. Please go through the documentation carefully so you can understand how this theme is made and how to edit this properly.


Extended Features

  • Elementor Ready
  • Live Customizer
  • Revolution Slider Included
  • WPML Ready
  • One Click Demo Importer
  • Fully Responsive
  • Mega Menu
  • Header Builder
  • Footer Builder
  • Translation Ready
  • Retina Ready
  • Sticky Menu
  • Nav Menu Element
  • Search Element
  • Site Logo Element
  • Menu Cart Element
  • Site Title Element
  • Column Flex Options
  • Section Fixed Options
  • WooCommerce Compatible
  • Ajax Mini Cart
  • Footer Widgets
  • Slide Menu
  • Neue Einstellung Font(Save 20$)
  • Visual Editor
  • Top Header
  • Parallax Page Header
  • Ajax load more
  • Child Theme Included
  • 600+ Google Fonts
  • Advanced Typography Options
  • Smooth CSS3 Animation
  • Portfolio Metro
  • Blog Metro
  • Shop Metro
  • Isotope filers
  • Packery Layout
  • Valid HTML5/CSS3
  • Font Awesome
  • Mobile Menu
  • Powerful Hero
  • Images SEO ready with attributes
  • Multiple Map Markers
  • Fancybox Gallery
  • Social Networks integration
  • Portfolio Carousel
  • Blog Carousel
  • Shop Carousel
  • Social Media Share
  • SEO Optimized
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Import/Export the options
  • Coming Soon Mode
  • Testimonials Element
  • Icon Box Element
  • Image Box Element
  • Attachment Page
  • Split Screen Page
  • Social Media Element
  • Lightbox for images
  • Advanced Search Page
  • ACF Repeater
  • ACF Flexible Content
  • Gutenberg Ready
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Powerful Video Element
  • Basic Dividers
  • Advanced List Styles
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Shape Dividers
  • Gradient Colors
  • Accordion Element
  • Toggle Element
  • Advanced Grid System
  • Woo Pages
  • Powerful Portfolio Item
  • Counter Element
  • Progress Bar Element
  • Smooth Scroll
  • 500+ different options
  • Tested with theme check
  • Customizable Categories
  • Masonry Images
  • Incredible load time
  • Team Members Grid
  • Team Members Carousel
  • Team Members Metro
  • 1000+ Icons
  • Sidebar Widgets
  • Sidebar Header
  • Coded in PSR2 style
  • Contact Form 7
  • Developer Friendly
  • Commented Code
  • Taxonomy Page Options
  • Author Page Options
  • Search Page Options
  • Highly Customizable
  • Custom Sidebars
  • Image Sizes
  • Lifetime updates
  • Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion supported
  • Made With Debug Mode On
  • Professional Online Documentation
  • Demo Files Included (XML)
  • WordPress 3.9+ Ready
  • Supports JetPack plugin
  • Supports Yoast SEO plugin
  • Excellent Customer Support

Supported Plugins

  • WooCommerce
  • JetPack
  • Contact Form 7
  • WMPL
  • Polylang
  • Loco Translate
  • Revolution Slider
  • Yoast SEO
  • Mailchimp
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Ninja Forms
  • WP Super Cache
  • And many more…


The images from live preview are not included in the package.

Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives - 1

Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme

Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives Kyoto - Innovative Portfolio Theme for Creatives

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 14:25:55 +0300 Safirmedya
KuteShop &#45; Çok Amaçlı E&#45;Ticaret HTML Şablonu

✔ Preis: 150

KuteShop modern, temiz ve profesyonel bir HTML Şablonu, Tamamen duyarlı, her türlü ekran ve cihazlarda çarpıcı görünüyor. 

Moda mağazası, dijital mağaza, oyun mağazası, yemek dükkanı, cihaz mağazası, ev aletleri mağazası ya da diğer kategoriler için süper.

Dikkat: Ürün kesinlikle orjinal lisanslıdır. Satın alma -lisans- kodu ile birlikte tek bir adet satılacaktır.

Özellikler listesi:

  • 15+ Önceden Yapılmış Ana Sayfalar
  • HTML5 / CSS 3
  • Tamamen Duyarlı (Birden Fazla Cihazda Test Edildi)
  • Düz Tasarım Stili
  • Tam Genişlik Düzeni
  • Mağaza Tasarımı
  • Çalışan Ajax İletişim Formu
  • Ana Sayfa için çoklu seçenekler
  • İç Sayfalar: Kategori 1, Kategori 2, Ürün 1 (Sol sütun), Ürün 2 (Tam Geniş), Ürün 3 (Sağ Sütun) Sipariş, Ödeme, Giriş, Hakkımızda, İletişim, İstek, Karşılaştır, Blog, Blog Detayı
  • Mega Üst Menü
  • Mega Dikey Menü
  • Yapışkan Menü
  • Afişler Slayt gösterisi
  • Marka vitrin
  • Sıcak Kategoriler
  • Özel Ürün Grupları
  • Hizmetler
  • Atlı Karınca: En Çok Satanlar, Satış, Yeni Ürünler, Son Fiyatlar, Günün Fiyatları, İlgili Ürünler, Görüşler, Kategoriler, Filtre Bölümü, Afişler, Slayt Gösterisi, ...
  • jQuery Geliştirilmiş
  • HTML dosyaları
  • HTML5 ve CSS3 tabOLsız tasarım
  • Liste ve Izgara Görünümü (Ürünler)
  • JQuery İç Zoom ile Görüntüler
  • Uyumlu Tarayıcılar: IE9 +, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
  • Dahil edilen belgeler.
  • Özelleştirmesi Kolay
  • PSD Dosyaları Dahil
  • Destek ve Güncelleme
  • Ve daha fazlası…

Kaynaklar ve Krediler:

Aşağıdaki sağlayıcılara teşekkür ediyorum. Bu tema, sıkı çalışma ve hepsinin özverisi olmadan mümkün olmazdı.

Lütfen, demodaki görsellerin hiçbirinin tema paketinde mevcut olmadığını unutmayın.

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 13:45:37 +0300 Safirmedya
Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets &#45; COVID&#45;19 Coronavirus Map, Table &amp;amp; Stats Widgets

✔ Preis: 0

Coronavirus Cases Tracker Plugin is used to display Coronavirus(COVID-19) outbreak live Updates in WordPress page/posts/widgets section.

Using this plugin you can display particular country data or global data. With the help of shortcode, You can represent total Infected, Deaths, Recovered, Unresolved, New Cases Today, New Deaths Today in WordPress.

This plugin also provides 4 different layouts(Map, Table, Chart, Text) to display coronavirus outbreak data. You can also set the custom background and font color according to your theme.

Use this shortcode in your page or post
[cvct country-code="all" style="style-4"   title="Global Stats"]
Card layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct country-code="all" style="style-2" title="Global Stats" label-total="Total Cases" label-deaths="Deaths" label-active="Active Cases"  label-recovered="Recovered" bg-color="#DDDDDD" font-color="#000"]
  • country-code = all/particular country eg:US,IN etc. (By default it show the all country data.)
  • style = style-1 / style-2 / style-3 / style-4 / style-5 / style-6 (You can select styles according to your choice)
  • title = Any text here… (You Can Change the title name and by default it take Global Stats.)
  • label-total = Any text here… (By Default, it set Total cases text)
  • label-deaths = Any text here… (By Default it set Deaths text.)
  • label-active = Any text here… (By Default it set Active Cases text.)
  • label-recovered = Any text here… (By Default it set New Recovered text.)
  • bg-color = Any Color here… (Using this attribute You Can change background color.)
  • font-color = Any Color here… (Using this attribute You Can change font color.)
Table layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct-tbl layout="layout-1" show="10"]
  • layout=layout-1/layout-2 :-By Default it set layout1
  • show=Number of countries stats:-It is used to show number of countries data.
Simple Text shortcodes & settings
  • The total number of confirmed cases reached
    [cvct-text field="confirmed"]
  • This shortcode is used to display The current recovery rate.
    [cvct-text field="recoverd-per"]
  • This is used to display patients have recovered.
    [cvct-text field="recoverd"]
  • This shortcode is used to display The died people data.
    [cvct-text field="death"]
  • This shortcode is used to display the rate of died people.
    [cvct-text field="death-per"] 
  • This shortcode is used to display active cases.
    [cvct-text field="active"]
  • This shortcode is used to display rate of active cases.
    [cvct-text field="active-per"]
Chart layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct-charts title="COVID-19 Total Cases Stats" width="700" height="450"]
  • title = Any text here… (You Can Change the title name and by default it take COVID-19 Total Cases Stats.)
  • width = Specify the width of chart (using this attribute you can change the width of chart.)
  • height = Specify the height of chart (using this attribute you can change the width of chart.)
Map layout shortcodes & settings
[cvct-maps title="Global stats" show-list="yes"]
  • title = Any text here… (You Can Change the title name and by default it set COVID-19 Spread Data.)
  • show-list = Used to display the list or not (By default it set the yes.)
Here is the list of supported countries

Country Name Country Code
Afghanistan AF
Albania AL
Algeria DZ
Angola AO
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahamas BS
Bangladesh BD
Belarus BY
Belgium BE
Belize BZ
Benin BJ
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BO
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW
Brazil BR
Brunei Darussalam BN
Bulgaria BG
Burkina Faso BF
Burundi BI
Cambodia KH
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Central African Republic CF
Chad TD
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Congo CG
Costa Rica CR
Croatia HR
Cuba CU
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic CZ
DR Congo CD
Denmark DK
Diamond Princess DP
Djibouti DJ
Dominican Republic DO
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador SV
Equatorial Guinea GQ
Eritrea ER
Estonia EE
Ethiopia ET
Falkland Islands FK
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana GF
French Southern Territories TF
Gabon GA
Gambia GM
Georgia GE
Germany DE
Ghana GH
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Guatemala GT
Guinea GN
Guinea-Bissau GW
Guyana GY
Haiti HT
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Iceland IS
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iran IR
Iraq IQ
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT
Ivory Coast CI
Jamaica JM
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
North Korea KP
Republic of Kosovo XK
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Lao LA
Latvia LV
Lebanon LB
Lesotho LS
Liberia LR
Libya LY
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MG
Malawi MW
Malaysia MY
Mali ML
Mauritania MR
Mexico MX
Moldova MD
Mongolia MN
Montenegro ME
Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ
Myanmar MM
Namibia NA
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Niger NE
Nigeria NG
Norway NO
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palestine PS
Panama PA
Papua New Guinea PG
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Romania RO
Russia RU
Rwanda RW
Saudi Arabia SA
Senegal SN
Serbia RS
Sierra Leone SL
Singapore SG
Slovakia SK
Slovenia SI
Solomon Islands SB
Somalia SO
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
South Sudan SS
Spain ES
Sri Lanka LK
Sudan SD
Suriname SR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ
Swaziland SZ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Syrian Arab Republic SY
Taiwan TW
Tajikistan TJ
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
Timor-Leste TL
Togo TG
Trinidad and Tobago TT
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
Uganda UG
Ukraine UA
United Kingdom GB
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu VU
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Western Sahara EH
Yemen YE
Zambia ZM
Zimbabwe ZW


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 1 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 2

Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 3 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 4 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 5


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 6 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 7 Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 8


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 9


Corona Virus Cases Tracker Widgets - COVID-19 Coronavirus Map, Table & Stats Widgets - 10

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 13:42:06 +0300 Safirmedya
Events &#45; iOS Universal Events App Template (Swift)

✔ Preis: 580

Events is a full app template for you to create your own mobile iOS app to store and share events all over the world. Users can submit new events to you and you can approve them by changing a value in the isPending field in your Parse Dashboard on back{4}app.

Attention: The product is absolutely original licensed. One will be sold with the purchase-license-code.

Since its backend is by Parse Server, you don’t have to buy any domain/hosting, there are NO php files to upload to a web server so you’ll save some money for server side.

You may also use the Adminca Panel as a great alternative to insert/edit data in your Parse Dashboard, after you’ll create your app on back4app, create a free account on and create a new Panel, choose self-hosted Parse server and paste your Host, Application ID and Master Key in the relative fields (you can find them into Core Settings of your back4app panel) 

Events has a button to automatically add an event on your native iOS Calendar app, open its address in Maps (to get directions) and share it on Facebook, Twitter or other apps installed on your device. It also checks if an event has ended by the date you’ll open up such event, showing you that it is passed. 

It is written in Swift, easy to customize, native XCode project, Universal, Parse backend hosted on

Compatible With Swift

Files Included       : Layered PSD

Software Version : iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10.0.x, iOS 9.0.x, iOS 8.4.x, iOS 8.3.x, iOS 8.2.x, iOS 8.1.x, iOS 8.0.x 

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:57:14 +0300 Safirmedya
InLife &#45; Simple &#45; Flexible Blog Magazine

✔ Preis: 0

InLife is a simple, classic and clean blog & magazine theme. Easy to use and install, it includes custom widgets, post customizations, theme options, carousel slider and social media links. 

InLife is a responsive theme with 3 layouts and 2 color schemes made for professional bloggers, does not require any coding knowledge or even any previous knowledge with WordPress. 


Features list

  • Fully responsive design
  • Easy Theme Customization
  • Fully customizable like system (in posts and comments)
  • Featured Posts Carousel With multi Options
  • Regular time and time ago for posts
  • Social Media Icons in Header
  • Standard and Retina Logo Upload
  • Customize background with color or image
  • Custom favicon
  • WordPress live customizer
  • Support of Multilevel WordPress Menu
  • and HTML5 markup
  • SEO ready!
  • Post Views Count
  • Custom metaboxes for post formats
  • Post Formats:
    • Standard
    • Image
    • Gallery
    • Video (Embed & Self-Hosted)
    • Audio (Embed & Self-Hosted)
    • Link
    • Quote
  • Article Share :
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Google plus
    • behance
    • linkedin
  • 600+ Google Fonts
  • Font Awesome Icons (500+ icons) (retina ready)
  • Responsive video (Vimeo, YouTube)
  • Code highlighting
  • Author bio box below articles
  • Related Articles below articles
  • Header and in post ads
  • Homepage and Archives Layouts
    • Normal blog : right sidebar
    • Normal blog : left sidebar
    • Normal blog : no sidebar(Full width)
    • Modern blog : right sidebar
    • Modern blog : left sidebar
    • Modern blog : no sidebar(Full width – 2 columns)
    • Masonry blog : right sidebar(3 columns)
    • Masonry blog : left sidebar(3 columns)
    • Masonry blog : no sidebar(Full width – 2 columns)
  • Single Post and Page Layouts
    • Full width (no sidebar) or left sidebar or right sidebar
  • Single Post or Page customizations
    • Change the global sidebar selected position or hide it for specific post
    • Hide Post ads for specific post
  • Powered with Bootstrap
  • Custom Css Input
  • Custom Javascript Input
  • Disqus comments
  • Translation Ready.
  • And much more!

8 Custom Widgets

  • Facebook page
  • Google plus page
  • Sound cloud track (optional auto play)
  • Recent posts
  • Most viewed posts
  • Most Liked posts
  • Posts by category
  • Social media links
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:08:09 +0300 Safirmedya
Green Forms &#45; Standalone Form Builder

✔ Preis: 80

Introducing the most powerful and fastest form builder on the market. With Green Forms you can create multi-purpose nice looking forms which perfectly match design of your website.

You can adjust almost everything: from fonts, colors, shadows, etc. to conditional behavior, math expressions and integrations with marketing, newsletter and CRM systems.

Each form can be easily embedded into any 3rd party webpage as a regular form or as a popup – all you need is just copy-paste couple JS/HTML-snippets.

Attention: The product is absolutely original, not Warez. Only one will be sold with the purchase code.

We also paid special attention to performance optimization. You can disable the assets that are not required for the current project, so the plugin doesn’t load unnecessary JS and CSS files (like others do). Moreover, it has native caching system to reduce server loads (server doesn’t need build the form each time it’s displayed). As a result, the plugin almost doesn’t affect on Google PageSpeed Insights score.

  • Compatible Browsers IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
  • Software Version PHP 7.x, PHP 5.x, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x


Try the power of Green Forms by yourself.

Admin panel:

Login: demo

Password: demo

Main Features

Marketing, newsletter and CRM systems

Payment providers

SMS gateways

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 23:40:04 +0300 Safirmedya
GrandWay &#45; Fully Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template

✔ Preis: 250

Powerful site template designed in a clean and minimalistic style. Template can be used for any type of website; business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc. GrandWay has been coded in HTML5 & CSS3 and jQuery. It contains a total of 53 HTML pages with flexible responsive layout that collected all Bootstrap 3.3.7 features.

Template features:

  Bootstrap 3.3.7
  Full Responsive
  Clean & Minimal Design
  5 Home Page Example
       Working Twitter Feed
  Revolution Slider
  Testimonial Rotator
  Showbiz Pro
  Third Level Menus
       PHP/JS Contact Form
  500+ Retina Icons
  53 HTML Page
  Lot of Shortcodes
  And much more…


Wed, 17 Feb 2021 23:33:19 +0300 Safirmedya
Stock Manager Advance with Point of Sale Module

✔ Preis: 280

Stock Manager Advance with POS (Point of Sale) module is a PHP/jQuery based web application that allows you to manage your sales and inventory on site.

Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales data from anywhere whether in the office, at home, in the warehouse, or on the go. All you need to access this a device with internet connection.

Important: It is strictly licensed product. Stock is only 1 piece and will be given with license code.

Stock Manager Advance Features

Stock Manager Advance has built-in Invoice and Inventory System. Invoice System has Tax and Discounts. These will be really helpful to apply taxes and discounts automatically and the ability to generate invoice from quotation.

Responsive Theme with 3 styles, Calender to add events and daily/month sales and tax amounts. Advance and Improved reports for Overview, Stock Value per warehouse, custom sales and purchase reports.

Now you can manage multiple warehouses with Stock Manager Advance.

Re-designed the POS Module for better Performance, User Interface and Usability.

Role: username / password
Owner: / 12345678
Admin: / 12345678
You can created users from people > add user and user groups from group permissions to test.

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 23:08:55 +0300 Safirmedya
Website for Advanced Inventory Manager

✔ Preis: 399

Shop (Sopping Cart) Module is add-on for Stock Manager Advance that bring the functionality of Stock Manager Advance to next level by allowing you to easily sell your products online from your website, accept PayPal & Skrill payments. This module would help your customer to manager their sales, quotes and payments.

Important: It is strictly licensed product. Stock is only 1 piece and will be given with license code.

The Management Panel must be purchased separately. Click to buy the administration panel.

This item comes with APIs Module. The APIs are only for getting data from stock manager advance and we will update these APIs to create/update/delete record in future.

Important Note: The product is only 1 piece. It will be provided with the license code.


Live Demo:


Wed, 17 Feb 2021 13:21:55 +0300 Safirmedya
Favorite Medical Presentation v2.2

✔ Preis: 0

Hello, Everyone!

Here is Brand New Template Favorite Medical Presentation for After Effect CS4 and above). Project designed for Your Medical & Corporate Presentation or Commercial. Clean and elegant design with medical atmosphere will give unforgettable emotions for Your client or Patient! Give Your product (Hospital or Medical organization) Unique style and atmosphere. Promote your Product with this unforgettable video template. After Effects Template also Can be used for a wide variety of marketing campaigns, especially clinical, pharmacy, chemistry or hospital promotions. Be creative and feel free to experiment with NEW FAST & EASY color system! Contact with us, if you need customization service or have some questions about this product.

24/03/20 – 70 New Animated Vector Icons (any size) Theme: Virus, Pandemia, Coronavirus. Download Updated Template Now. Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 1 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 2 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 3 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 4 20/10/19 – New Update 4K format project included for After Effects CC14-19 and above. Don’t miss out. Download new update tight now. 28 New Vector Inforgraphics compositions included

Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 5

Check Out brand new Medical template:

Favorite Slideshow v2 Future Of Medicine Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 6 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 7

  • Openere – 2:05 sec
  • Bumper – 0:07 sec
  • Lowerthird Version 1 – 0:12 sec
  • Lowerthird Version 2 – 0:12 sec
  • Background – 0:30 sec (Can be Looped)
  • Modular Structure
  • 17 Photo/videos & 11 Text placeholders
  • verything is Easy changeable (100% After Effects). Drag and drop Your content and render! Text, Silhouettes, media files (Photo or Video) and Background Color Change
  • 3 options resolution pre defined, ready to render! UHD 3840×2160, 1080p, 720p, SDDV Widescreen
  • PDF USER GUIDE shows you how to customize this template.

Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 8 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 9

Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 10 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 11 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 12 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 13 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 14 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 15 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 16 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 17 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 18 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 19 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 20 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 21 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 22 Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 23

Favorite Medical Presentation v2 - 24

Check out brand New Silhouettes:

Surgery Silhouettes Collection

You may be also interested in this project:

Future Touch v1.0 Winter Music Afterparty 2015 New Year Eve Party 2015 Future Music Fest Hard Music Event Electro Music Fest

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 01:35:22 +0300 Safirmedya
Essential &#45; Responsive Minimal WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Essential is a Responsive Minimal One Page WordPress Theme for freelancers, designers, photographers, illustrators, bloggers, digital studios or web agencies.

It’s based on Bootstrap framework and HTML5/CSS3 technologies, with a minimal design, clean and elegant, fully responsive and customizable.

Essential is the perfect solution for any type of business, particularly indicated for creative freelancers, smart companies or innovative and minimal startups.

Quick and easy setup to create a portfolio and show your works and services. The Theme is optimized for smartphone and tablets, it provides a clear documentation and no coding knowledge is required.

This Theme uses Parallax effect and content animations, so you can create an awesome website. Your projects will be amazing using this fluid and flexible layout, that is adaptive to all needs.


A stunning visual experience for minimal loving creative. This template is a responsive and retina-ready WordPress Theme with grid system layout. It is optimized for mobile touch and swipe.

  • Responsive & Retina Ready – Essential Theme looks good on desktop, tablets and smartphones. It provides the possibility to feel free on all screen sizes.
  • Performance Matters – Essential is a super fast theme.
  • Drag & Drop Page Builder – Essential Theme uses #1 WordPress Page Builder Plugin: WPBakery Page Builder. Build any layout you can imagine with intuitive drag and drop builder. No programming knowledge required.
  • Powerful Options Panel – Modify your site with few clicks in our user friendly options panel.
  • Setup Wizard – It takes only 2 minutes to have your website like our demo.
  • SEO Optimized – Best practice to help you to get higher ranking in search engines.
  • Automatic Theme Updates – Don’t waste more time with updating your theme manually.


  • Bootstrap 4
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Fully Responsive
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Awesome Structured Code
  • Extremely Customizable
  • Minimal, Clean & Elegant
  • Call to Action Option
  • Drag & Drop Page Builder (WPBakery Page Builder)
  • Demo Data Importer (One Click)
  • Content Animations (On-scroll Animations)
  • Font Awesome, Ionicons & Et-Line Icons (1000+ Icons Available)
  • High Speed Performance
  • Contact Form 7 Compatible
  • MailChimp for WordPress Compatible
  • Easy Updates (using Envato Market plugin)
  • Child Theme Ready
  • Translation Ready (WPML Compatibility)
  • Widgets Ready
  • Custom CSS
  • Menus Settings
  • Blog Page
  • Header Options
  • Footer Options
  • One Page Options
  • Parallax Options
  • Blog Options
  • Customizable Colors
  • Customizable Sidebar
  • Portfolio Custom Post Type
  • WPBakery Page Builder Shortcodes
  • Main Top Section
  • About Section
  • Team Section
  • Services Section
  • Portfolio Section
  • Newsletter Section
  • Testimonials Section
  • Clients Section
  • Contact Section
  • Social Section
  • And more…

Additional Values

  • WPBakery Page Builder
  • Advanced Custom Fields PRO
  • Free Updates
  • Online Documentation
  • Customer Support (available in English and Italian)

Click for free download.

(Zip Pass:

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 01:09:57 +0300 Safirmedya
Dogma Responsive Architecture Template

✔ Preis: 50

A “Dogma – Creative Responsive Architecture Template” is perfect if you like a clean and modern design. This template is ideal for architects, furniture designers, photographers, and those who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their work with clients. .

Main features:

- 7 different style home page : Slider , Skideshow , Static image and Video … 

- 6 different styles portfolio page 

- 7 different styles single portfolio page 

- Full screen backgrounds

- Youtube Video background

- Fully responsive

- Retina ready

- Working Ajax PHP contact form

- Font Awesome 4.4

- Ajax page transitions 

- Premium plugin Isotope (commercial organization license – save 90$ ) 

- Touch and swipe … 

- and more ... 

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 00:17:32 +0300 Safirmedya
Diza &#45; Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme

✔ Preis: 200

Diza – Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme

Do you have a private clinic? A pharmacy store? Or trade in medical devices? Do you want to develop your current business? Let’s start it with Diza now. Diza’s clean and modern style is suitable for any online store. The theme is optimized for Elementor, so building a website will be easier than ever. And especially, the theme’s impressive mobile design will make your customers unable to take their eyes off your phone.

Diza rocks a handy mobile menu which will take your shoppers to their desired product effortlessly. In total, you receive a whopping three hundred pages and get to benefit from the one-click demo content import. Enjoy the multiple contents now and have an eCommerce page up in close to no time.

From mesmerizing home and product pages to several contact sections, a nifty checkout process and even a blog system, it is all there. And no, you do not need to be an experienced coder to be able to work with Diza. You do not even need to touch a single line of code, Diza makes customizing super newbie-friendly.

Other treats of Diza are Slider Revolution, various shop and product layouts, speedy loading, search engine optimization, and multi-language and currency support. With the enormous set of features, you will find nothing missing in the Diza kit.


    • Beautiful Home Pages Design
    • WordPress 5.5+ Ready
    • WooCommerce 4.5 Ready
    • Revolution Slider 6.2 Ready
    • Compatible with Elementor
    • WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter 2.1.x Ready
    • Font Awesome Version 5 Ready
    • Font Simple Line Icons Ready
    • One Click Demo Installation
    • Catalog mode
    • Modern minimalist design
    • Optimize design for mobile

Online Documentation


24/7 Support Ticket System


Video tutorials

  • Mega main menu
  • Vertical Menu
  • Custom CSS & JS in Theme Settings
  • Products carousel, latest posts carousel
  • Grid view and list view for shop page
  • Product Quick View supported
  • Search Product AJAX supported
  • Product Wishlist supported
  • Product Compare supported
  • Instagram Element supported
  • MailChimp For WordPress supported
  • Powered by Redux framework
  • Social icon links
  • Error 404 page included
  • Flexible Theme Options
  • High Speed & Performance
  • Customized for Online Store
  • SEO Optimized
  • RTL Language Support
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Free Lifetime Updates

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 5

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 6

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 7

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 8

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 9

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 10

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 11

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 12

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 13

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 14

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 15

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 16

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 17

Diza - Pharmacy Store Elementor WooCommerce Theme - 18

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 00:06:28 +0300 Safirmedya
Modern Dental Clinic &amp;amp; Healthcare WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 1,600

It is a dynamic site application designed for Dental Hospitals and Clinics. The site also features mobile operation. Your website has been developed to work with all mobile devices. You can promote your company all over the world in the internet environment, you can give all your customers up-to-date information about your company, you can also add documents and documents. Your visitors can easily and quickly communicate with your company / company through your site.

In this system where you can manage all yourself, you can change all the contents, menus, writings, forms and images of your site as you wish.

Responsive web design; These are web designs that are sensitive to the screen resolutions of computers, tablets and mobile devices. Today, the need for responsive web design has increased with the efficient use of mobile and tablet devices.

There are over 35 million internet users in Turkey. The rate of users connecting to the Internet via mobile devices and entering your website is between 38-45%. Google ranking of a site with responsive web design is also at top levels.

Prodent – ultimate, powerful & responsive Medical WordPress theme. It matches projects in the field of hopistal, healthcare, clinic, dentist, clinique, ambulance, nursing care, medical institution. Also it works for medical equipment shop, medical hospice center, infirmary, convalescent home or even sanatoriom health and beautyindustry, like dermatology clinic, cosmetology, skin care, hair styling, nails care, plastic surgery. It will fit prosthodontist, endodontist, periodontist, pedodontist, medical man, dental practitioner, orthodontist, exodontist, medical practitioner, tooth doctor, dental surgeon, children’s dentist and other teeth professionals.

Awesome Dentist WordPress Theme features

  • Online Appointments booking & management
  • Advanced Contact Forms
  • Full Woocommerce store compatibility
  • Dozens of premade pages: services, products, doctors, team, gallery & portfolio

Dental Clinic WordPress Theme plugins

Apart from that, the theme is compatible WPBakery Page Builder that will help you deal with contents in no time. With Revolution Slider (that will help you create as many unique sliders on your website as you want); with Essential Grid (using which you can share your medical achievements in your gallery). Above all: being WooCommerce ready, the theme can be turned into a great online pharmacy/drugstore or an online store of medical equipment!

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:40:42 +0300 Safirmedya
Delphi MP3 Player Music Player Source Codes

✔ Preis: 0

With Delphi, you can listen to MP3 and Wav files. Continuous play, shuffle, repeat, volume control, balance, time (remaining / passing), progress bar with which you can adjust the position of the song, status indicator bar, search option on the database, changing the data, adding to the database, selected in the database (CD- In the ROM, you must have the correct CD) The mp3 collection that uses SQL uses the system paradox database. Coding was done with delphi 6.

Delphi comes with the 'TMediaPlayer' component to play media files such as video and audio. This component remains in Delphi for compatibility with older versions, but is quite old and difficult to maintain due to a reduced number of compatible codecs. However, Windows has an alternative component for the Microsoft Windows Media Player ActiveX component.

In this article, I'll show you how to import and use Windows Media Player using Delphi.

As far as I can remember, although not in earlier versions, as far as Delphi 5, the RAD Studio IDE had an import wizard that allows you to import ActiveX components. Keep in mind that ActiveX is known as COM, COM +, OLE, and possibly as other names over the years, and Microsoft does not seem to have settled in the name of this technology. Regardless of what it is looking for, it provides a technology for converting some technologies into components and a language-agnostic interface to these components. Many components of the Windows system can be used in ActiveX format, including Delphi's TWebBrowser component for VCL and a web browser where the Windows Media Player component is wrapped.

With Delphi, you can listen to MP3 and Wav files. Continuous play, shuffle, repeat, volume control, balance, time (remaining / passing), progress bar with which you can adjust the position of the song, status indicator bar, search option on the database, changing the data, adding to the database, selected in the database (CD- In the ROM, you must have the correct CD) The mp3 collection that uses SQL uses the system paradox database. Coding was done with delphi 6.

By using it as an example you can develop according to yourself.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:34:25 +0300 Safirmedya
Delphi Windows Calculator

✔ Preis: 0

This application is a source code file describing the use of Windows Calculator with a Delphi. Delphi Programming Language will be very useful in learning. In addition, Delphi mathematical operations to add, subtract, multiply and divide will give you an idea of how to do.


We are adding 16 buttons, 4 pieces of labels and 4 labels to our form which we have started with delphi as a starting point for calculating the logic and making a very simple calculator. We will use buttons to multiply, divide, add and subtract from these components.


The overview of our application will be as follows:


Our codes are:

unit Unit1;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Button2: TButton;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Label3: TLabel;
    Label4: TLabel;
    Edit1: TEdit;
    Edit2: TEdit;
    Edit3: TEdit;
    Edit4: TEdit;
    Button3: TButton;
    Button4: TButton;
    Button5: TButton;
    Button6: TButton;
    Button7: TButton;
    Button8: TButton;
    Button9: TButton;
    Button10: TButton;
    Button11: TButton;
    Button12: TButton;
    Button13: TButton;
    Button14: TButton;
    Button15: TButton;
    Button16: TButton;
    procedure Button15Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button7Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button8Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button9Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button10Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button11Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button12Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button13Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button14Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button16Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.Button10Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '0'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '0'

procedure TForm1.Button11Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button12Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button13Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button14Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button15Click(Sender: TObject);


procedure TForm1.Button16Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text ='+' then

  if Edit3.Text ='-' then

   if Edit3.Text ='*' then

  if Edit3.Text ='/' then


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '1'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '1'


procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '2'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '2'

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '3'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '3'

procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '4'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '4'

procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '5'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '5'

procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '6'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '6'

procedure TForm1.Button7Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '7'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '7'

procedure TForm1.Button8Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '8'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '8'

procedure TForm1.Button9Click(Sender: TObject);
  if Edit3.Text = '' then
    Edit1.Text:=Edit1.Text + '9'
      Edit2.Text:=Edit2.Text + '9'

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Form1.Text:='DELPHI CALCULATOR By: Teody';

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:30:12 +0300 Safirmedya
Source Codes of Parking Lot Tracking System with Delphi

✔ Preis: 0

A simple but functional parking lot control system with Paradox database. A nice system for managing a small car park. Check the entrances and exits for hours or days and follow them with the license plate. It is a simple but beautiful application that supports payment system and can print out parking tickets.

Parking Lot Tracking Program can be developed for you to perform car park management meticulously. With the further development of this program, which has a very simple interface and offers its users the opportunity to follow without any difficulties, we can list the advantages that it will offer its users as follows:

  • Registering parking vehicles into the system according to the license plate
  • Starting subscription transactions for the parking lot
  • In addition to the parking fee, if any, adding an interior and exterior cleaning service fee
  • Printing receipts for customers
  • Creating door authorization for personnel
  • Receive daily revenue report
  • Protect data with automatic backups


Parking Tracking Program, one of the unique programs for parking lot operators, has a very useful and simple interface. For this reason, it offers a form that can be used easily for users of all levels. In addition, the fact that such a program has a strong database is important in terms of securing transactions and hosting a lot of data.

As Safir Media, we have published the source code of this program to set an example for programmers and to use them to improve themselves, as well as to make the program more professionally usable.

You can specify your requests, suggestions and requests by writing them under the subject. In addition, your support is very important for us to share more. You can support by following us and sharing on social media.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:11:32 +0300 Safirmedya
WebBrowser Internet Explorer Source Codes with Delphi

✔ Preis: 0

This application is a source code file describing the use of WebBrowser Internet Explorer with a Delphi. Delphi Programming Language will be very useful in learning. It will also give you an idea of ​​how to navigate through your program with WebBrowser Internet Explorer in Delphi.


The TWebBrowser component (in the Delphi IDE's Internet palette) is a Microsoft ActiveX ® control that you can use in the forms of your application to browse Web sites, view Web pages and other documents, and download data that is available on the Internet.


The TWebBrowser component is useful when you don't want to interrupt your workflow by switching from your application to a Web browser or another document viewing application.


The TWebBrowser component can display any Web page that Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 or later (ie 4.0, 4.01, 5, 5.5, 6 ...) can display.




For example, the TTWebBrowser component can display pages that contain the following features:




1. Standard HTML and HTML enhancements such as floating frames and Cascading Style Template


2. Other ActiveX controls


3. Most Netscape add-ons


4. Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) or JavaScript


5. JavaTM applications


6. Multimedia content such as video and audio playback


7. Three-dimensional virtual worlds created with Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)




In addition to opening web pages, the TWebBrowser component can open any ActiveX document that contains most Microsoft Office documents. For example, if Microsoft Office is installed on a user's computer, an application that uses the TWebBrowser component can open and edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft Word documents, and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from within the control.


Similarly, if Microsoft Excel Viewer, Microsoft Word Viewer, or Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer is installed, users can view these documents in the TWebBrowser component. With the TWebBrowser component, users of your application can browse sites on the World Wide Web, as well as folders on a local hard disk and local area network.


Users can track hyperlinks by clicking or typing a URL in a text box. In addition, the TWebBrowser component maintains a history list that users can browse to view previously scanned sites, folders, and documents.




View a Web page or document in TWebBrowser




To view a Web page or document in the TWebBrowser component, we must use the Navigate method programmatically. The codes for the navigation method are:


The overview of our application will be as follows:




The URL specifies the path name of a file or the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of an Internet resource that the Web browser should display. If the URL points to an Internet protocol and a location on an intranet server, the computer running your application must be connected to the Internet or intranet, and must have permission to access that server. If the URL points to a standard file system path on a local hard drive or intranet, the TWebBrowser component opens and displays the document immediately. The TWebBrowser component can open Microsoft Office documents, text files, and HTML documents.


Flags - A set of values ​​that specify whether the resource should be added to the history list, read from the cache, and whether the resource is displayed in a new window.


TargetFrameName is zero if the name of the frame to show the source or if the source should not be displayed in a named frame.


PostData contains data sent to the server when using Navigate to generate an HTTP POST message. If PostData is zero, Navigate generates an HTTP GET message. If the URL does not specify an HTTP URL, PostData is ignored.


Headers contain headers sent to servers when the URL represents an HTTP URL. HTTP headers, the desired action of the server, data type, and so on.


Now let's conclude.


Create a new VCL Application project and save it to a folder. Then, add a TWebBroswer component to the form. Then add buttons, edits, or other necessary components to create them as follows.


Here are our codes:

unit Unit1;
  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.OleCtrls, SHDocVw, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Buttons;
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;
    Panel1: TPanel;
    Label1: TLabel;
    editURL: TEdit;
    btnLoad: TButton;
    btnnext: TSpeedButton;
    btnback: TSpeedButton;
    btnrefresh: TSpeedButton;
    btnHome: TSpeedButton;
    btnStop: TSpeedButton;
    btnQuit: TSpeedButton;
    procedure btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure editURLKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
      Shift: TShiftState);
    procedure btnbackClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnnextClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnHomeClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnrefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure btnQuitClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure WebBrowser1TitleChange(ASender: TObject; const Text: WideString);
    { Private declarations }
    procedure OpenURL;
    { Public declarations }
  Form1: TForm1;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.OpenURL;
// URL can be
// URL can be C:\testfolder
// URL can be C:\testfolder\tset1.jpg

procedure TForm1.btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.editURLKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  if Key = VK_RETURN then

procedure TForm1.btnbackClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnHomeClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnnextClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnQuitClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnrefreshClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1TitleChange(ASender: TObject;
  const Text: WideString);
  editURL.Text := Text;


Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:07:25 +0300 Safirmedya
Multi Concept HTML5 Template for Medical Yoga Fitness

✔ Preis: 100

HealthZone is a library for Medical, Nursing, Yoga, Sports, Gym & Fitness Categories with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site.

This theme is suitable for boxing, dental, fitness, gym, martial art, medical, nursing, nutrition, personal trainer, physiotherapy, psychology, spa, sports, training, yoga, aerobic, bodybuilding, classes, club, exercise, fitness, gym, health, nutrition, personal trainer, schedule, sport, timetable, training, workout etc.

HealthZone theme has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices.

This theme is built with Bootstrap 3.

Note: All images are used for preview purpose only and not included in the final purchase files.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:53:11 +0300 Safirmedya
Charm House OpenCart Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Charm House: Free Responsive OpenCart Theme

CharmHouse is an elegant free OpenCart theme designed to serve the needs of a fashion & luxurious accessories online store. It is designed in neutral, yet modern colors and features and integrated shopping cart and client’s area.

After you add to the basket and make a free purchase, you can see the download link in my files.

Quickstart Package
Upload and install all-in-one package

Installation Guide
Step by step instructions included

Responsive Framework
100% Mobile-ready Template

Stock Images Included
Graphical content included

Demo Data Included
Contact, About Us and Typography pages included

Opencart 2.X

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:49:07 +0300 Safirmedya
Cartoon Titles Pack | Premiere Pro MOGRT

✔ Preis: 50

Cartoon Titles Pack is a fun and dynamically animated Premiere Pro Motion Graphics template with hand drawn animation. They’re so easy to use and they can be quickly styled to match your own brand, using the intelligent color controller. A cool way to enhance the look and feel of your Instagram and Youtube videos, personal prand, comics, cartoons, kid’s TV shows, commercials, promotions, upcoming events and more. Transitions and sound FX included.

Project features:

  • Hand drawn titles
  • Hand drawn transitions
  • In/Out animation
  • Works with any fonts
  • Smart controller
  • Sound FX included
  • Works in every language version
  • Premiere Pro CC 2019 and above

Çizgi Film Başlıkları Paketi |  Premiere Pro MOGRT - 7 Çizgi Film Başlıkları Paketi |  Premiere Pro MOGRT - 8 Çizgi Film Başlıkları Paketi |  Premiere Pro MOGRT - 9 Çizgi Film Başlıkları Paketi |  Premiere Pro MOGRT - 10


Mon, 15 Feb 2021 22:23:54 +0300 Safirmedya
Canvas | The Multi&#45;Purpose HTML5 Template

✔ Preis: 50

Canvas is a powerful, responsive, and raw multipurpose multi-page and single-sheet HTML5 template. Do what you want with this template. Media agency, portfolio, agency, magazine, Parallax, Wedding, Christmas, restaurant, Blog or application showcase such as business, corporate, medical, travel, construction, make Canvas with everything possible.


Canvas is a powerful, responsive, and raw multipurpose multi-page and single-sheet HTML5 template. Do what you want with this template. Media agency, portfolio, agency, magazine, Parallax, Wedding, Christmas, restaurant, Blog or application showcase such as business, corporate, medical, travel, construction, make Canvas with everything possible. In the package, we've included more than 90 ready-made homepages & 800 HTML file, which is huge. Incredible flexibility, gorgeous design, super short clean codes, raw bootstrap and scalable responsive features make Canvas stunning. Be sure to try the demo.


Important: The product is not strictly W. R. z, it is licensed and will be provided to you with your license code. The stock is only 1 piece.Canvas is a Powerful, Responsive & Raw Multi-Purpose Multi-Page & One-Page HTML5 Template. Build whatever you like with this Template. Be it Business, Corporate, Medical, Travel, Construction, Real Estate, Media Agency, Portfolio, Agency, Magazine, Parallax, Wedding, Christmas, Restaurant, Blog or App Showcase, just everything is possible with Canvas. We have included 100+ ready-to-use Homepages & 800+ HTML Files with the Package, it is this huge. Amazing flexibility, Dark Scheme, Super Shortcodes, Raw Bootstrap & Scalable Responsive Features makes Canvas standout from the crowd. Try out the demo.

Version 5.3



Youtube videosu


Hız testi


Niche Demos

Mobil Nav

Ana sayfalar


Tek Sayfa Demoları

Devrim Sürgüleri



Başlık Düzenleri

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 22:04:23 +0300 Safirmedya
Awesome &#45; Angular JS form builder PHP

✔ Preis: 50

Awesome Form Builder Feature List:  

  1. Powered By Angular Js
  2. PHP Dynamic Form Builder
  3. Easy To use
  4. Multiple Data Types
  5. Cross Domain Supported
  6. Lead Reports
  7. Export To Excel
  8. Unlimited Forms
  9. Anti Spam Protected
  10. Preview Output
  11. Major Browser Supported
  12. 4 Basic Layout
  13. Ajax Supported
  14. Hassle free integration
  15. SMTP Supported
  16. Framework Independent

Data Types:-

  1. String
  2. Number
  3. Email
  4. Phone
  5. Radio
  6. Checkbox
  7. Hyperlink
  8. Comment
  9. Date
  10. List
  11. Decimal
  12. Password

Demo Link: 
User: admin 
Password: 1234

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:37:30 +0300 Safirmedya
Aura Megastore OpenCart Themes

✔ Preis: 0

Aura is modern, free, responsive OpenCart theme suitable for a fashion and lingerie online store. The web design features beautiful image slider with product categories, large product area where you can showcase your latest deals, best selling and featured products, brands images carousel, and advertisement banners. Aura free Opencart theme also comes with a client area where your customers can track their orders and payments, and sign-in for your fashion bulletin.


  • Quickstart Package

    Upload and install all-in-one packag

  • Installation Guide

    Step by step instructions include

  • Responsive Framework

    100% Mobile-ready Templat

  • Stock Images Included

    Graphical content include

  • Demo Data Included

    Contact, About Us and Typography pages included 

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:26:39 +0300 Safirmedya
ASP Unlimited Category Source Codes

✔ Preis: 0

In this hint, I want to explain how to create an unlimited list of categories in the database and how to read the category list.

One of the most difficult work of creating a store is to create a category and distinguish products with subcategories, and perhaps have a subcategory of this subcategory. Some programmers create a table for each category, which forces them to have limited categories.

After designing many applications, I learned that many people have problems with database design and created many useless things or limited usage tables and areas. Now, I would like to explain another vision vision related to database design.

Let me show you my app to do this.

In this partial class, we're creating two fields for switching for Category Names, such as two fields and Category Table, but with a difference, I used the variable CategoryList array type repeated in the partial class instead of registering the child category here.

This project includes:

  • Unlimited category and subcategory structure
  • Designing with a single table
  • Control with Ajax

You can place an order by adding the corresponding source code to your cart and then download it from the My Files link in your personal menu.

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:08:18 +0300 Safirmedya
Universal Android Ecommerce Store

✔ Preis: 350

Android Ecommerce is complete mobile app solution for android with Advanced Laravel CMS. You have variety of ready made ecommerce pages to create your mobile app. It’s best app for any type of store like Fashion, Electronics, Grocery and Restaurant. Either you are store owner or developer, it’s best app for faster mobile app development with low cost. We provide complete support and also provide customization & installation services at reasonable price.

Android Ecommerce is complete mobile app solution for android with Advanced Laravel CMS. You have variety of ready made ecommerce pages to create your mobile app. It’s best app for any type of store like Fashion, Electronics, Grocery and Restaurant. Either you are store owner or developer, it’s best app for faster mobile app development with low cost. We provide complete support and also provide customization & installation services at reasonable price.


password: admin

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 20:11:52 +0300 Safirmedya
Anariel Lite Free WordPress LifeStyle Blog

✔ Preis: 0

The Anariel Lite theme offers a clean layout for blogging and potentially for small businesses. Anariel features not only a modern and minimalist design, it is also a standout free WordPress blog theme for one reason: the focus is on YOUR content first and foremost. We decided to release it also as LITE version so you can first take it on a test drive before deciding whether it’s a good choice for you. But if you don’t need premium features and are satisfied with what this version has to offer, you can keep using it forever with no limitations. Anariel Lite is licensed under 100% GPL. So start your blogging journey with a great WordPress blog theme.

The free WordPress theme has both modern and stylistic elements, with minimalist designs throughout. The whole point of the theme is to put your content first, before anything else. Therefore, you might have multiple blog posts with featured images on the homepage, all of them receiving a significant amount of space and time on the homepage. The good news is that the Anariel Lite theme can be upgraded if you really like the theme and would like additional features. This configuration also makes it easy for people to test the waters without having to pay for the premium theme. The premium version includes several impressive features such as the Essential Grid Plugin, unlimited colors, Revolution Slider, premium support, and over 700 Google Fonts.

However, the Anariel Lite free version makes quite the case for becoming your go-to blogging platform. For instance, it has three different typography options, giving your blog more flavor and variety. It's also responsive and retina ready, so there's no worrying about whether or not users can see your content on mobile devices. I also like that the Anariel Lite theme provides multiple layouts, including a grid layout, boxed, or a default layout with sidebars. Google Fonts are provided with the free theme, along with numerous social integrations and shortcodes. It's also nice to see that the theme has support for audio and video posts. Some of the preconfigured blocks cut down on the amount of development time you spend. For example, the theme comes with an About Us block, Quote block, and an Instagram block. That's pretty much everything you need for a solid fashion, food, travel, or lifestyle blog.

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 19:09:18 +0300 Safirmedya
Warehouse Stock Control Program Delphi Source Code

✔ Preis: 5

I wanted to share with you the delphi source code of the stock program I prepared with Delphi for the companies or traders who worked with you years ago. With these source codes we prepared as Safir Media, you can have information about how to do mathematical operations in delphi and database programming and you can use the source codes. 

Paradox database is used in the program. For this reason, Paradox database connections must be made for the program to work. If you have not made a Paradox database connection in your Delphi installation, you can learn how to link the Paradox Database in Delphi.

  • Program user name and password and management input is available.  
  • A demo user mode is available for the first time presentation. The demo version for the username: warehouse password: warehouse.
  • By entering the correct User Name and Password, the menu will be activated.
  • And the program is ready to use with the features defined and determined by the authorized person of your profile.


In this section, it is aimed to keep the employees, the customers who are constantly shopping, and the companies and companies purchased from the product.

Bank accounts and address information can also be saved.

This allows registered wholesalers and firms to automatically select the company that received the product at the product entry.

Saved customers allow you to automatically select the customer who sold the product if required.

Staff: In this section you can keep your employees' contact and bank account information.

Customers: In this section you can keep your customers' contact and bank account information.

Wholesalers / Companies: In this section you can keep communication and bank account information of companies and wholesalers.

Record Search: If you want to search among the contacts you have saved, you can use the QUICK SEARCH section.

Add New Record: To add a new entry, press the NEW button, Company Name, Address, Phone, Fax Number, Website, E-mail address, Bank Name-1, Account No.-1, Bank Name-2, Account No-2 fields. cleared for new record. Enter this information.

Saving Information: Click the SAVE button to save the information you entered. Never leave the Company Name field blank when saving information. Your information will be saved.

Making Changes to the Information: Select the contact you want to change from the section under which all records are listed. The information of the person you selected will appear above. You can save the change made with the CHANGE button after you change the part you want to change the fields.

Undoing Changes: If you made an incorrect change by knowing or not knowing the open record, you can undo the changes by using the CANCEL button before saving.

Delete Recordings: Select the contact you want to delete first. You can use the DELETE button to delete the record by pressing Yes.


In this section, you can save the products you have purchased and add them to your stock, make sales and check the stock status.

You save the products you have purchased and set the sales price. You can search for the products you have saved by Stock Code and Product Name.

As you enter the product Purchase Date, Production date and Expiration date, you can query the information about the current status of your products.

Sales price will be displayed automatically at the entrance of the product sale process and you will be able to perform the sales transaction by adding VAT at this price. You can change the sales price immediately if you wish.

You will be informed about products that are out of stock after the sale.

When you sell products in stock, you will immediately see the stock stop and you are not allowed to sell more than this amount.


  • In this section, you can make money in / out from the accounts you have set in my bank accounts section.
  • The entries are kept in the accounts of the funds deposited in your accounts or sent to you by wire transfer.
  • In the Payments section, the records of the payments you made or transferred from your accounts are kept.
  • You can review the entries and payments to the accounts you have specified in My Bank Accounts.

The Banks section is the fixed entries of the Bank's names used in all kinds of registration transactions. Overall, banks in Turkey comes as registered. You can add as many banks as you want.


In this section according to stock status;

You can report products in stock in various categories. The Stock Status Report can list the two dates specified in the following categories.

Categories in Inquiry;

  • Date of Purchase: Date of purchase (registration).
  • Date of Manufacture: The date of manufacture you entered in the registration.
  • Expiration Date: Expiration date of products.
  • You can break down the date range you specified or all sales made.

Also according to stock status;

You can report products in stock in various categories. The Stock Status Report can list the two dates specified in the following categories.


This section contains information about your company that will be used in some titles and the settings for registering the person authorized to use the program.

The user name and password definitions that are asked at the first login are done here. Only authorized person is defined in the program. This user can enter the user name and password in the User Settings section and define as many users as they want. General users cannot log in / change user settings. But they can use other parts of the program.

From the user movements section you can see which user has used the program in which time intervals.


Mon, 15 Feb 2021 18:49:02 +0300 Safirmedya
Accordion FAQ WordPress Plugin

✔ Preis: 0

Accordion – Responsive accordion WordPress Plugin. It’s have 22 styles . You can use this accordion on your website easily. it has a lot of options to make in more customizeable.

Demo: Demo 

Accordion Collection Main Features


  • 27 Unique tabs Styles * More Style Coming Soon!
  • Drag & Drop Ordering
  • Pagination Options
  • Show Category Name beside the title in admin panel
  • Limit To Display number of accordion
  • Display Category wise accordion
  • Fully Customizeable
  • Typography Options
  • Unlimited Color Scheme
  • Build in support for Elementor
  • Build in support for Wpbakery Page Builder
  • Support Divi ,Avada,Be All Mejor Theme
  • Gutenberg Compatible
  • 100% Multi Language
  • Responsive Design
  • Smooth hover effect
  • Fully Customization
  • Unlimited Color Style
  • All Browser Supported
  • Clean Coding, W3c Validate
  • Step by Step Well Documented
  • 24/7 First Support

(Zip Pass:

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 18:41:40 +0300 Safirmedya
Aiteko &#45; Creative Portfolio Ajax Elementor WordPress Theme

✔ Preis: 0

Aiteko is a WordPress Theme for Creative, Agency, or Artist who want to showcase their work in professional way. Aiteko comes with Ajax + page transitions, 2 Portfolio listing style, masonry blog, autoload pagination, custom skins and many more. Build your content beautifully with Elementor visual page builder.


  • WordPress 5+
  • Elementor visual page builder
  • One click demo import
  • Fully ajax + page transitions
  • Responsive
  • Smooth mobile experience (try it!)
  • 2 Portfolio listing style. Also included as custom elements in Elementor widgets
  • Custom skin, change the color as you want!
  • Typography settings
  • 700+ Google fonts
  • Masonry blog
  • Customizer api
  • .pot file included for translation
  • Documentation
Mon, 15 Feb 2021 00:59:13 +0300 Safirmedya
Address Organizer Agenda Program and Delphi Source Code

✔ Preis: 5

Free address book, which you can keep detailed information such as phone, address, mail, site address, mobile phone, short note of the persons you want in computer environment, is a kind of organizer program. In addition, this program has a reminder feature. Birthday etc. You can also add a reminder on special days. The file contains both the exe file that you can use and the delphi source code, which you can edit. You can also print out the contact information that you saved in the program from the printer. You can also use the source files for further development or adaptation.

  • Possibility to enter unlimited records.
  • Important days to add alarm reminders.
  • Ability to print information from the printer.
  • Source codes are included.

You can edit the program as you want by making the changes you want in the program source code or you can use it to improve your knowledge by getting information about the source code. Or you can use the program's running .exe application as a calendar.

Zip Pass:

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:43:29 +0300 Safirmedya
Safir Traffic Ultimate Organic Traffic Program

✔ Preis: 0

What is Organic Hit Program? Organic traffic is the number of natural and natural visitors to the site. Does the name of the study be organic indicate that this study is really organic? Google is an advanced software that can control the organic concept in many ways. Therefore, visitors can analyze their behaviors very well, either artificially or organically. In some cases of suspicion, they may resort to unexpected moves to control the naturalness of these studies.

The organicity of site visits depends on various criteria, some of which are as follows;

  • Visit source (direct input, referrer, word search)
  • Site stay time
  • Number of pages visited
  • Visits received page diversity and so on.

What is the difference of this system from other Hit Sites? Since the majority of other hit sites are web-based, they are crawling with iframes in their site addresses (eg ""). In this case, if you give your site 500 hits google go to that traffic that site (eg: "") would be addressing 500 times so that the site appears to be entered that that organic hit. Also, if you use hit programs that work in the same way that is Iframe logic, your site may be seriously damaged.

Here is the program that solves these problems: SAFIR TRAFFIC ULTİMATE - Organic Hit Program is not only used by the site owners, but also housewives, students and those who spend most of their time on the internet. The program does not work strictly iframe logic. The users of the program earn credits if they wish to use this loan as a visitor on their website, if they wish, they can make a discount coupon and convert it into money and can use it as a discount in service / product purchase (30% of the total amount). In other words, you can use the discount coupon of 50 $ for the product of 150 $ as an example.

Flexible Management

Sapphire Traffic Ultimate Program has a professional flexible and modular structure.

Turkish Control Panel

Safir Traffic Ultimate is a new version of Safir AutoHits Program. Voluntarily provide organic views (visitors) so you come to your site at your own request.

The program uses both site owners to earn organic hits to their sites, and also earns money by using people who spend most of their time on the internet.

Just a few of the reasons why site owners prefer;

  • All visitors to your site are real users, ie organic visitors. This will significantly improve your ranking at Alexa.
  • Youtube, Dailymotion, Vidivodo, video, etc. You can increase the number of views and make money by watching your videos on all kinds of video sites.
  • You can increase your number of visitors and followers by adding your social media accounts and pages.
  • Site, social media account, you can add pages or videos.

Professional solution to manage your site hits, manage your organic traffic and backlink hits the way you want.  

The program is free and gives you 5 points as a gift on your first download  . Your sites are deducted from your credit as they are visited by other users. As you visit other people's sites, you earn credit and it is added to your credit. If you do not want to visit the site and your credit is exhausted, you can buy credit.


1. It  gives you 5 points after your first subscription to the system. After logging in, you can add your sites from My Websites section. Other members will browse your sites until your score runs out.   

To increase your score, you need to visit other members' sites. So how will this happen?


In the window that opens when you click the Traffic Change button at the top right of the member panel, click the  Add New Session button. The system creates 1 session and gives you a session number. Under this number, you have 2 options , Web Session and Software Session . You can start earning points with any of these. Web Session uses your normal browser. To use Software Session, you must have downloaded the software. It is enough to download the software 1 time.        


There are 4 different memberships in the system. Normally, each member's initial membership is FREE MEMBERSHIP . There  are three different membership packages in the " UPGRADE YOUR ACCOUNT" link in the Purchase section:  STARTER PACKAGE,  PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE,  ULTIMATE PACKAGE . The duration of these packages is 6 months. The differences are;  

FREE MEMBERSHIP : Can Add  3 Sites, Earn Points with 1 Session, Earns 60% of the Points of the Site Visited.

STARTER PACKAGE: Can Add  +5 More Sites, Earn Points with 5 Sessions, Earns 70% of the Points of the Site Visited.

PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE: Can Add  +8 Sites, Earn Points with 6 Sessions, Earns 90% of the Points of the Site Visited.

ULTIMATE PACKAGE: Can Add  +15 Sites, Earn Points with 10 Sessions, Earns 100% of the Points of the Site Visited. If you only want to increase your Web Site number or session number, those options are also available in the Buy section.


If you want to get traffic to your sites without visiting the site; You can get as many points as you want by using the BUY TRAFFIC option from the Purchase section. Your sites will receive visitors until the score you have earned is over. 


This number changes according to the setting of the Visit Duration option in the options when adding your site. When setting this option, you can automatically calculate and see how many visitors you will receive under it. Example: For 15 Seconds visit,  estimated visits like 40000 for 10000 points .  


In order to make the above mentioned purchases, you must have a balance in your wallet. Balance to install  PAYMENT PAGE 'in  TL Credit Add  Using the button you can install with a credit card. Or, you can send a payment by Money Order / EFT to the following IBAN number.



When you click the Referral link on your panel, you will see your referral reference link. With this link, you earn $ 1 for each active 20 members who are members of the system.


Yes, you can use the loan you will earn by converting it into cash. You can use this money as a discount coupon on Safir Media site for now. Over time, we are working on it so that it can also be used as a cash payment.



Click here to review our Another Service,  Google Analytics Organic Visitor service!

You can use the program safely. Safir Media reserves the right to change the terms of use of the program at any time.

Detailed Information About Safir Traffic Ultimate


Tue, 12 Mar 2019 22:12:35 +0300 Safirmedya